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はい今年の最終月となりました。  投稿者: 投稿日:2022/12/01(Thu) 21:49 No.190   HomePage









又、通信運搬費(Wifi、電話、切手等)138,530円 とあるが、それは通常の業務で使うものであり、特段この調査に限った事でも無い。
新聞図書費(本、資料、海図) 86,677円⇒又、事ココに及んで、何の本を買えばこのような高価格になるのか?

那智勝浦の家(家賃、礼敷、仲介) 538,400円
水道 12,050円
電気 20,226円
ガス 30,920円
計  546,596円

ガソリン 215,181円(プロジェクト期間)
車保険 56,960円(〃)
修理費   49,015円 
車購入  328,000円(故障廃車となったため急遽購入)
計    649,156円
通信運搬費(Wifi、電話、切手等)  138,530円
新聞図書費(本、資料、海図)    86,677円
ここまでで計 1,702,672円






It's the last month of the year.

I found something interesting.

It seems that it was updated today, Thursday, December 1, 2022, but...

The following parts that were previously listed in the description of [Animal Liberation Group Lib] are completely missing.

Previously listed items


Articles of incorporation at the time of establishment R01/10/29

List of officers R04/03/03

Business reports, etc. (FY2021)

Business reports, etc. (FY2020)

Business reports, etc. (FY2019)


⇒So, I will check on this matter tomorrow.


Also, by clicking on the URL of the part I pointed out on this bulletin board, any posts that were inconvenient for them on the page that you were viewing will be deleted.

It is a heartbreaking effort, but this organization does this as a normal operation, so it is Piyokan's job to take a screenshot and upload it properly.

By the way, which part is it...
The following part of [Article No. 163]. ⇒Currently not displayed.

Below is the management report for March 2022.


Shall I show you the management report for August 2020 for reference?

But don't worry!

This is expected, so everyone knows that Piyokan is taking photos and publishing them. ⇒Please refer to the relevant part of the [Article No. 163] page.

I have been keeping a close eye on the new CEO, Shimizu Aoi, wondering if he will do his job properly, but it is unfortunate, but perhaps it can't be helped if you live together?
I pointed this out on the message board the other day, and it seems that, like the previous CEO, Meguro Minehito, he is no longer doing what he should be doing, but even at this point in time, the [Activity Report for October 2022] has still not been uploaded.
Despite this, the reading group will be held again on Wednesday, December 14th, but I wonder if it's okay...

(I wonder if the monthly supporters are still supporting us?)

As for whether it's okay, there's the issue of refunding the 1.76 million yen raised by the previous representative, Meguro Minehito, through crowdfunding via Ready For, but it was unsuccessful. I just saw a post that made me go, "Oh dear?" again.

I've asked this before, but I'll ask it again.
Even though a deposit has been paid, there's no mention of refunds after the deposit has been taken.
As for the gasoline cost of 215,181 yen, even though I rent a house in my hometown (Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture), there's no way it would cost that much for a round trip from Nagano Prefecture to Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture.

That's because the distance to the sea is so close.
The biggest problem is that he spent 328,000 yen on a car (which he bought in a hurry because it broke down and was scrapped), but that's not the purpose of using it from the 1.76 million yen, and surely you haven't forgotten that he publicly announced that his car was gone and asked for donations for another reason? (He posted a request for donations on March 28, 2021! ⇒ But there's no mention of how much money he raised! ⇒ And yet he spent the entire amount from the 1.76 million yen he raised through crowdfunding, so don't you think that's definitely an unintended use?)
So does that mean he double-dipped???
Also, he said that he spent 138,530 yen on communication and transportation costs (Wifi, phone calls, postage, etc.), but that's for normal business use and not specifically related to this survey.
Newspapers and books (books, documents, charts) 86,677 yen ⇒ Also, what books would have cost so much at this point?
The worst of it all is ⇒ Equipment (filming equipment, peripherals, hard drives, etc.) 226,713 yen, but many big customers (supporters) have bought me computers and cameras so far, so what else would I be rushing around buying now?
Can't you shoot videos with a smartphone?

[Income and expenditure report]
You all donated 1,760,000 yen.
The following is the breakdown of what we used.
Rent and utilities expenses
House in Nachikatsuura (rent, gift money, agency) 538,400 yen
Water 12,050 yen
Electricity 20,226 yen
Gas 30,920 yen
Total 546,596 yen
Vehicle expenses
Gasoline 215,181 yen (project period)
Car insurance 56,960 yen (including)
Repair expenses 49,015 yen
Car purchase 328,000 yen (purchased in a hurry after the car broke down and was scrapped)
Total 649,156 yen
Communication and transportation expenses (Wifi, phone, stamps, etc.) 138,530 yen
Newspaper and book expenses (books, documents, charts) 86,677 yen
Equipment (filming equipment, peripherals, HDD, etc.) 226,713 yen
Total so far: 1,702,672 yen

The rest is the dolphin book that is in default?
There are 30 days left until the date you promised to everyone, December 31, 2022.


As mentioned in article No. 168, it is a YouTube video of a fun trip around zoos and aquariums in northern Japan...
In particular, Meguro-san has visited Adventure World, which he considered problematic, 13 times and spent a considerable amount of money (admission fees), but the video is still listed as "in preparation" even after four years, so will it just be left abandoned again in the fifth year next year?
I believe they raised a total of 4,009,000 yen in two crowdfunding campaigns from 333 people (some of which were contributed by both), which is also a daunting task?
Thank you for your hard work.

This month marks the final month of the year.
I would like to ask the previous representative, Meguro Minehito, and the current representative, Shimizu Aoi, to take responsibility and do what needs to be done so that nothing is carried over to next year.

See you tomorrow!

はい、お待たせ!   - 2022/12/05(Mon) 16:10 No.191   HomePage


長野県 県民文化部 県民協働課

問題の<動物解放団体リブ>の登記場所は、バーチャルオフィスながら、一応【東京都港区浜町町二町目2番15号 浜松町ダイヤビルF】


Sorry for keeping you waiting.

I have just contacted the following person.

Nagano Prefecture, Citizens and Culture Department, Citizens Collaboration Division

692-2 Habashita, Minaminagano, Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture


The registered address of the problematic is a virtual office, but it is supposed to be [Hamamatsucho Diamond Building F, 2-15 Hamamachicho Nichome, Minato-ku, Tokyo]


Since the information was delivered to Nagano Prefecture from Tokyo at the end of November, before the update date (December 1, 2022), it is being revised one by one.

They said that they will somehow be able to post the necessary information by the end of the year.

See you next time!

それはそうと皆さま、所得税の話   - 2022/12/05(Mon) 16:38 No.192   HomePage







※ 掲載している情報は記事更新時点のものです。
【監修】マネーフォワード クラウド確定申告
確定申告ソフトならマネーフォワードの「マネーフォワード クラウド確定申告」。無料で始められてMacにも対応のクラウド型確定申告フリーソフトです。
• e-Gov法令検索:会社計算規則
• 所得税の確定申告 | 国税庁
• 国税庁ホームページ






フリーランスに確定申告は必要?フリーランスの確定申告まとめ | やり方...


• 確定申告のやり方
• 税制・控除
• 職業・ケース別
• お役立ち情報
• 青色申告







By the way, everyone, let's talk about income tax.

It's about the funds raised through crowdfunding by the animal liberation group LiB.

I understand that it roughly falls into the following four categories.

I believe some kind of reward was given in return, so which of these would apply: "purchase type," "donation type," or "investment type"?

From the National Tax Agency's website:

@・1,641,000 yen on November 26, 2018
A・2,368,000 yen on June 5, 2019
B・1,760,000 yen on July 23, 2020
C・760,694 yen on May 15, 2022 (income earned by Liv alone)

Taxes on donation-based crowdfunding and how to file tax returns
Donation-based crowdfunding is crowdfunding in which there is no or little return for investors. It is called donation-based crowdfunding because it is considered the same as a donation of funds.
The idea of ​​taxes is a little complicated. Unlike purchase-based crowdfunding, you need to consider whether the person providing the funds and the person receiving the funds are a corporation or an individual.
In the case of the funder, since they are only providing funds, they are exempt from income tax. In addition, if you provide funds to a certain corporation, you can receive a donation deduction. In that case, you will need to file a tax return.

On the other hand, for fundraisers, since they receive funds free of charge, it is considered income. Therefore, taxes are levied, but the tax levied differs depending on whether the source of the funds is an individual or a corporation.

Fundraising from individuals is considered a gift and "gift tax" is levied. Since there is a basic deduction of 1.1 million yen per year for gift tax, if the amount raised exceeds 1.1 million yen, you will need to declare and pay gift tax.

In contrast, funding from corporations is considered a lump-sum income and "income tax" is levied. Since there is a special deduction of 500,000 yen for lump-sum income, if the investment amount exceeds 500,000 yen, you will need to declare and pay tax.

Taxes on investment crowdfunding and how to file a tax return

Investment crowdfunding is still relatively rare compared to purchase and donation crowdfunding. Investment crowdfunding is classified into loan type and stock type, but currently, most of the ones conducted by individuals as investors are loan type.
In loan-type investment crowdfunding, investors lend money to a project and receive interest (dividends) in return. Since the fund provider only lends money at the time of investment, they are exempt from income tax. However, if they receive interest (dividends), they are subject to income tax as miscellaneous income and must file a tax return in principle.

In addition, since income tax on interest (dividends) has already been withheld (deducted) at the time of receipt, no tax is levied on tax returns and they may be able to receive a tax refund.

On the other hand, fundraisers are not taxed just for raising funds, but if they use the funds for business or other purposes and make a profit, income tax is levied.

However, currently, individuals rarely choose investment crowdfunding as a method of raising funds.

Donation deductions are available for donation-type crowdfunding
If an individual makes donation-type crowdfunding to a certain recipient, they can receive a donation deduction. So, let's take a look at the details of donation deductions here.

What is a donation deduction?

A donation deduction is a deduction that allows individuals to deduct a certain amount of money when they make a certain donation to the country, local governments, certified NPOs, etc. In the case of donation-based crowdfunding, donations to certain corporations such as certified NPOs are also eligible for donation deductions.

However, please note that donation deductions are not available for individuals or general corporations if the fundraiser is an individual or a general corporation.

※For certain donations to NPOs, etc. and public interest incorporated associations, etc., you may be able to receive a tax deduction instead of a donation deduction.

How to calculate the donation deduction

The donation deduction is calculated using the following formula.

Donation deduction = Amount of donations paid in that year (up to 40% of total income amount for that year) - 2,000 yen

For example, if you invest 10,000 yen in a donation-based crowdfunding project that is eligible for donation deductions, you can receive a donation deduction of 10,000 yen - 2,000 yen = 8,000 yen.

How to claim a donation deduction
To claim a donation deduction, you must file a tax return. You must also attach documents such as a receipt for the donation that you received from the organization to which you donated to your tax return.
If you are eligible for a donation deduction, documents such as the receipt for the donation will usually state that you can claim a donation deduction. If you are unsure whether you can claim a donation deduction, please contact the fundraiser.
Taxes vary depending on the type of crowdfunding! Deductions are available for donation-type crowdfunding!
Crowdfunding is divided into three types: "purchase type," "donation type," and "investment type," depending on the content, and the types of taxes and procedures required for each type are different. In addition, donation-type crowdfunding can be deducted in certain cases.
If you handle taxes incorrectly, you will not be able to correctly calculate the amount of tax you pay. Understand the taxes on crowdfunding and how to file a tax return, and do the correct process.

