ピヨカンからのお知らせです。 投稿者:(有)ピヨピヨカンパニー主宰:森下和代 投稿日:2024/12/05(Thu) 10:40 No.254 |
いつも御覧頂きまして誠にありがとうございます。 ピヨピヨカンパニー主宰の森下です。
まずは、12月2日(月)AM4:15に、和歌山を出て撮影担当者を兵庫県に迎えに行く。 合流後に一路、【長野県木曽郡木曽町開田高原西野4427】へ向かって出発〜同日午後、神奈川県の被害を訴える方1名と合流。
又、以前この掲示板でもお伝えしておりましたが、決算の依頼を受けたものの、領収証が無く使途不明金状態では無理だからキチンと税理士さん等にお任せした方が良いと助言された方が、目黒氏より罵詈雑言を浴びせられたK氏さんの件に付いても、傍で見ていた経緯もお聞きしました。 尚、ピヨカンにチャチャ入れして来ていた2021年2月23日(令和3年)以降〜ピヨカンの森下が<リブ>や<目黒峰人氏>の事に付いて、調べ始めた後、矛盾点を当方の掲示板上で追及を始めた時期から数か月、目黒氏が【リブの代表を辞めたいと言い始め、なってほしいと言われたが、ピヨカンに対する態度や、又これまでの目黒氏の様々な事柄を思い返し、この理事さんが断ると、現在多分今年の11月頃に目黒氏の妻となった碧氏が名乗りを上げた事により、2021年11月1日(令和3年)に就任すると共に令和4年3月3日住所を現在地に移転。】つまり同居に至る。
================================ (今回は、以下の役所や警察の方々には大変お世話になりました。) この出張の趣旨は・・・
【特定非営利団体動物解放団体リブ】が(有)ピヨピヨカンパニーに対して行った2021年2月23日のピヨピヨフリーマーケット開催予告ポスター内における(ひよこつり)に対して行った扇動行為。 ⇒現在は都合が悪いとようやく思い至った様で、ピヨカンに対して2021年3月20日開催予定のフリマーケットの中止をさせようとした事、(ひよこつり)の文言を、(有)ピヨピヨカンパニーに電話1本メール1通も送らず何の確認もせずに、≪ひよこ釣り≫と自身で作り上げたストーリーを創作し、(ひよこを配る)と勝手な文言を団体のHP及び、フェイスブック:インスタグラム・SNS等から発信して多くの何も知らない善良な、特にヴィーガンの方々を先導し、(ピヨカン=悪である)だからフリーマーケットの中止やピヨカンの業務の妨害を呼び掛けた件では、ピヨカンは無論の事、和歌山県及び和歌山市の各・行政の窓口に対し大変な御迷惑を被らせた事実。 であるにも関わらず今ではサクッと削除し、知らんふりを決め込んでおります 自身は全く前に出る事無く、ピヨカンから連絡を取ろうとしても電話の着信拒否に始まり、リブ側のサイトに対して当社が接触を試みて書き込んでも、とっとと削除し又、閲覧出来ない様に当方をブロックする等、逃げ回る為、常識のある大人として、(有)ピヨピヨカンパニーに対して行った行為に付いて、今回、彼らの事務所に出向き謝罪を求める為に足を運びました。⇒ピヨカンの趣旨はね!
今回、関東から寄付以外の金員に付いての返還を求める方を1名連れて、ピヨカンが、リブの今迄の会計を監査する委任状を頂き、不正に隠匿されている金員があればピヨカンを代理人として返済に付いての話を詰めに行く事も、大きな目的です。 この方ですが、現在、目黒氏に着信拒否をされているのは無論の事、 レディーフォーを通じてリブが行った176万円の<イルカの本を各名目>クラウドファンディングで、約束を守れずに返還する様にと勧告を受けて、自分たちは約束の期限を1年半以上も経過していたにも係わらず、返金しますと公言してからたったの30日程度しか期限を設けず、最終的に何人に連絡を取って、いくら返金したのかの最終報告すらせず、確か3万円寄付の方迄の返金の目安は公表していたものの、20万円の寄付者である、この関東の方には何ら連絡は無く、着信拒否をしていては返金の権利すら奪われている状況です。 尚、ピヨカンでは御本人様を連れ、委任状を頂き持参した上、今般【リブの事務所】に出向いた訳です。 因みに、(有)ピヨピヨカンパニーは、以前の会社から引き継ぐ定款の中に代理回収(集金業務)の文言を残しております。
今回の長野県行きに際しましては、下記の皆様方の多大なご協力を頂きまして、誠にありがとうございました。 @・長野県の県民文化部県民共同課NPO課。 A・木曽税務署 B・木曽警察 C・木曽役場(木曽町開田支所) D・長野県猟友会⇒動物か可愛そう助けたいので、寄付をぉ〜〜〜! と言いつつ罠猟の免許を取るのだと11月16日の大阪府茨木市にある立命館大学での講演での明言あり。 全くもって意味が分かりません。
E・木曽郡議会事務局 因みに」現在の議員さんは12名だが、NO4の方がお亡くなりになったので現在は11名。
≪★定年が無く、それこそ死ぬまで議員で居られるのだそうです。≫ 議員報酬は(月額) 議長は、284,000円 副議長は、213,000円 常任委員長と、議会運営委員長は、207,000円 議員は、200,000円
【期末手当】は年間2回で、各・議員報酬X1.4X1.7 <6月と12月> 議長は、675,920円X2回 副議長は、506,940円X2回 常任委員長と、議会運営委員長は、492,660円X2回 議員は、476,000円X2回
【年収換算】 議長は、4,759,840円 副議長は、3,569,880円 常任委員長と、議会運営委員長は、3,469,320円 議員は、3,352,000円
2025年の秋に、現在居住している木曽町議員の議員選があるのですが、本人は自分がなるものだとの見込みで自身のネット上での書き込みを始めている。(選挙ドットコム等も参照あれ!) しかも地元の議員さんと接触を持って根回しを始めているとの話もあるのだとか。
自身の書き込みで、現在の自分の収入では生活保護を受ける事ができるとの書き込みあり。 立候補者割れで自分が出れば当選できると目論んでいる節が、彼の書き込む文言の端々に見受けられる。
〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 それよりもまずは、NPO法人の規定にある役員が親族が役員全体の30%を上回ってはいけないと言う条件に付いては早急に目黒氏が理事から退く必要がありますよね? でないと、4名の役員中、現在代表理事が妻の碧氏で、理事の目黒峰人氏本人を入れると、親族率が50%の割合になりますので!
ところで・・・ <特定非営利活動促進法> https://elaws.e-gov.go.jp/document?lawid=410AC1000000007
〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 (役員の親族等の排除) 第二十一条 役員のうちには、それぞれの役員について、その配偶者若しくは三親等以内の親族が一人を超えて含まれ、又は当該役員並びにその配偶者及び三親等以内の親族が役員の総数の三分の一を超えて含まれることになってはならない。
今迄も、お住いの木曽町の事を上から目線で書き込む事がよく見受けられる事から、常に私はどの立ち位置から、御世話になっている木曽町の事を見下す様な言葉使いで書き込んでいるのか! どれだけ自己評価&承認欲求が高いのかに呆れ果てているのは、今も変わらない私の想いです。
画像1枚目は、雪景色の御嶽山です。 画像の赤い屋根の方【目黒氏の隣家】にも大変お世話になりました。 ありがとうございました。 画像の表札を指さしている人物が、私・ピヨピヨカンパニー代表の森下和代でございます。
ピヨカン3号:日産クリッパー(白)ノーマルタイヤで、目黒氏の愛車? いえ!皆様方から言葉巧みに振り込んでもらった資金での購入車か? 並んで記念撮影!