Learn moreTry it for free
Frequently asked questions
What is a tax return?
The procedure of calculating income and income tax and reporting it to the tax office is called a tax return. Click here for details.
What taxes are levied on crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is divided into three types: "purchase type," "donation type," and "investment type," depending on the content, and different taxes are levied for each. Click here for details.
Can crowdfunding be deducted as a donation?
If an individual makes donation-type crowdfunding to a certain recipient, they can receive a donation deduction. Click here for details.

*The information posted is current as of the time of article update.
[Supervised by] Money Forward Cloud Tax Return
We provide useful information on tax returns.
If you want tax return software, try Money Forward's "Money Forward Cloud Tax Return." It is a free cloud-based tax return software that is free to start and compatible with Mac.
If you want to deepen your knowledge of tax returns
• e-Gov Law Search: Company Calculation Rules
• Income Tax Return | National Tax Agency
• National Tax Agency website

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• How to file tax returns
• Tax system/deductions
• By occupation/case
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Donation deductions are available for donation-type crowdfunding
If an individual makes a donation-type crowdfunding campaign to a certain recipient, they can receive a donation deduction. So, let's take a look at the details of donation deductions here.

What is a donation deduction? A donation deduction is a deduction that allows individuals to receive a certain amount of deduction when they make a certain donation to the national or local government, a certified NPO, etc. Donation-based crowdfunding is also eligible for donation deductions if the donation is made to a certain corporation, such as a certified NPO.
However, please note that donations are not eligible for donation deductions if the fundraiser is an individual or a general corporation.
※For certain donations to NPOs and public interest incorporated associations, you may be able to receive a tax deduction instead of a donation deduction.
How to calculate donation deductions
The donation deduction amount is calculated using the following formula.
Donation deduction amount = donation amount paid in that year (up to 40% of total income amount for that year) - 2,000 yen
For example, if you invest 10,000 yen in donation-based crowdfunding that is eligible for donation deductions, you can receive a donation deduction of 10,000 yen - 2,000 yen = 8,000 yen.
How to receive donation deductions
In order to receive donation deductions, you must file a tax return. In addition, you must attach documents such as a receipt for the donation received from the organization to which you donated to your tax return.
Usually, if you are eligible for a donation deduction, documents such as the donation receipt will state that you are eligible for a donation deduction. If you are not sure whether you are eligible for a donation deduction, please contact the fundraiser.

Taxes vary depending on the type of crowdfunding! Deductions are applicable for donation-type crowdfunding!

Crowdfunding is divided into three types: "purchase type," "donation type," and "investment type," depending on the content, and the type of tax levied and the necessary procedures differ for each. In addition, donation-type crowdfunding can be deducted in certain cases.

If you handle taxes incorrectly, you will not be able to correctly calculate the amount of tax you pay. Understand the taxes on crowdfunding and how to file a tax return, and process them correctly.

= ... If you know of any funding they have received other than the above @ to C, please let us know at any time.


By the way, was it the Animalism Party, the political group organized by Meguro Minehito?

For some reason, this year's income and expenditure report hasn't been released yet.

Below is the list from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.


Among them, here is the latest income and expenditure report for the Animalism Party.


I'll include this as well, and see you next time!

Well then!

はい、確認しました。   - 2022/12/07(Wed) 15:35 No.193   HomePage



それはそうと、この掲示板で 【2022/07/06(Wed) 21:35 No.163】の書き込み部分でも触れておりましたが、<アニマリズム党>の、(主たる事務所の所在地)として≪東京都国分寺市高木町1−5−34≫にある、【ジャスミンカフェ】におきましては、昨年2021年3月19日【金】において、お話しの会?なるものが開催され、集まったであろう方々がある程度の飲食代金を落とされたという経緯もあったかと思いますので、双方ウィンウィンの関係を保っていたと思われます。



そうそう、この掲示板の【投稿日:2022/12/01(Thu) 21:49 No.190】で掲載しておりました以下のURLを再度ご確認下さいませ。https://www.npo-homepage.go.jp/npoportal/detail/020001421



I have confirmed it.

Finally, it seems that the income and expenditure report was prepared and declared by Meguro Minato himself.


By the way, as mentioned in the post on this bulletin board [2022/07/06 (Wed) 21:35 No. 163], at [Jasmine Cafe], which is located at 1-5-34 Takagi-cho, Kokubunji-shi, Tokyo, as the location of the Animalism Party's (main office), a talk session was held on Friday, March 19, 2021, and I think that the people who attended had a certain amount of money deducted from their food and drink bills, so it seems that both parties maintained a win-win relationship.
But! It is a well-known fact that this year, even when looking at the various Animalism pages and the information sent in by many people, I was unable to find any information about this year's event.
So yesterday evening at 5:04 PM, I called Jasmine Cafe and started by saying, "This is Morishita from Wakayama, who called Meguro-san during last year's event," and we talked about various things.
As a result, I was able to confirm that there has been no contact since that day last year and that the event is not being held this year, so how rude! I was simply astonished.
So, Mama-san said she wanted to contact him after a long time, so I asked her to tell him that Morishita in Wakayama wanted to get in touch, but did she actually...

Also, last night I spoke to the person who prepared the Reiwa 3 income and expenditure report at 7:37 PM, and we basically explained what had happened so far, starting with how Meguro couldn't contact Morishita at Piyokan because he was blocking calls on both of his mobile phones.
I also asked her to tell him to call Morishita at Piyokan if she is able to get in touch.

By the way, Piyokan also provides proxy collection services, so now is Piyokan's off-season, and we will visit Mr. Meguro's home at 427 Nishino, Kaida Kogen, Kiso-machi, Kiso-gun, Nagano Prefecture before the snow, which never accumulates in Wakayama City, gets too deep. We would like to receive proof of remittance to the animal liberation organization Liv, especially to Mr. Meguro's personal account, and a power of attorney from those who wish to receive a refund.

If that's the case, I told them that I was thinking about whether we'd be able to manage it by the time the snow melts and before Piyokan's work season begins, but I wonder if they'll actually get the message across...

Oh, by the way, please check the following URL that was posted on this bulletin board [Posted on: 2022/12/01 (Thu) 21:49 No. 190] again. https://www.npo-homepage.go.jp/npoportal/detail/020001421
I had overlooked it, but the Non-Profit Organization Animal Liberation Group, which had its main office in a virtual office, has finally changed its address to 427 Nishino, Kaida Kogen, Kiso-machi, Kiso-gun, Nagano Prefecture, where the group currently resides. What is the reason behind this?
Last time, after the representative was changed, there was a commotion over the refund of 1.76 million yen in crowdfunding funds due to the failure to write the promised book on dolphins. ⇒There are only 24 days left until the deadline that Meguro himself promised to finish writing the book.
So, what will happen this time?
I wonder if it's something to do with taxes~?
Is it something to do with the processing of the money transferred to his personal account~?
Even so...
The current state of the Animalism Party makes it seem as if no one is left.
To be continued.

ありゃりゃ〜おやや!!   - 2022/12/08(Thu) 21:23 No.194   HomePage


投稿日:2022/10/01(Sat) 18:03 No.181の部分から。

投稿日:2022/10/12(Wed) 22:05 No.185の部分から。




2019年11月   27,500円
2019年12月   43,960円

2020年 1月  219,000円
2020年 2月  130,900円
2020年 3月  316,800円

2020年 4月  186,800円

2020年 5月  246,500円
2020年 6月  357,580円⇒返金問題の176万円は6月15日〜7月23日までに集まった金額です。レディーフォー
2020年 7月  658,498円⇒内、民間からの助成金420,698円を含む。
2020年 8月  233,320円 
2020年 9月1,745,980円⇒レディーフォーに232,320円13.2%差し引かれた金額の1,527,680円が繰り入れられてます。⇒所得税をキチンと支払っているのかな?
2020年10月  182,410円
2020年11月  118,799円
2020年12月  242,525円

2021年 1月  138,300円

2021年 2月⇒公開されず。

2021年 3月⇒公開されず。


2021年3月19日【金】は目黒峰人氏が主催するアニマリズム党が、所在地として住所を貸してもらっているジャスミンカフェでのお話しの会がPM7:00〜始まる前の、PM6:00過ぎにカフェの電話から本人を呼び出してもらうにあたり<ピヨカンからの電話に対し着信拒否をしていた為>まずは、会計担当のS氏を名前を出しましたが、まだ来られていないとの事で、目黒峰人さんは来られてますか?と言う形で呼び出したら・・・ごにょごにょ口ごもる等、情けない受け答えをした内容に付きましての詳しくは、荒らし警告板の(鶏の通常の掲示板より転記の2021/04/01(木曜)Re: もりちゃんご苦労様、、、ジャック - 2021/03/22(Mon) 14:35 No.25573を参照下さいませ。

NPO法人 動物解放団体リブ / Animal Liberator
2021年3月28日 ·
【 『風と共に自由号』 逝く】

2021年 4月⇒公開されず。

2021年 5月  386,923円
2021年 6月  146,664円
2021年 7月  297,121円
2021年 8月⇒公開されず。
2021年 9月⇒公開されず。
2021年11月  223,846円⇒代表者が、目黒峰人氏から清水碧氏に変る。
2021年12月  242,352円
2022年 1月  388,417円
2022年 2月  356,358円
2022年 3月  137,734円

又、リアルタイムに新たな情報が入り次第、代理記載する方向で【動物解放団体リブにモノ申す掲示板】を2022/04/21(Thu) 14:11(木曜)に、発足するに至る。







Oh dear!

Please laugh!

Animal Liberation Group: There was a YouTube video that current representative Shimizu Aoi posted as a September activity report, but it is no longer available.

Posted on: 2022/10/01 (Sat) 18:03 from No. 181.

Monthly financial statements were published until March 2022, but since April, they have not been published at all, so when this was raised as an issue on our website, the following video was created in a hurry?


Posted on: 2022/10/12 (Wed) 22:05 from No. 185.

Speaking of animal liberation groups, they are streaming a YouTube video titled "September activity report and schedule sharing," but they still haven't finished the website to release the animals worth 760,000 yen that was raised on May 15th (how can they create it by the end of the year when the crowdfunding ended on May 15th?!), and what happened to the results of the refund process for the 1.76 million yen crowdfunding refund issue that the previous representative, Meguro Minato, messed up?
They arbitrarily set a one-month period until June 20th [Monday], but the current representative, Shimizu Aoi, is responsible for disclosing what ultimately happened, but they haven't mentioned it at all.

So it seems safe to assume that they will not be disclosing any activity reports for October or November in the future, right?

Am I the only one who thinks that the 760,694 yen donated by well-wishers on May 15, 2022 under the title of "A site for animals" is disappearing into Meguro Minato's salary?

Will a new site really be created?

In the September activity report, Aoi Shimizu made an excuse for the delay in the creation of this site.


The fact that we can't even watch YouTube is completely out of the question, isn't it?

By the way, the amount of money that the animal liberation group LIB has received from well-wishers each month since its establishment is as follows. ⇒We have not audited whether these amounts are correct, so it is a bit of a stretch to say that these are the numbers that are published on the web.

[Only the income portion that was published as a management report. 】
November 2019: 27,500 yen
December 2019: 43,960 yen
January 2020: 219,000 yen
February 2020: 130,900 yen
March 2020: 316,800 yen
April 2020: 186,800 yen
During this period, I obtained the following licenses, which I did not need, with the money I received from supporters who provided funds to help me in the future.
Date of obtaining boat license: April 21, 2020
Date of license issuance: April 17, 2020
Validity period: April 16, 2025
⇒If I had spoiled him, it would be obvious that he would later ask for a used boat, annual maintenance fees for the mooring site, insurance for the boat, and a minimum insurance premium for the people on board.

May 2020 246,500 yen
June 2020 357,580 yen ⇒ The 1.76 million yen in question is the amount collected between June 15th and July 23rd. Ready For
July 2020 658,498 yen ⇒ Including 420,698 yen in subsidies from the private sector.
August 2020 233,320 yen
September 2020 1,745,980 yen ⇒ 1,527,680 yen, the amount of 232,320 yen minus 13.2%, has been carried over to Ready For. ⇒ Are they paying their income tax properly?

October 2020: 182,410 yen
November 2020: 118,799 yen
December 2020: 242,525 yen
January 2021: 138,300 yen
= ... ⇒However, during this period, they called for donations for broken-down cars as shown below, but there is no record of how much was raised.

⇒In the end, the purchase price was paid from the 1.76 million yen.

On March 5, 2021, I posted the seven questions I had posed to the animal liberation group LIB on LIB's Facebook page, but it was quickly deleted.

(For details, please refer to the troll warning board, part 4 of the transcription from the Flea Market: Cat: Flower bulletin board.)

On Friday, March 19, 2021, the Animalism Party, organized by Meguro Minehito, is using the address of the Jasmine Cafe, and before the talk session starts at 7:00 PM, we asked them to call him from the cafe's phone after 6:00 PM . First, we mentioned the name of Mr. S, the accountant, but he said he had not arrived yet, so we asked him if he was here, Mr. Meguro Minehito? For details on the pathetic responses he gave when I called him out like that, please refer to the troll warning board (transcribed from the regular chicken bulletin board) 2021/04/01 (Thursday) Re: Thank you for your hard work, Mori-chan... Jack - 2021/03/22 (Mon) 14:35 No. 25573.

NPO Animal Liberation Organization / Animal Liberator
March 28, 2021 ·
[ "Freedom with the Wind" Gone】
It has finally broken down.
It was purchased for 439,000 yen for research around zoos and aquariums in Japan, and a supporter named it "Freedom with the Wind".
I have traveled from Hokkaido to Kyushu, sleeping in the car, to record the current state of animals.
Recently, the doors have not been closing, the radiator has cracked, the transmission has judder, and the left front tire is in danger of coming off. It was in a bad state.
I have been changing the oil frequently and repairing it, but I was told that it would cost hundreds of thousands of yen to fix everything.
Unfortunately, I have reached my limit.
Thanks to "Freedom with the Wind", I have been able to convey the current state of many animals.
It is sad and lonely to say goodbye to a car filled with so many memories.
Thank you very much.
I was looking for a car that I could sleep in while I was working, and luckily I was able to find a good one.
It will be delivered soon.
The price of the car is 298,000 yen.
This unexpected expense will put a strain on LIB's budget.
If you can support us, If you are interested, please support us.

You can support us here:
Animal Liberation Group
Meguro Minato

April 2021 ⇒ Not published.

⇒If there were any donations for cars, they would have been included in the April donations, but they are conveniently not published, are they?

⇒From the date of posting on Thursday, April 1, 2021, a [troll warning] has been posted within Piyokan regarding all the details of the nuisance behavior and its progress. The board was launched.
However, during this period when the information was not made public, they were busy contacting Piyokan, and Piyokan was trying to find out about them and contact them, but they were blocking their calls, and they were desperately deleting their posts on Facebook, so it seems that they were not mentally able to afford it. (lol)

May 2021: 386,923 yen
June 2021: 146,664 yen
July 2021: 297,121 yen
August 2021: Not made public.
September 2021: Not made public.
October 2021 ⇒ Not made public.

November 2021 223,846 yen ⇒ Representative changed from Meguro Minehito to Shimizu Aoi.

December 2021 242,352 yen

January 2022 388,417 yen

February 2022 356,358 yen

March 2022 137,734 yen

No longer made public.

A person who has supported the animal liberation group LIB from its early days contacted Piyokan directly, and looked closely at the records that Piyokan's Morishita had been diligently writing down the facts, expressing strong agreement and providing a great deal of support.
In addition, we have received a wide range of information from people who have left Lib and those who are still involved after being subjected to verbal abuse and mentally degrading comments from the representative, Mr. Meguro Minehito, and have decided to make a major change in the direction of Morishita posting on their behalf.

In addition, we have launched the [Bulletin Board to Speak Out to the Animal Lib Group] on 2022/04/21 (Thu) 14:11 (Thursday) with the aim of posting on their behalf as new information becomes available in real time.

On May 15, 2022, Lib alone earned 760,694 yen by calling on well-intentioned people under the pretext of creating a website for animals.

⇒There is still no movement.

The amount raised through Lady Four from June 15th to July 23rd, 2020: 1.76 million yen was raised through crowdfunding, but in May 2022 a refund uproar arose, and those who wanted a refund were only given about a month, until June 20th, 2022.He also stated that he would write the book about dolphins that he had promised by the end of December 2022, but there were only 23 days left.
The total amount of funding from everyone that the animal liberation group Liv has published on the web is 7,788,981 yen + undisclosed income for the six months of February, March, April, August, September, and October 2021

今年も最終日となりましたね。   - 2022/12/31(Sat) 21:29 No.195   HomePage


2019年11月 1日の設立以前に、既にレディーフォーを介して行った2つのクラウドファンディング。




2019年11月 1日に【特定非営利活動法人動物解放団体リブ】と【政治団体アニマリズム党】を発足。


(目 的)
第 3条 この法人は、広く一般市民を対象として、動物利用から発生する動物への被害・人類への被害・地球環境問題の現状を、調査研究し、情報収集分析公開を行い、現状と来たるべき未来を啓蒙啓発し、また志を同じくする個人や団体を支援することによつて、動物解放を達成し、もって動物と人類の発展に寄与することを目的とする。



〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜上記の文面は、この掲示板の【2022/05/30(Mon) 19:58 No.155】時点のものです。




2020年 6月15日〜7月23日にレディーフォーを介してのクラウドファンディングにて1,760,000円を集める。

【特定非営利活動法人動物解放団体リブを2019年1月 1日に設立後の、毎月の入金】
2019年11月   27,500円
2019年12月   43,960円

2020年 1月  219,000円
2020年 2月  130,900円
2020年 3月  316,800円

2020年 4月  186,800円

2020年 5月  246,500円
2020年 6月  357,580円⇒返金問題の176万円は6月15日〜7月23日までに集まった金額です。レディーフォー
2020年 7月  658,498円⇒内、民間からの助成金420,698円を含む。
2020年 8月  233,320円 
2020年 9月1,745,980円⇒レディーフォーに232,320円13.2%差し引かれた金額の1,527,680円が繰り入れられてます。⇒所得税をキチンと支払っているのかな?
2020年10月  182,410円
2020年11月  118,799円
2020年12月  242,525円

2021年 1月  138,300円

2021年 2月⇒公開されず。

2021年 3月⇒公開されず。
3月19日PM6:11ジャスミンカフェにおいて、目黒峰人氏を呼び出しと言う形で何とか捕まえたが・・・詳しくは【荒し警告板】のジャック - 2021/03/22(Mon) 14:35 No.25573の部分を参照の事。

2021年 4月⇒公開されず。

2021年 5月  386,923円
2021年 6月  146,664円
2021年 7月  297,121円
2021年 8月⇒公開されず。
2021年 9月⇒公開されず。
2021年11月  223,846円⇒代表者が、目黒峰人氏から清水碧氏に変る。
2021年12月  242,352円
2022年 1月  388,417円

2022年 2月  356,358円

2022年 3月  137,734円


2022年 4月  非公開

2022年 5月  非公開

2022年 6月  非公開
2022年 7月  非公開

2022年 8月  非公開2017年に準・ファンドレーザーの資格を取得し、その際に親しくしていた箱山由美子弁護士に10億円集めるどーって豪語していたにも拘らず、その【日本ファンドレイジング協会】を退会。⇒5年満期で通常に退会したものか、レディーフォーでやらかした返金問題を重視された事により更新を認められなかったのかは今となっては藪の中です。

2022年 9月  非公開
2022年10月  非公開
2022年11月  非公開
2022年12月  非公開12月5日に東京都のバーチャルオフィスから現在の居住地に登記変更。⇒おやおや〜これは今後自宅の家賃を事務所費として経費計上する気満々と見ますが果たして・・・(笑)














This year is also the last one.

Now, about [NPO Animal Liberation Organization Lib], the money issue that we have been raising through crowdfunding since before we established the corporation, and what we have been doing since we joined Piyokan on February 23, 2021 last year.

Before the establishment on November 1, 2019, we had already conducted two crowdfunding campaigns through Readyfor.

Achieved on January 26, 2018, 1,641,000 yen from 158 supporters.
Achieved on November 1, 2018, 2,368,000 yen from 175 supporters.
Total 4,009,000 yen

When we were touring northern Japan, we were still properly posting photos and YouTube videos.

But what about this?

In the Southern Japan edition, the YouTube videos are listed as "in preparation" and have been completely neglected up to now.

For some reason, even Shirahama Adventure World in Wakayama, a facility that was listed as having been there 13 times because of the many problems, has been left abandoned.

As long as it says "in preparation", I assume that the footage has been taken, but why has all work been abandoned since November 1, 2018...? ? ?

The neglect is heading into its fifth year.
For details, please refer to article No. 168.

On November 1, 2019, [NPO Animal Liberation Organization Lib] and [Political Organization Animalism Party] were launched.

It is clearly written in the articles of incorporation of Animal Lib.

Article 3: This corporation aims to achieve animal liberation and contribute to the development of animals and humans by conducting research and collecting, analyzing and publishing information on the current state of damage to animals and humans caused by the use of animals, and global environmental issues, aimed at the general public, educating and enlightening about the current situation and the future, and supporting like-minded individuals and groups.

Of course, this has not changed since the current representative, Aoi Shimizu, took over.

This is what is stated, but please see the text below.

The goal of an individual is "veganism/vegan"
The goal of society is "animalism/animalist"
The goal of animals under human control is "zero reproduction"
The goal of wild animals is "zero killing"
The purpose is completely different, isn't it?
From this text, it seems that the ultimate goal of this organization is to turn people who currently eat normal foods into vegans?
And for all living things, it seems that they are aiming for the extinction of almost all species.
〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜The above text is from this bulletin board as of [2022/05/30 (Mon) 19:58 No. 155].
As of today, December 31, 2022, it has been rewritten as follows.

Animal liberation practice can be broadly divided into two: "approach to humans" and "approach to animals."
The human approach can be further divided into two: "approach to individuals" and "approach to society."
The animal approach can be further divided into two: "animals under human control" and "wild animals."

The goal of individuals is "veganism/vegan."
The goal of society is "animalism/animalist."
The goal of animals under human control is "zero reproduction."
The goal of wild animals is "zero killing."

When these four goals are achieved, animal liberation will be achieved.
They're moving the goalposts all the time.
In any case, the original purpose of the organization is completely different.

From June 15th to July 23rd, 2020, we raised 1,760,000 yen through crowdfunding via Ready For.