因みに今回は残念ながら5回足を運びましたが、どうやら、この12月8日(日)に妻の碧:現・代表が関東の方で、何方かと対談をするらしいので、早めに出かけたのか? 資金はやはり皆様方からの❓ と思いつつ、ポストにお手紙を入れておきましたの、しっかり読んでおいて下さいませ。
それから最近では、イルカに飽きた様で【保護猫をされている方々】にすり寄って行ってらっしゃるとの情報をキャッチしております。 が、いくらケチんぼさんでも、最低限の手土産は、お手伝いをされている方々<人間>にはしないまでも、せめて最低限、猫さん達には何か持って行かなきゃダメでしょう? サイトを見ましたが、ちょっと猫を触っている写真を載せておけば後は書きたい放題ですかぁ〜? (今度は保護猫にお金の匂いを感じ食指を動かせているのかしら?)
★「食指を動かす」とは「ある物に興味を持って得ようとすること」という意味の慣用句★ ================================== と言いますか、リブの設立時の登記簿上の(目的)には、<現在に至っても>なんら生き物を助けるとの文言は一言も入ってません。 あくまでも啓発が中心ですから、まかり間違っても、今迄の様にイルカ・クジラを助けたいだのと言って、善良な方々から寄付を募る様な事の無き様に、願ってやみません。⇒水族館のイルカ1頭助ける訳でも無く、さりとて餌の差し入れをするでも無く、ただただ自分以外の人を無料で使い倒して、疲弊して離れて行くと言うのが目黒氏が代表であったときは常態化してたとリサーチ出来ております。
(目的) 目的及び事業この法人は広く一般市民を対象として動物利用から発生する動物への被害・人類への被害・地球環境問題の現状を調査研究し、情報収集分析公開を行い、現状と来るべき未来を啓蒙啓発し、また志を同じくする個人や団体を支援することによって、動物解放を達成し、もって動物と人類の発展に寄与する事を目的とする。 この法人は、上記の目的を達成するため、次に掲げる種類の特定非営利活動を行う。 (1)社会教育の推進を図る活動 (2)環境の保全を図る活動 (3)人類の擁護又は平和の推進を図る活動 (4)国際協力の活動 (5)子どもの健康育成を図る活動 (6)前各号に掲げる活動を行う団体の運営又は活動に関する連絡、助言又は援助の活動
この法人は上記の目的を達成する為、次の活動を行う。 (1)動物利用に関する、調査、研究事業 (2)動物利用に関するデータの収集分析公開を行う、データベース事業 (3)動物利用問題、動物と人間の共生社会の提案に関する、啓発事業 (4)動物解放活動及び非営利事業を行う個人・団体への、支援事業 (5)動物と人との共生社会構築のための事業 (6)その他目的を達成するために人様な事業 ==================================
<定款> https://www.npo-homepage.go.jp/npoportal/document/020001421/teikan/1/%E5%AE%9A%E6%AC%BE.pdf
============================================================== ↓↓↓ An announcement from Piyokan.
Thank you for always reading our blog.
This is Morishita, the president of Piyopiyo Company.
This month, I left at 4:15 AM on Monday, December 2nd and arrived at 12:25 AM on Thursday, the 5th, on a business trip by car to visit various related locations, mainly <4427 Kaida Kogen Nishino, Kiso-machi, Kiso-gun, Nagano Prefecture>.
First, at 4:15 AM on Monday, December 2nd, I left Wakayama to pick up the cameraman in Hyogo Prefecture.
After meeting up, I headed straight for [4427 Kaida Kogen Nishino, Kiso-machi, Kiso-gun, Nagano Prefecture] and met up with a person who was suing for damages in Kanagawa Prefecture that afternoon.
On November 27th, before leaving for Nagano, I spoke with a former director of Lib, and confirmed that he had never seen a receipt.
Also, as previously reported on this bulletin board, we heard from a bystander about the case of Mr. K, who had been asked to prepare financial statements but was advised to leave it to a tax accountant because there were no receipts and the funds were unaccounted for, but was then subjected to verbal abuse by Mr. Meguro. Furthermore, after February 23, 2021 (Reiwa 3), when Piyokan's Morishita started to make a fuss with Piyokan, and after he started to investigate and , several months after he started to pursue the inconsistencies on our message board, Meguro [started saying he wanted to step down as the representative of Liv and was asked to take the position, but thinking back on his attitude towards Piyokan and various other things that had happened to Meguro up until that point, the director refused, and Aoi, who probably became Meguro's wife around November of this year, stepped up, and he took up his position on November 1, 2021 (Reiwa 3) and moved his address to his current location on March 3, 2022.] In other words, they ended up living together. ==================================================================== (This time, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following government offices and police.) The purpose of this trip was...