= ... Date of obtaining boat license ⇒ April 21, 2020
Date of issuance of license ⇒ April 17, 2020
Validity period ⇒ April 16, 2025
⇒If we spoil him, it is obvious that he will later ask for a used boat, annual maintenance fees for the mooring place, insurance for the boat, and minimum insurance premiums for passengers.

May 2020 246,500 yen
June 2020 357,580 yen ⇒ The 1.76 million yen in the refund issue is the amount collected from June 15 to July 23. Ready for
July 2020 658,498 yen ⇒ Including 420,698 yen in private subsidies.
August 2020: 233,320 yen
September 2020: 1,745,980 yen ⇒ 1,527,680 yen, which is the amount of 232,320 yen minus 13.2%, has been carried over to Ready For. ⇒ I wonder if he is paying his income tax properly?
October 2020: 182,410 yen
November 2020: 118,799 yen
December 2020: 242,525 yen
January 2021: 138,300 yen
= ... ⇒On February 23rd, without any confirmation from Piyokan, he spread the video on Instagram, Facebook, SNS, etc. based on his own assumptions, calling it chick fishing, and caused trouble to three Wakayama government agencies.

March 2021 ⇒ Not published.
⇒However, during this period, he called for donations for a broken-down car, but there is no record of how much was raised.
⇒In the end, the purchase price was paid from the 1.76 million yen raised through crowdfunding.
On March 19th at 6:11 PM, he managed to catch Meguro Minato at Jasmine Cafe by calling him, but...For details, please refer to the section on Jack - 2021/03/22 (Mon) 14:35 No. 25573 on the [Troll Warning Board].
From this time on, he began to block calls from Piyokan.

April 2021 ⇒ Not published.
⇒If there were any donations for cars, they would have been included in the April donation, but they are conveniently not made public, are they?
⇒From the posting date of 2021/04/01 (Thursday), a [troll warning board] will be launched within Piyokan to record all the details and progress of the nuisance behavior.
However, during this period when it was not made public, they were busy calling Piyokan, and even when Piyokan tried to contact them by investigating them, they would block their calls, and even when they posted on their own Facebook, they would desperately delete them, so it seems that they were not mentally able to afford it. (LOL)

May 2021: 386,923 yen
June 2021: 146,664 yen
July 2021: 297,121 yen
August 2021: Not disclosed.
September 2021: Not disclosed.
October 2021: Not disclosed.
November 2021: 223,846 yen: Representative changes from Meguro Minehito to Shimizu Aoi.
December 2021: 242,352 yen
January 2022: 388,417 yen
February 2022: 356,358 yen
On February 23rd at exactly 8:00 AM, I called Meguro Minehito's 09083318923 (used for merchandise sales) from a Piyokan-only mobile number, and after a long call, Meguro answered in a sleepy voice, saying "Hello." I said, "Good morning. This is Morishita from Piyo Piyo Company." He immediately hung up, and I immediately redialed again, but the call was cut off after a certain period of time, so when I tried to call again, the number had already been blocked.

⇒For more information, please refer to the article on the [Troll Warning Board], "One year since Meguro Minehito disrupted Piyokan's business. 2022/02/23 (Wednesday)."

March 2022 137,734 yen

↓↓↓After this, in August, I announced my future plans on YouTube, but in September, I made the excuse that I would make announcements once a year from now on, but since even the images are now unavailable, I have decided that I will not make any announcements in the future.

However, since we are not a normal company or organization, we must be transparent about our accounting details.

April 2022 Confidential

May 2022 Confidential
[On May 15, 2022, I made an appeal to well-intentioned people under the pretext of creating a website for animals, and earned income from Lib alone. 】

June 2022: Confidential
July 2022: Confidential

August 2022: ConfidentialIn 2017, he obtained the qualification of a quasi-fundraiser, and at that time, he boasted to his close friend, lawyer Yumiko Hakoyama, that he would raise 1 billion yen, but he withdrew from the Japan Fundraising Association. ⇒It is unclear now whether he withdrew normally at the end of the five-year term, or whether he was not allowed to renew due to the emphasis placed on the refund issue he made with Ready For.

However, it is true that the two associations had common officers, so it goes without saying.

September 2022: Confidential
October 2022: Confidential
November 2022: Confidential
December 2022: ConfidentialOn December 5th, he changed his registration from a virtual office in Tokyo to his current place of residence. ⇒Oh dear, this seems to suggest that they are planning to record the rent for their home as an office expense in the future, but will this really happen...? (lol)

In December, I contacted Jasmine Cafe in Tokyo and was told that this year, like last year's March 19, 2021, the talk session will not be held and no communication has been received since then, so I asked them to call Morishita in Wakayama.

⇒However, since the virtual office will also be canceled, Jasmine Cafe, which is the address rented as the location of the Animalism Party, may also change the location.

However, the previous accountant said that the purpose of paying the rent to Jasmine is almost offset by the donation from Jasmine, so should I leave it as it is?

Indeed, the accounting contents show that the amount of 30,000 yen has not changed.

I also called several people who belonged to the animal liberation group Lib and the Animalism Party and were involved in accounting, and told them everything from the first incident between Meguro Minehito and Piyokan's Morishita to the current situation, and asked them to contact Piyokan and officially apologize, or to tell them not to just block their calls and run away, but to at least call them since they are old enough to do so. But did they...?

I asked the people in charge of accounting, and to my surprise, they said they had never seen a single receipt or invoice.

Also, as I wrote on this bulletin board before, there was a woman who was asked to do Lib's accounting, but when she said she couldn't do it because there was a lot of unaccounted money, she was verbally abused. Did you know about this? When I asked, they said, yes, of course they did. (laughs)

August 2022: Confidential Despite obtaining a quasi-fundraiser qualification in 2017 and boasting to his close friend, lawyer Yumiko Hakoyama, that he would raise 1 billion yen, he withdrew from the Japan Fundraising Association. ⇒It is unclear whether he withdrew normally at the end of the five-year term or was not allowed to renew due to the emphasis placed on the refund issue he had with Ready For.

However, it is true that the two associations had common officers, so this goes without saying.

September 2022: Confidential
October 2022: Confidential
November 2022: Confidential
December 2022: Confidential
On December 5th, he changed his registration from a virtual office in Tokyo to his current place of residence. ⇒Oh dear, this seems to suggest that they are planning to record the rent for their home as an office expense in the future, but will this really happen...? (lol)

In December, I contacted Jasmine Cafe in Tokyo and was told that this year, like last year's March 19, 2021, the talk session will not be held and no communication has been received since then, so I asked them to call Morishita in Wakayama.

⇒However, since the virtual office will also be canceled, Jasmine Cafe, which is the address rented as the location of the Animalism Party, may also change the location.

However, the previous accountant said that the purpose of paying the rent to Jasmine is almost offset by the donation from Jasmine, so should I leave it as it is?

Indeed, the accounting contents show that the amount of 30,000 yen has not changed.

I also called several people who belonged to the animal liberation group Lib and the Animalism Party and were involved in accounting, and told them everything from the first incident between Meguro Minehito and Morishita of Piyokan to the current situation, and asked them to contact Piyokan and officially apologize, or to tell them not to just block their calls and run away, but to at least call them because they are old enough to do so. But did they...?

I asked the people in charge of accounting, and to my surprise they said they had never seen a single receipt or invoice.

Also, as I wrote on this bulletin board before, I heard that a woman was asked to do the accounting for Lib, but when she said she couldn't do it because there was a lot of unaccounted money, she was verbally abused. Did you know about this? I asked, and they said yes, of course they did. (lol)

The total amount of funding from everyone that Animal Lib has published on the web is 4,009,000 yen before the organization was established + 7,788,981 yen + undisclosed income for February, March, April, August, September, October 2021 & 15 months from April to December 2022
= ... But what on earth did they do with these???
As I have said many times, in Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture, when a wobbly golden retriever passes by Meguro Minehito, he just glances at him and passes by as if nothing had happened, and as recently posted on this website by [Cat Mama], it goes without saying that they do not respond to any inquiries about cat adoptions.

To date, they have never rescued any living creatures.

In addition, the current representative, Shimizu Aoi, is, like the previous representative Meguro Minehito, the one thing he puts forward as the most important thing is being vegan.

In addition, the [NPO Animal Liberation Organization] founded by Meguro Minehito had an exceptionally high interest income of 75 yen in the financial statements for the previous period, so I asked people related to Lib in various places for information, and yes! I found it.
From the property inventory for the fiscal year 2021. ⇒Of course, there are three accounts that are not in his personal name.
Cash on hand ⇒ 196,734 yen
@ Japan Post Bank [Annual interest rate 0.001%] ⇒ End of term balance 525,622 yen
A Rakuten Regular Savings Account [Annual interest rate 0.02%] ⇒ End of term balance 171,289 yen
B Rakuten Bank Corporate Business Account Deposit [Annual interest rate 0.001%] ⇒ End of term balance 384,584 yen

In addition to these, he has the following accounts!
[Rakuten Bank: Harp Branch: Regular Account: 3019482: Name: Meguromineto] ⇒ This seems to be his personal account, but the account is still active as of today.
Considering this, it is possible that he used this account to manage the 4,009,000 yen he received through crowdfunding before founding [NPO Animal Liberation Organization], as well as funds from individuals.

By the way, it seems that some people have transferred large amounts of money to this account.
We have also received information that nearly 500,000 yen has been remitted from overseas.

Now, as my location will be in Nagano Prefecture in December this year, I need to make sure to submit all the necessary documents to the Kiso Tax Office.

As it's the local tax office, they're quick on their feet and will explain anything you don't understand in detail if you ask.

Good luck!

See you next year!

さぁ〜11月になりました。  投稿者: 投稿日:2022/11/01(Tue) 22:47 No.186   HomePage































It's November now.

In October, I was busy with various things and didn't have time to send an email to the Japan Fundraising Association to ask about the reply to the email I sent on August 22nd.

But everyone!
I have some good news to share today.
The person who provided information about article No. 181, which I posted on October 1st, received an ambiguous reply from the Japan Fundraising Association...
In fact, I received a new message today, from the person who provided information last time, who said that today they noticed a Gmail from the Japan Fundraising Association that had arrived on October 18th.

As for the content, that's right.
They finally received a message that the problematic Mr. Meguro Minehito, who was a member and qualified as a quasi-fundraising member of the Japan Fundraising Association, had left the association and his quasi-fundraising qualification had expired.
↓↓↓ Indeed, Mr. Meguro Minehito's name in Nagano Prefecture has completely disappeared.

However, I have not yet received a reply from the Japan Fundraising Association, so I will continue to contact them and ask them on what date and month they left (withdrew) their membership.
Of course, I will also check whether they quit on their own or were expelled.

Personally, I think they had to quit voluntarily because they could not afford the renewal fees for the next five years, but I wonder...?
~ ... The qualification is valid for 5 years from the date of new qualification acquisition or renewal.

You can renew your qualification if you meet the following conditions.

- You have membership as an individual member and have no outstanding annual fees.

- You have 20 or more points for valid elective training at the time of applying for qualification renewal.

In addition, a renewal fee of 5,000 yen + tax will be charged.

How much does it cost in the end?

We have introduced the costs of attending training, exam fees, annual membership fees, etc.

How much will it cost in the end?

Until you acquire a new qualification

Membership fee: 1,000 yen per month

Exam fee: 8,000 yen + tax

Compulsory training fee: 10,000 yen + tax

9 points of elective training: Approximately 9,000 yen + tax

Assuming it takes about 3 months to take the exam, it will cost approximately 30,000 yen + tax.

To continue for more than 5 years (renew your qualification)

Next, let's consider renewal and the costs if you continue for, say, 6 years.

Membership fee: 1,000 yen per month x 72 months = 72,000 yen

20 points for elective training: Approximately 20,000 yen + tax

Renewal fee: 5,000 yen + tax

Approximately 97,000 yen + tax is required. Simply put, the maintenance fee is about 16,200 yen per year.

So, this month and the future, there are four points to pay attention to. + Extra
@・A flurry of inquiries to the Japan Fundraising Association.
A・I'm still not sure what's going on, but the status of the refund procedure for the 1.76 million yen crowdfunded by Lady for Four for the failure to write a book about dolphins has not been made public.
B・What's going on with the 760,000 yen raised as a site to free animals.
C・With the end of the year fast approaching, will Meguro Minato be able to finish his book on dolphins?

Extra: Will the YouTube videos of each facility, which he visited and enjoyed so much, be left untouched for four years, and enter their fifth year?

[Warning to all]
In the future, if we ask for any donations as [Animal Liberation Organization], we must verify whether the goal we set was achieved or not.

The former representative, Meguro Minato, has disappeared from the public eye of Lib recently and is quiet, but he founded the Animalism Party on November 1, 2019, and it seems that he is posting here and there, but we have been informed that he is posting without disclosing his name.

Why does he continue to post without disclosing his name?

I wonder, am I the only one who feels that it reminds me of the complicated ``whatever association'' feeling of today?

So, I would especially recommend that people under the name of [Animalism Party] pay close attention to any posts asking for donations for some reason.

People who use your precious money to spew out beautiful words that make no sense and are like spiritualism that have no practical effect are not worth helping with even a penny.

First, think carefully and if you have as much surplus funds as possible, I think everything will be fine if you focus on improving yourself or use it as a kind of reward for yourself.

Also, just a word of advice...
These days, the Mi-dori (bird) Me-guro (not a Japanese white-eye but a Japanese white-eye) do not sing in cute voices, but rather brazenly sing "donation" kif-fu~♪ kif-fu~♪ kif-fu~♪, so please be very careful! (LOL!)

See you next time.

はい、先ほど送信完了です。   - 2022/11/03(Thu) 16:04 No.187   HomePage




I just sent it.

As of now, I have not received any reply to the email I sent to the Japan Fundraising Association on August 22nd for 73 days.

So I sent the automated email from the Japan Fundraising Association that I received after sending my previous question again, with the same content as it was.

⇒In that case, the automated email said that I would receive a reply within 3 days, and if I don't get a reply, I should contact them directly by phone, and the number was also written.

So, in terms of the number of working days, it is Tuesday, November 8th, but if Saturdays and Sundays are not taken into account, will I receive a reply by Sunday, November 6th?

I wonder what kind of reply I will get!

お返事を頂きました。   - 2022/11/07(Mon) 21:56 No.188   HomePage

11月3日【木:祝日】に連絡メールを送信していたところ2022/11/04 (金) 18:22に事務局からお返事を頂きました。








We received a reply.

After sending a contact email on Thursday, November 3rd (a national holiday), we received a reply from the secretariat on Friday, November 4th, 2022 at 18:22.
The reply was that the person had already left the group, so we were not told the reason for their withdrawal.
⇒Well, that's only natural, right?

There are three possible scenarios, I think.

@- The person was expelled because they had been consulted by the Ethics Committee.

A- They did not tell us whether the membership fee was paid in advance for five years, annually, or monthly, but they were expelled because they were unable to pay the fees required for obtaining a quasi-fund laser license.

B- The quasi-fund laser license is renewed every five years, and the person did not renew it themselves when the deadline came on August 31st, 2022.


But, as I explained on the [Troll Warning Board] on Friday, April 8, 2022, when Meguro Minato obtained his quasi-fundraiser qualification, he declared that he would raise 1 billion yen. This was heard by Yumiko Hakoyama, a lawyer who was close to Meguro at the time, and the story was passed around to the people who heard it from Hakoyama and reached me. Considering this, it is hard to imagine that he would have quit of his own accord.

So, I think it is either that he was consulted by the ethics committee, or that he thought he would not be able to pay the membership fees in the future.

Anyway, although it may be a small thing, the fact that the title of "quasi-fundraiser" has disappeared means that I hope that the "Animal Liberation Organization and Animalism Party" will not change in the future and that good and innocent people will not be drawn into a situation where they will try to collect money with ineffective slogans such as "animals are suffering, etc."

はい、ご連絡も頂きましたが・・...   - 2022/11/21(Mon) 19:55 No.189   HomePage

あぁ〜そういえば、開催場所の【Kujaku Okinawa10月店舗閉店】という事もあったらしいし、報告事が満載のハズですなんですけれどね?





I was contacted.
First of all, what I find problematic is that the October activity report has still not been published at this point.
I wonder why?
There was a Lib-led event in Okinawa on Saturday, October 8th!
Oh, come to think of it, the venue, Kujaku Okinawa, is closing its stores in October, so there should have been a lot of things to report, right?

And this time, I was contacted to say that it's been a long time since the e-mail newsletter started by Meguro Minehito has been sent.
Is this because Meguro Minehito is simply lazy, has he already stopped sending it, or is he only sending it to people he judges to be inconvenient?
Either way, is this just his usual short-lived work situation, or is it just his specialty?

Speaking of endings, this year the Japan Fundraising Association also resigned as a member for whatever reason, and its quasi-fundraising qualifications expired. Speaking of which, the boat license is due for renewal in a few years, but of course it is a license that has no use to begin with, so I wonder if they will let it expire without renewing it?
⇒After publishing this article, I received more information, so I will add it. Written on December 4, 2022
Date of boat license acquisition ⇒ April 21, 2020
Date of license issuance ⇒ April 17, 2020
Validity period ⇒ April 16, 2025

Aside from that...
Lady Four mediated the 1.76 million yen refund commotion that occurred when Meguro Minato broke his promise.

Have you finished writing the book about the promised dolphin??
Those who should have received the refund were given only 30 days to do so, with the deadline being Monday, June 20th.
In contrast, the deadline set by Meguro Minehito himself, who is very lenient with himself, to finish writing it by December 31, 2022, is fast approaching!
Are you okay?

さて、10月に入りました。  投稿者: 投稿日:2022/10/01(Sat) 18:03 No.181   HomePage


2022/08/22 (月) 11:44















Well, it's October now.

We received the automated email below stating that the email we sent to the Japan Fundraising Association on Monday, August 22nd was accepted.

However, 40 days have passed since then, and we have not received any reply.

To be more precise, Meguro Minehito's name is still listed as a member of the Associate Fundraising Association (Nagano Prefecture).

= ... -----------------------------------------------------
Morishita Kazuyo

■Company name
PiyoPiyo Company Ltd.

■Department name


■Telephone number

■Email address

■Inquiry details
Nice to meet you. My name is Morishita Kazuyo and I live at 41-20 Nishikashicho, Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture. 090-1914-8520
090-9116-3078 (flea market dedicated phone number)

I have heard that Meguro Mineto (also called Meguro Mineto or Meguro Mineto), a quasi-fund laser registered with your company, will have been registered for five years on August 31st of this year and it is time for another five-year certification.
Regarding Mr. Meguro, he was instructed by Ladyfor to refund 1.76 million yen due to failure to fulfill the crowdfunding return, but there is currently no indication of progress on whether this has been done or not.

Speaking of Mr. Meguro, he changed the representative of the animal liberation group LIB from November 1, 2019 to November 1, 2021, and on the same day, he founded the Animalism Party, but in reality, he has raised a lot of funds through crowdfunding for various reasons, but has left most of it half-finished. ⇒For more information, please refer to our website.

He has been extremely sloppy, making abusive remarks to people who have been providing support from the beginning, not being registered as a member even though he sent money to them every month as a member, and sending large amounts of money to his personal account, which were not included in the monthly settlement.

He had been publishing monthly financial statements until March 2022, but since April he has not published any at all, so when this was raised on our website, it seems that he quickly created the following video.

Because of these things, many volunteers have left him and are now anti-him.
In response to requests from such people, we have set up the following bulletin board on our website.

Also, prior to that, on February 23, 2021, Mr. Meguro unjustly slandered us, saying that he had become a vegan in 2015, and many vegans were involved in sending us and our related organizations a flood of critical emails. However, by regularly contacting all of these people about the progress of our relationship with Mr. Meguro, many people who had never met Mr. Meguro but were led astray by what he sent out have now come to ignore him (funds are no longer being raised).

Speaking of Mr. Meguro, he has refused to be contacted by us and is refusing to receive calls from us. For more information, please refer to http://www.piyokan.com/cgi/trolls/joyfulyy.cgi.
Also, on May 15th, we raised 760,000 yen under the pretext of building a new website, but due to his low monthly income, we have recently received information that he has recently joined in a discussion with another organization about purchasing a whale shark for Suma Aquarium, so we have also made a preemptive attack on this matter on our website.
I think he is only making a living through crowdfunding.
Of course, even if Japan Fundraising does not certify his quasi-fundraiser qualifications, it is obvious that he will simply collect money from new customers who he does not know anything about.
By stripping him of the seal of approval as a member from Japan Fundraising, we believe that this will help reduce the number of victims who will be created by these people in the future. I am very sorry to bother you at a busy time, but I would appreciate it if you could take these things into consideration when deciding whether or not to certify him as a member for the next five years.

You can contact us 24 hours a day, so we appreciate your cooperation.

Actually, there was information that Meguro-san was on the agenda of the ethics committee, so we were keeping a close eye on developments.

Other people outside of Piyokan were also pursuing Meguro-san's case, and although Piyokan had not received any communication, it seems that they had merely issued a warning.

As an organization, expelling someone would reduce the annual membership fee, so perhaps this was a too lenient decision?

Furthermore, there was no response as to whether the member had been renewed or expelled, and when he asked why his name was on the member list, he was outraged by the incomprehensible response that there was a certain amount of time before expulsion.

In light of the content of the punishment, most people think that this is just the kind of organization it is.

However, Piyokan has not yet received a response, so this month, let's go hard! I will make an inquiry.

今月は特に忙しくなりそうな悪寒...   - 2022/10/01(Sat) 19:42 No.182   HomePage






Sayaka Itagakiさんは京都水族館にいます。
1日 · 京都市 ·
支配する者 支配される者
動物たちは常に なす術もなく従うしかありません。
支配は 私たちの身近な日常においても
分かりやすく手軽なのは ”ことば“ によるもの。
ことば が武器となり あらゆる支配、誘導、洗脳が行われます。
動物たちは、その ことばすら持ちません。
【支配する者 支配される者
支配は 私たちの身近な日常においても常に存在します。
分かりやすく手軽なのは ”ことば“ によるもの。
ことば が武器となり あらゆる支配、誘導、洗脳が行われます。





This year is going to be particularly busy.

In fact, I received some good information from Sayaka Itagaki, a former director of the animal liberation group Liv.

Regarding the Piyokan flea market poster incident that was spread by Meguro Minehito, the representative of the animal liberation group Liv, on February 23, 2021 last year, Sayaka Itagaki also went to Wakayama Castle Park with him, and it was Mr. Itagaki who closely watched the scene where the poster was spread from his computer, starting with the shooting of the poster, without making a single phone call or email to Piyokan.

When Piyokan caught up with Meguro Minehito at Jasmine Cafe on March 19, 2021 by calling him by phone, he made the excuse that he was not responsible for the poster and that someone had reported him, but that's not true, right?