An incitement directed at PiyoPiyo Company Ltd. by [NPO Animal Liberation Group Liv] against (Chick Fishing) in a poster announcing the PiyoPiyo Flea Market to be held on February 23, 2021. ⇒It seems that they have finally realized that this is inconvenient for them, and have tried to get Piyokan to cancel the flea market scheduled to be held on March 20, 2021. They created a story of their own making, calling it "chick fishing," without even calling or emailing Piyopiyo Company to confirm anything, and posted arbitrary wording such as "giving away chicks" on the organization's website, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media, leading many ignorant, good-natured people, especially vegans, to call for the cancellation of the flea market and the disruption of Piyokan's operations because (Piyokan = evil), which has caused a great deal of trouble not only for Piyokan, but also for the various administrative offices of Wakayama Prefecture and Wakayama City. Despite this, they have now deleted it quickly and are pretending not to know anything.
They have not stepped forward at all, and when we have tried to contact them through Piyokan, they have simply blocked our calls, and when we have tried to contact them and written to their website, they have simply deleted it and blocked us from viewing it, and they have run away, so as a sensible adult, I went to their office this time to ask for an apology for what they did to Piyopiyo Company Ltd. ⇒That's what Piyokan is trying to do!
This time, I brought along a person from Kanto who is seeking the return of money other than donations, and Piyokan has received a power of attorney to audit Liv's accounting up to now, and if there is any money that has been illegally concealed, our main purpose is to go and discuss the repayment as a representative of Piyokan.
This person is not only currently being blocked by Mr. Meguro, but
LiV was advised to return the 1.76 million yen crowdfunding campaign for "Dolphin Books" that LiV made through Lady Four, for which they were unable to keep their promise. Even though the deadline for their promise had passed more than a year and a half, they only set a deadline of about 30 days after they announced that they would return the money, and did not even give a final report on how many people they had contacted or how much they had returned. Although they had made public a guideline for refunds up to those who had donated 30,000 yen, they have not contacted this person in the Kanto region, who donated 200,000 yen, and by blocking their calls, they have even lost their right to a refund.
In addition, Piyokan took the person in question and brought him a power of attorney, and this is why we went to the LiV office this time.
Incidentally, Piyopiyo Company Ltd. has retained the wording on proxy collection (collection work) in the articles of incorporation inherited from the previous company.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the following people for their generous cooperation in my trip to Nagano Prefecture.
@・Nagano Prefecture Citizens and Culture Department, Citizens Cooperation Division, NPO Division.
A・Kiso Tax Office
B・Kiso Police
C・Kiso Town Hall (Kiso Town Kaida Branch Office)
D・Nagano Prefecture Hunters Association ⇒ "I feel sorry for the animals, I want to help them, so please donate!"
He said this at a lecture at Ritsumeikan University in Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture on November 16th, but he still gets a trapping license.
I don't understand what he means at all.
E・Kiso County Assembly Secretariat
By the way, there are currently 12 assembly members, but since No. 4 passed away, there are now 11.
≪★There is no retirement age, and members can remain assembly members until they die. ≫ Councillor remuneration (monthly)
Chairman: 284,000 yen
Vice-chairman: 213,000 yen
Standing committee chairperson and council management committee chairperson: 207,000 yen
Councillors: 200,000 yen
[End-of-term allowance] twice a year, each council member's remuneration x 1.4 x 1.7
Chairman: 675,920 yen x 2 times
Vice-chairman: 506,940 yen x 2 times
Standing committee chairperson and council management committee chairperson: 492,660 yen x 2 times
Councillors: 476,000 yen x 2 times
[Annual salary conversion]
Chairman: 4,759,840 yen
Vice-chairman: 3,569,880 yen
Standing committee chair and council management committee chair: 3,469,320 yen
Councillors: 3,352,000 yen
In the fall of 2025, there will be an election for the Kiso Town Council, where he currently lives, and he has started posting online in the hope that he will be the candidate. (See also Senkyo.com!)