When I pressed him, saying, "You took the photo and spread it yourself, didn't you?", he became silent, which still makes me laugh when I remember it.

But in the end, it's all about money.

They say that people who are not good with money will not be taken seriously, and that when the money runs out, the relationship ends...

In fact, one of the reasons Sayaka Itagaki left the animal liberation group LIB is that, despite working hard as a director to raise funds and cooperating to the best of her ability, she did not receive anything in return.

That's true!

It's no wonder, since Meguro Mineo is the only one who receives compensation.

Currently, Itagaki has approached Kou Animal Support and is coming forward as if to protect them.

It's been that way since they started raising money through crowdfunding, so it's easy to understand, isn't it?

By the way, Itagaki posted the following on Facebook.


Sayaka Itagaki is at Kyoto Aquarium.

1 day · Kyoto City ·
The one who controls the animals, the one who is controlled

Animal shows are performed by controlling the animals.
Animals have no choice but to obey.
Control is always present in our everyday lives.
Words are the easiest and most convenient way to do this.
Words are used as weapons to control, induce, and brainwash people in all kinds of ways.
In the everyday life of human society, whether or not we can avoid this depends on each individual's ability.
The key is to have the right knowledge, scrutinize information, and grasp it more accurately, leading to the right decision.
For various reasons, some people are unable to do this.
They interpret information in a way that is convenient for them through their own mental transformations, and with their biased thinking, they repeatedly speak and act irresponsibly.
Animals don't even have the words to do this.
They are used by humans to control them.
It is up to the people to make the right judgments.

[Those who control and those who are controlled] Control is always present in our everyday lives.

Words are the easiest and most convenient way to do this.

Words are weapons that control, lead, and brainwash people in all kinds of ways.

Whether or not we can avoid this in the everyday life of human society depends on each individual's ability. ]

→This part seems to refer to Shimizu Aoi, the current representative of the Animal Liberation Group?

[The key is to have the right knowledge, examine the information, and grasp it more accurately in order to make the right decision.

Some people cannot do this due to various factors.

They interpret information in a way that is convenient for them through their own internal transformations, and with their biased thinking, they repeatedly make irresponsible statements and actions. 】
→This seems to be a reference to Meguro Minato, the former representative of the animal liberation group Liv.

Well, even in the case of Itagaki, during the Piyokan poster incident, Meguro Minato was at his computer trying to spread something that he hadn't even checked, but he was nearby and didn't check or examine it carefully, right?

And now, why is he posting such incoherent words on Facebook???

Also, , which has become a problem recently, has decided to purchase a shelter to rescue cats left behind on an island. Coincidentally, Meguro Minato, who was the representative of the animal liberation group Liv, has not reported having rescued a single cat from [JFE] since the end of the campaign on March 24, 2022, despite the 24 million yen raised through the same READYFOR campaign that Meguro Minato made, so I think that he has not rescued a single cat at the moment.
In fact, it is said that only those involved can enter the area, and I have heard that Katayama Aiko is negotiating with people from Kawasaki city.
Also, the image showing the purported purchase price for a makeshift shelter does not include any details about who registered it to whom, or in whose name, which makes it seem like this is a completely fictitious story about purchasing a shelter, right?

Even so, I can't help but feel that both READYFOR and the Japan Fundraising Association are doing things in a really careless manner.

JFEの猫救出に向かって!  Cat Nene - 2022/10/05(Wed) 12:09 No.183


Towards rescuing JFE's cats!

Until now, we have been keeping a close eye on the developments in the cat problem on the JFE premises.
The "Speak Out to Animal Lib" message board is originally a site for spreading information about Lib,
but it has now (unexpectedly!) come to light that a former director of Lib is involved.
He has been taking to social media as a self-proclaimed volunteer for "Koi Animal Support" in the midst of the crowdfunding scandal.
CEO Kou remains silent, and the former director is at a loss.
What on earth is going on?
I'm running out of time, so I'll continue later.

JFE猫救出に向かって!続き  Cat Nene - 2022/10/06(Thu) 10:05 No.184

何か昔 聞いたことがあるような…


Continuing on the JFE cat rescue.

While Koi Animal Support continues to remain silent, Sayaka Itagaki, a former director of Lib, is responding to comments as a volunteer, as if we're watching a spin-off of the animal liberation group Lib.

Here comes Yasushi Kishimoto, who supports Itagaki.

I feel like I've heard that name before...
I'm sure I remember someone with that name working as a female activist in about four different places.

Is it the same person?

If so, I think the saying "birds of a feather flock together" really does hold true.

But there's good news about JFE cat rescue!

Fed up with Koi's silence, other organizations are calling on Kawasaki City to take in the rescued animals.

We're keeping a close eye on how Kawasaki City responds.

I thought I might give them a call.

以前からの情報を少しまとめてみ...   - 2022/10/12(Wed) 22:05 No.185   HomePage













Let me summarize some of the information from before.

This happened in May 2021 at the animal liberation group Lib.

I had heard that Sayaka Itagaki was the central figure in collecting various information and collecting signatures at Ichihara Elephant Country in Chiba Prefecture, but after that, was it handed over to the person running Ichihara Elephant Country?

Or was there any petition? Am I the only one who noticed that there was no final result recorded?


Also, I have heard that right after the death of the dolphin Honey, Minehito Meguro said he was going to make a picture book, and Sayaka Itagaki asked a person listed on the employee list of the former animal liberation group Lib to do illustrations, and although he willingly accepted, the book never started and the project was abandoned without any contact after that.


By the way, when Honey the dolphin was isolated in a separate pool, after January 2020, there was testimony that Meguro and Itagaki were secretly taking pictures of her through the hedge.

Personally, I wonder what they were secretly taking pictures of?

If they are really worried about Honey the dolphin and have a problem with her, why don't they go directly to the manager and express their opinion?

That's what you would normally think, right?

But, yes, that's right!

I'm a complete wimp on both counts, so I will never be the one to take the blame. [This facility has already been closed. 】
Well, that's actually pretty impressive in a way, isn't it?
No real activist could do that! (LOL!)
That particular activist clearly told Meguro that he didn't want to work with him on the rescue of Honey the dolphin!
⇒Oh dear, someone who can see through it all sees through! I guess that's what happened?

Also, it seems that Meguro previously criticized Sato Eiki (a cameraman) for making money from animals and feeding them.

But what about now?
Who is being fed by animals?

From my perspective, Sato Eiki is doing normal work, making a living by filming with a camera, but does Meguro have a different concept of work than most people?

Speaking of animal liberation groups, they are posting videos on YouTube as a report on their September activities and sharing their plans, but they still haven't finished the website to set free the 760,000 yen worth of animals they raised on May 15th (the crowdfunding ended on May 15th, so how can they create one by the end of the year?!), and what happened to the refund process for the 1.76 million yen crowdfunded fund that the previous representative, Meguro Minehito, messed up?

They arbitrarily set a one-month period, until June 20th (Monday), but the current representative, Shimizu Aoi, is responsible for making public what happened in the end, but they haven't mentioned anything about it.

Speaking of things that haven't been mentioned, the promise of writing a book about dolphins, which was part of the failed crowdfunding of 1.76 million yen, was to be completed by the end of this year, but the progress on that promise and the explanation in the are vague.

Well, in the current situation of LIB, we can't ask for funds for some reason, but I wonder if the monthly supporters are sending us some money and somehow managing to make ends meet (cash on living expenses)?

...It's a busy time right now, so let's get to work!
Why don't you work hard and sweat your brow?

That's right, that reminds me...
I was listening.
At the end of 2020, I saw Meguro looking bored, and since you can use a computer, why don't you try a part-time job related to computers?
Apparently, the person who gave the advice was surprised and shocked by Meguro's reply, "No!"...

After hearing that story, I was the one who said, "What the heck? Where are you from?" (LOL!)

To be continued next time.

いやぁ〜9月になりましたね?  投稿者: 投稿日:2022/09/01(Thu) 19:32 No.175   HomePage



目黒 峯人認定番号AC01047認定日:2017/9/1


















It's September now.
Well, today is the first month of the year, but I still haven't received a reply to the email I sent to Nippon Fundraising on August 22nd.

In addition, the current situation remains as follows.

Meguro MinetoCertification number AC01047Certification date: 2017/9/1


Also, this time we received an interesting pamphlet from one of our cooperators.

It was from when LIB had just been established, but...
They were laughing.
What was it? You know?
[LIB's activities and results]
LIB acts based on a three-year mid-term plan.
2017-2019 "Entertainment Animals"

→Yes, it seems that Minami just enjoyed this part using everyone's precious money, and even though it has been more than four years since the end, the videos he filmed have not been posted on the web, and they are still left as preparations.

2020-2022 "Livestock Animals"

→Yes, here! On March 21, 2021, he found fault with Piyokan and criticized vegans, but he was driven to Piyokan and is still refusing to call him.

2023-2025 "Wild Animals"

→I guess we have no choice but to reconsider this part, right?
The representative also threw it to the current representative, Aoi Shimizu, on November 1, 2021, right? (lol!)

We will conduct research and analysis, create basic data, and carry out activities.

⇒Yes, here! We're just starting out, so why are we even talking about results?

In the end, the only results we got were that we broke our promises and had to pay back the money.


The person who sent us the message said that all of our efforts have stalled and we haven't seen any results, so how can we call them results at the start? We both had a good laugh.

Wow, this really boosts my immunity. Thank you so much.

And then, coincidentally...


In this video, Shimizu says that he was invited to the lecture in Okinawa on October 8th.

However, as far as the content is concerned, it is clearly stated as follows.

[This will be the first time that the animal liberation group LIB will hold a lecture in Okinawa.]

When Shimizu on YouTube says that they are invited, the party that invited LIB to Okinawa will pay for travel expenses, etc.

However, the name of the party that invited LIB does not appear on the website.

So it is undoubtedly , right?

If that is the case, it is aimed at vegans who have nothing to do with LIB's activities, and as an apology, they have said that non-vegans are also welcome...

Isn't that wrong?

It should be , right?

If that is the case, then this Okinawa incident is due to the personal (vegan) beliefs of the former representative Meguro and the current representative Shimizu, so the expenses should never be covered by the animal liberation group LIB.

If the expenses were paid, I think it would be misappropriated for personal use, but what do you all think?


Also, Mr. Shimizu seems to have a very grim look on his face recently, but I hope he is not under pressure from the former president, like the previous executives, who said, "Money! Raise money!"

If it gets to a point where you can't bear it mentally, I recommend that you consult with someone you can trust (including the government).

Of course, as a senior in life and when it comes to money, if you contact Morishita Kazuyo of Piyokan, who was the former chairman of the Wakayama Prefecture Moneylending Association, please feel free to contact her and she will be happy to give you advice.


The contents of Sakagami's column are very good, so please find it and read it. September 1st edition of Shukan Shincho: Shinobu Sakagami's Theory: My Rulebook [The Truth and Lies of Animal Protection Groups]

Also, please enjoy the YouTube channel of the Sakagami Family!

はい、ご意見を頂きました。   - 2022/09/05(Mon) 12:54 No.176   HomePage





Yes, we received your opinion.

In a recent YouTube video, the current CEO said that they will release a video about [Horse Racing = Entertainment Animals] for free online, but does that mean they are back to square one when Lib started?

<2017-2019 "Entertainment Animals">

Also, ...

<2020-2022 "Livestock Animals">

→ In this part, they made false accusations against the breeders that were not based on the facts, and they were criticized in return, and they were unable to respond, so they were completely beaten up and retreated = .

My response was, will they come back to Piyokan again soon?

I'm really looking forward to it.

To be continued next time.

こちらへ、転記させて頂きますね...   - 2022/09/23(Fri) 06:12 No.177   HomePage

動物愛護団体って何❓  投稿者:猫のママ 投稿日:2022/09/21(Wed) 13:19 No.25711








I'll move it over here.

What is an animal protection organization❓ Posted by: Cat's Mom Posted on: 2022/09/21 (Wed) 13:19 No.25711

More than a week has passed since I asked the animal protection organization Liv to rescue a stray kitten, without receiving any response.

The local conservationists said that there are too many cats and no space.

So I searched online and contacted Liv, who also works to protect chicks and marine life, thinking that they would definitely protect the poor kitten.

I judged them to be a proper animal protection organization and waited in anticipation of a response.

By the way, I also have a rescued cat at home, and I can't take care of it any more.

So I thought I could get help from an animal protection organization to find a final home for the kittens.

Since I hadn't heard back from Liv, I wondered what kind of organization it was, so I searched for it and found this company.

All animal protection organizations and animal rights activists replied to my messages.
Even if they couldn't accept the animals, I was able to explain the situation and receive a satisfactory response.

Only Lib ignored me, and time passed without any response.

Looking at Lib's posts again, it seemed like an organization that was all talk, and only talked about raising awareness, with nothing about the animals they had actually rescued.

And when I found out that an organization that hadn't even rescued a single cat was soliciting donations through crowdfunding, I was filled with anger.

I would like to ask you to please spread the word on social media about "animal protection organizations" that have no intention of protecting animals, so that more people can become aware of them.

猫のママさん、いらっしゃいませ...   - 2022/09/23(Fri) 06:14 No.178   HomePage









<箱山 由実子弁護士>
所属弁護士会 千葉県弁護士会
弁護士登録番号 35608
弁護士登録年度 2007年度

目標金額 5,000,000円


川崎市在住、幸(ゆき) アニマルサポート、代表の浜田 幸(40歳)と申します。
2021年より新たに「幸 アニマルサポート」を立ち上げ活動しております。

しかして実際は、令和2年(2020年)2月25日時点で【一般社団法人川崎かぎしっぽ】の代表をしており、しかも<本名は浜田 幸では無く、濱田有紀が正しい。>







Hello, cat moms.

In fact, we have received information about a cat welfare organization that seems to be deeply involved with Sayaka Kaneko (now Sayaka Itagaki), who was a former director of LIB https://www.seikatubunka.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/houjin/npo_houjin/list/ledger/0013363/13363-JH-H31-I-sashi1620891520425.pdf

and lawyer Yumiko Hakoyama, who contacted Piyokan during the huge nuisance incident on February 23, 2021, when Liv's representative, Minato Meguro, distorted and spread information about "chick fishing" at Piyokan under the guise of "chick fishing."

Firstly, regarding the current Itagaki Sayaka, he posted on Kou Animal Support's Facebook page on August 25th and 26th and September 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 9th and 10th of this year, starting with "Today I'm with Kou Animal Support," but after the class action lawsuit came to light, it seems he deleted the posts, as the URLs where they were posted can no longer be found.

But still, you know what?
As for Kou Animal Support in question, they ignored and deleted posts from people who were suspicious of their lack of activity after the crowdfunding campaign ended, as if Itagaki Sayaka had taught them the skills he acquired at the animal liberation group LIB? Are they like mirror images?
And what's more?
Just as former representative of Live, Meguro Minehito, is [written as Minehito Meguro], the representative of Kou Animal Support is [actually Hamada Yuki → Hamada Kou? Is he lying about his name? I don't understand. ]

Next, regarding Hakoyama Yumiko, on September 13th, she wrote on her Facebook that she was also a donor to the problematic crowdfunding campaign for Kou Animal Support, and would join the class action lawsuit, but I don't know what she was thinking...

[If you supported the crowdfunding campaign and would like to join as a plaintiff, please contact me first. I will connect you to the person who will organize it. ]

Is this really none of my business?

Katayama Aiko has already hired a reliable lawyer and is standing as the initiator of the lawsuit, or rather...
I can't help but think that there is something behind the fact that she and Itagaki Sayaka were in contact with Kou Animal Support.
I can't help but feel that I am somehow related to the views of the many people who have shared information about this incident.

Also, the other day, Hakoyama Yumiko took the outrageous step of setting up a panel of images of what appeared to be bloody animals in front of the school gates without the consent of the children themselves (they were minors, so perhaps parental consent was needed?), forcing children on their way to school to see it, causing a fuss, and causing a fuss, which resulted in a dispute with the school and other public officials.
She was at a loss for words during her exchange with Lonboo's Jun and the MC's sharp comments (which are just normal opinions).
I worry that this behavior will lead to ordinary vegans being looked down upon, and that is whether it is okay. Will the Japan Vegan Association (http://vegan.or.jp/) not provide any guidance?
Or rather, is there even a formal membership registration system in the first place?
There are three types of vegan activities, but does this fuss really fall under number 2? What do you all think?

[Three vegan activities]



Personally, I wonder how they will take responsibility if it is confirmed that the children have developed PTSD from this incident.

However, because they have permission to use the road, they say that if anyone touches them, they will sue them for assault.
...What kind of qualifications does this show as a lawyer? I was wondering this when, the other day on September 13th (9:48-11:47AM), a man living in Osaka contacted me on the phone, saying that he had found this Piyokan message board when searching for "Hakoyama Yumiko" in relation to the elementary school panel incident, and we had a chat.
This man had called the Chiba Bar Association, to which Hakoyama belongs, and informed them of the recent incident in front of the elementary school, and they replied that they would like him to put it in writing and submit it.
So, if you have children attending the elementary school in question, this is something you cannot just throw away! If you have such a wish, please send your opinion to the following address:

[Chiba Prefecture Bar Association]

4-13-9 Chuo, Chuo-ku, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture, 260-0013


Now, Mr. Hakoyama, the organizer who is the subject of this problem, is currently affiliated with the following office.

This person moves between offices frequently, so if he does something, it is important to check his current place of affiliation.
<Attorney Yumiko Hakoyama>

Affiliated Bar Association: Chiba Bar Association

Attorney Registration Number: 35608

Attorney Registration Year: 2007

Law Office Hikari to Kaze

195-1 Shizu, Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture, 299-0118


As I mentioned at the beginning, READYFOR acted as an intermediary to raise a large amount of funds.

23,817,192 yen

Goal amount: 5,000,000 yen

Supporters: 1,641 people

End of fundraising: March 24, 2022


This is the organization that is working to protect cats...

At the time the crowdfunding campaign started, they introduced themselves as follows:
My name is Hamada Yuki (40 years old), and I live in Kawasaki City. I am the representative of Yuki Animal Support.

I launched the new "Yuki Animal Support" in 2021 and have been active ever since.

However, as of February 25, 2020, I am actually the representative of Kawasaki Kagishippo General Incorporated Association, and my real name is not Hamada Yuki, but Hamada Yuki.

On December 1, 2021, I changed the name to Yuki Incorporated Association.

But! I haven't registered it yet.

Then, after the success of this year's crowdfunding and after the funds were transferred from READYFOR, on June 13, 2022, they finally registered under the name and relocated their main office from No. 14-13 Fujisaki 4-chome, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken to 101 Miyama Building, No. 18-14 Sakuramoto 2-chome, Kawasaki-ku, Kanagawa-ken.

So, when they started crowdfunding using READYFOR, they hid the fact that they were a corporation and raised a lot of money using their own name as if it were a pseudonym, even though it is pronounced the same.
Does READYFOR accept fundraising without any problems even if the name is a fictitious person?
I wonder if the fees are different for individuals and corporations?

Moreover, the success fee that READYFOR receives is 12% to 17%.
In this case, the total amount of support is 23,817,192 yen...

12% = 2,858,063 yen

17% = 4,048,922 yen

→From these things, [it seems to be quite a tricky one. ] However, it seems that the 24 million yen raised through READYFOR was left unattended for several months without being followed through as agreed, and Aiko Katayama, who has also contributed greatly to the crowdfunding campaign, stepped up and it looks like it might become a class action lawsuit.


For the sake of the many cats waiting for help, we will continue to handle this matter, however small our power may be.

I know this is getting even more frustrating for cat moms, but we appreciate your help.

新しい情報を頂き検索しました。   - 2022/09/26(Mon) 00:59 No.179   HomePage



亜衣子 片山さんがリツイートしました
午後1:38 · 2022年9月20日
·Twitter for iPhone


それに対してのフラストレーションもあったのか、理事を辞して自分で【ECA エシカル消費者の会】と言うものを、立ち上げたと聞き及んでおります。








We have received new information.
Aiko Katayama posted the following on her Twitter.

September 20
Koi Animal Support
It seems that you are advertising on Instagram, but where are the ads and advertising fees coming from?
Is it necessary?
Are you still collecting money even after raising 24 million yen through crowdfunding?

September 20
We don't know when this child was rescued.
September 20
I'm sure VALKANN knows the situation, so I'll tell you, but I think this child was rescued by Y, not by Koi Animal Support.
September 20
That's quite possible, and Y is still silently going to rescue animals.
September 20
Y-san worked hard to raise a successor, but Yuki-san betrayed him like that.
She is still working on conservation activities on the premises.
But Y-san never says anything bad about Yuki-san or Ethan.
She is a very nice person...😢
I can't forgive someone who betrayed such a wonderful person.
Aiko Katayama retweeted
Replying to:

Her aides are shady.
They're causing trouble here and there and getting into fights and breaking up.
Even if Yuki-san is doing well now, she'll probably be trolled and abandoned in the same way.
1:38 PM · September 20, 2022
·Twitter for iPhone

Now, we have received information that the person mentioned here as the "shady aide" is Sayaka Itagaki.

In the first place, Mr. Itagaki was a member of the Animal Liberation Group Liv until around November 2021, and although he had worked hard to provide financial support as a director at one point, he did not receive any compensation from the founder and representative at the time, Minehito Meguro (currently, from November 1, 2021, Aoi Shimizu has been the representative), and the compensation simply went into Mr. Meguro's pocket.

Perhaps due to frustration over this, I have heard that he resigned as a director and started something called the Ethical Consumer Association himself.

And you're very close with the Yuki Animal Supporters, aren't you?

Also, it seems that Itagaki and Hakoyama Yumiko started interacting with Yui Shoko around the beginning of December 2021.

Itagaki did not participate in the "We want to save JFE's cats" demonstration on December 9, 2021.

However, it seems that after that, together with Hakoyama, they approached the current Yuki Animal Support through Yui.

After that, he gradually infiltrated , and seeing the large amount of money donated to the crowdfunding campaign, he started to make various opinions (interfere?) and strayed from the original plan, perhaps with ulterior motives.

→This is what is being referred to as a .

As for Hakoyama, should we say that he and Itagaki met through Yui, and that this is what led to this result (the filing of a class action lawsuit)?

Perhaps he feels some responsibility in light of the situation, as he has expressed his intention to participate as a "class action plaintiff" and has also made comments in support of Katayama, right?

Now, on Sunday, September 25th, posted a post on their blog saying that they had purchased a property, with a cheap amount printed on it.