It is said that he has also started making contact with local councilors and laying the groundwork.
In his posts, he has written that he is able to receive welfare with his current income.
There are hints in his posts that he is planning to win if he runs in a split situation.
I wonder if he wants to receive it from the national government or from the local government for the rest of his life...? ? ?
〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 First of all, in accordance with the rules of NPO corporations that state that relatives cannot make up more than 30% of the total number of directors, Mr. Meguro needs to step down as a director immediately, right?
Otherwise, of the four directors, the current representative director is his wife, Aoi, and if you include director Meguro Minehito himself, the relative ratio will be 50%!
By the way...
(Exclusion of relatives of officers)
Article 21: No officer may have more than one spouse or relative within the third degree of kinship, or the officers and their spouses and relatives within the third degree of kinship may account for more than one third of the total number of officers.
By the way, I heard that you are married to the current representative director, and since your wife earns a , she would not be eligible for welfare, right?
I have often seen you write about Kiso Town, where you live, from a condescending perspective, so I'm always wondering from what position I am writing in such condescending language about Kiso Town, which has taken care of us! I am astonished at just how high my self-esteem and desire for approval are, and that is still my feeling.
The first image shows a snowy Mt. Ontake.
The house with the red roof in the image [Mr. Meguro's neighbor] also took great care of us.
Thank you very much. The person pointing at the nameplate in the image is me, Morishita Kazuyo, the president of Piyopiyo Company.
I also thought that maybe I could capture some footage on the dashcam in Mr. Meguro's car (I wonder what the name is on it?), so I wore a mask but I was smiling broadly and showing my charm, so please take a look.
Piyokan No. 3: Nissan Clipper (white) with normal tires. Is it Mr. Meguro's car?
No! Was it purchased with the money that everyone skillfully transferred to him?
We lined up for a commemorative photo!
Unfortunately, I only went there five times this time, but it seems that my wife, Aoi (current CEO), is in the Kanto area on Sunday, December 8th and is having a talk with someone, so perhaps she went there early? The funds are still from you all, I thought, but I put a letter in the post, so please read it carefully.
I'm very mobile, so if I feel like it, I'll come again anytime, this time with snow tires, so please be at home (the office)!!
Also, recently, I've heard that he seems to have gotten tired of the dolphins and has been trying to get close to [people who are rescuing cats]. But even if you're a cheapskate, you should at least bring a gift for the cats, even if not for the people who help you (the humans), right? I looked at the website, and it seems like you can write whatever you want as long as you post a picture of you petting a cat? (Maybe now the rescued cats are enticed by the smell of money?)
★"Arousing interest" is an idiom that means "to be interested in something and try to obtain it"★ = ... (Objectives) Objectives and ActivitiesThis corporation aims to achieve animal liberation and thereby contribute to the development of animals and humanity by widely investigating and researching the current state of damage to animals and humanity caused by the use of animals, targeting the general public, collecting, analyzing and disclosing information, raising awareness of the current situation and the future, and supporting like-minded individuals and organizations. To achieve the above objectives, this corporation will carry out the following types of non-profit activities. (1) Activities to promote social education (2) Activities to conserve the environment (3) Activities to protect humanity or promote peace (4) Activities of international cooperation (5) Activities to promote the health of children (6) Activities to communicate, advise or assist with the management or activities of organizations that carry out the activities listed above To achieve the above objectives, this corporation will carry out the following activities. (1) Surveys and research projects related to animal use (2) Database project to collect, analyze and publish data on animal use (3) Awareness-raising projects related to issues of animal use and proposals for a society where animals and humans can coexist (4) Support projects for individuals and groups engaged in animal liberation activities and non-profit activities (5) Projects to build a society where animals and humans can coexist (6) Other human-friendly projects to achieve the goal = ...