However, it is necessary to post the full, official document with the names of the seller and buyer, properly stamped and properly written.

This will surely not satisfy those who donated.
It seems like a childish trick and ridiculous.

Anyway, we will let you know as soon as we have new information.

Re: いやぁ〜9月になりましたね...  Cat Nene - 2022/09/26(Mon) 20:49 No.180



There has been a lot of commotion recently around animal welfare groups in Kawasaki City.

Reliable sources on the Internet have been reporting on the failure of crowdfunding by "Koi Animal Support" and shady aides.

If I were to guess, it would fit perfectly with the former director of the animal liberation group Liv.

So it was her after all...

I'm sure I saw her on Facebook at the beginning of this year, saying she was going to do activities for local stray dogs, and visiting private shelters and Ibaraki Prefecture animal facilities.

After that, it seems she changed her policy and switched to "Koi Animal Support" during the crowdfunding.

The failure of the animal liberation group Liv to return its funds to READYFOR's crowdfunding is still fresh in my memory, and Liv's former director was involved in this as well.

This person is amazing! In February 2021, she saw a poster for Piyokan in a park in Wakayama City and posted it online together with Liv's former representative, Mr. Meguro. (Details can be found on the troll warning board)
It's unfortunate that this was featured on Piyokan's website.
READYFOR must have been surprised to learn that everyone involved with Liv was involved in the crowdfunding troubles.
In any case, it's unfortunate that JFE's crucial cat rescue efforts will be delayed because of the crowdfunding scandal involving Koi Animal Support.

さぁ〜今月からは色々と目白押し...  投稿者: 投稿日:2022/08/01(Mon) 17:31 No.169   HomePage


目黒 峯人認定番号AC01047認定日:2017/9/1⇒2022年8月31日迄に更新手続きが必要。





This month is going to be very busy.

By Wednesday, August 31st, we will be assessing the following in particular.

@・Whether or not to renew Meguro Minehito's 5-year membership certification as a quasi-fundraising member of the Japan Fundraising Association.

↓↓↓⇒Why do you use the names Minehito and Mineto interchangeably?

Meguro Minehito Certification Number AC01047 Date of Certification: 9/1/2017⇒Renewal procedures must be completed by August 31, 2022.

A・Whether or not there will be a notice of completion of refund of the 1.76 million yen raised due to the breach of the crowdfunding promise (finishing the book on dolphins and sending it to the donors), which was caused by Meguro Minehito himself.

B・Whether or not there will be a progress report on the 760,000 yen raised from everyone through crowdfunding (under the pretext of building a new website) by May 15th.

C Will the financial reports for April, May, June, and July be made public on the web or not?

To all readers, we look forward to hearing from anyone with any information, so thank you in advance for your continued support.

ありゃりゃ!   - 2022/08/18(Thu) 12:03 No.170   HomePage









NPO法人 動物解放団体リブ代表。
現在はNPO法人 動物解放団体リブにて、「動物解放のための総合サイト」の制作を始め、現場調査、イベント企画・運営、ボランティアコーディネート、団体マネジメントなどを担当。




(目 的)
第 3条 この法人は、広く一般市民を対象として、動物利用から発生する動物への被害・人類への


(1)心 身の故障のため、職務の遂行に堪えないと認められるとき。
(2)職 務上の義務連反その他役員としてふさわしくない行為があったとき。








Oh my!
It seems that the current representative, Aoi Shimizu, will be giving a lecture on veganism on Saturday, October 8th.
The address below is Aoi Shimizu's.
The address below is a search result for (vegan lecture & social gathering).
The following is the [Articles of Incorporation of the Animal Liberation Group].


It's fine to hold a lecture, but I don't think there's any mention of putting effort into veganism in the articles of incorporation???

If they plan to continue working hand in hand with vegans in the future, don't they need to show their official connection to the Japan Vegan Association?

Also, the membership fee is set at 1,000 yen this time, and food and drink on site will probably be paid for by individuals.

Well, as this is a lecture sponsored by the Animal Liberation Group, it is natural that the representative, Aoi Shimizu, will attend, but will current board member and member Minehito Meguro also accompany him?

Anyway, there is one part of the speaker profile that is of interest.

= ... ========================================================================

That's right.

⇒ This way of writing gives the impression that Shimizu is creating it himself.

So it should be, "We successfully completed crowdfunding to create a "Comprehensive Site for Animal Liberation" on Sunday, May 15, 2022, and are currently outsourcing the creation of the site to a contractor from this date, using the 760,000 yen raised through your cooperation."


And about this vegan-focused lecture in Okinawa Prefecture...
Just barely! If we force it to fit into the part of the following (purpose) in the articles of incorporation that says, "Also support individuals and organizations with the same aspirations," then it's somehow okay! It may seem like it, but in reality, they are not in a position to provide support given their financial situation, are they?

Since the settlement of accounts in March this year, they have not yet settled accounts for four months, April, May, June, and July, so in reality, they are not in a position to hold a lecture the month after next, are they?

Also, I have heard that, although belatedly, they have finally joined a whale shark buying campaign started by some organization.

Well, from this, I can only assume that...
(This is terrible, we need a lot of money to save the whale sharks, so please help us out!)

And will the money raised be properly reported in the accounts?
Naturally, it's suspicious, isn't it?
They haven't even released their shabby financial statements for April, May, June, and July 2022... Haa...
= ... > In the Articles of Incorporation, under "Term of Office, etc.", the following is written:

In light of this, doesn't Meguro Minato, who is a current director and officer, fall under this category?

(1) When it is deemed that he is unable to perform his duties due to physical or mental disability.

(2) When there is a breach of professional duties or other conduct that is inappropriate for an officer.

First of all, the first thing that should be made public to everyone is the progress of the refund of the 1.76 million yen penalty that was raised through crowdfunding instead of writing the book on dolphins.

In addition, regarding the 760,000 yen of precious money raised by many of you on Sunday, May 15, 2022, the selection of the company entrusted with creating the "Comprehensive Site for Animal Liberation" should be made fair, and the date of the entrustment should also be made clear.

If they take action and start raising funds before these things are done, I believe that we should not support them even by a single yen.

So, what do you all think?

Thank you very much to all of you who have been watching for the information you have always given us.
We look forward to receiving more information in the future.
First of all, I am not allowed to access Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.
Also, recently it seems that even people who can normally view my posts are not allowed to post their opinions, are they?
I seem to be extremely averse to people writing things that are inconvenient to me, but I don't think that's the case, right?
If someone asks me a question, I should just respond properly.

Since I am openly collecting precious money from everyone through crowdfunding for various reasons, I should answer any questions and doubts that are thrown at me without running away.

See you next time.

はい、ご意見を頂きました。   - 2022/08/19(Fri) 13:21 No.171   HomePage








基本的に【ヴィーガン講演会&交流会開催!】日時:10月8日(土) 16:15〜20:00頃であるならば、開催当日に現地に入り、1日宿泊するにしても、翌日には戻ってきて然るべきです。





We received your opinions.
The following opinions were received.

@-October is the off-season in Okinawa.

A-The vegan lecture and social event to be held on Saturday, October 8th is completely outside the purpose for which the Animal Liberation Organization was established.

B-As this is an activity driven by the personal pride of the current representative, Shimizu, and the previous representative, Meguro, it would be completely unacceptable if it were to be paid for with the Animal Liberation Organization's funds.

C-Without a doubt, Shimizu and Meguro will both attend the lecture and the after-party afterwards.
⇒This can easily be seen from the fact that they went to the racetrack with great enthusiasm last time to watch the races.


So, my personal thoughts are as follows.
By incorporating a little bit of information about dolphins into a lecture in Okinawa during the off-season, I think the next few days will be very enjoyable.

Basically, if the [Vegan Lecture & Exchange Meeting!] is held on Saturday, October 8th from 16:15 to 20:00, you should arrive on the day of the event and, even if you stay overnight, you should return the next day.

This is how I and many of my informants see it.
It would be fine to enjoy a few days of vacation.

It's not okay, is it? It's wrong to spend the organization's money on something that goes against the purpose of the establishment of an animal liberation organization.

So what should we do?...
To prove that the expenditure is not wrong, we should present clear evidence that the [Japan Vegan Society]

supports and cooperates with the activities of the animal liberation organization Lib.
This is sure to be acceptable to one-time donors, monthly members, and corporate members alike.

So, please do your best and follow the aims of the animal liberation organization LIB!

はい、見つけました!   - 2022/08/20(Sat) 15:31 No.172   HomePage












Yes, I found it.

I just found the video below.

They're uploading an excuse video at this odd time of year, but is there any point in making a financial statement once a year?

If that's the case, it's no different from a financial statement once a year, but as far as I can see from the content of the video, it seems that they are saying that they will make the details of the 12 months public, but that would be more cumbersome and considering the poor performance of the organization so far, I don't think we can expect much from them, but will they really???

But, you know?
From early April to July 26th [Tuesday], until they filmed this video, they openly neglected to make monthly financial statements, and now this is what they've done, right?

Well, I'm glad that this bulletin board of ours seems to be of use. (LOL!)


Do you not feel anything about the inconsistent explanation of Shimizu Aoi, which sounds like an excuse for not reporting the financial results from April to July, which we are pursuing on this bulletin board?

⇒Is this what they call insensitivity?

Just like the previous representative, the current representative also lives together, so is it inevitable that their way of thinking is similar?

To summarize the contents of the video, they say that the monthly deposits are not stable? Is it too late now?

It just seems like they are making a lame excuse for something that everyone thinks.

If they are going to do that, I think they should use the same format for the current fiscal year up to October 31, 2022, and do the same from the next fiscal year (November 1, 2022 to October 31, 2023).
But, you know?
They say they will do it once a year, but they haven't even been able to do a simple monthly accounting, and they haven't explained when the deadline is and when they will announce it.

Also, considering their activities up to now, they can raise funds and go wherever they want, but in the end they haven't achieved any good results.

Also, the fact that there have been complaints and refunds from crowdfunding contributors will remain a cause for concern in the future.

Even so...
I hope they don't keep putting off what they need to do now and end up burning out, as the current CEO, Aoi Shimizu, likes to say.

Also, although the previous CEO, Meguro, is now fully engrossed in writing a book about dolphins, if he had maintained that attitude within the promised period, I don't think we would have had to deal with the issue of refunding the 1.76 million yen in crowdfunding, but well, it's too late now, right?

So, will only the current representative, Shimizu Aoi, go to Okinawa on Saturday, October 8th?

But it seems as though Meguro is tagging along as well, so I wonder what the outcome will be? (LOL!)

Okinawa, huh? It's a nice place, isn't it?

Maybe I should join in since I'm bored too~???

But anyway, I think they were worried about the complaints being made on this message board.

Even so, as always, they are always loudly asking for donations, aren't they? (LOL!)

こりゃ、笑っちゃいましたね!   - 2022/08/25(Thu) 21:29 No.173   HomePage

K Morishita
2022/8/22 12:17 JST





This made me laugh!

Actually, I made the following inquiry to READYFOR at 12:17 PM on August 22nd, and received a rather meaningless reply at 5:56 PM today, August 25th, so I'll introduce the question from Piyokan for now.


K Morishita

2022/8/22 12:17 JST

Hello, my name is Kazuyo Morishita and I live at 41-20 Nishikashicho, Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture.

090-9116-3078 (flea market dedicated phone number)
Regarding Meguro Minato (also known as Meguro Minato or Meguro Minato), the representative of the animal liberation group Lib, which your company mediated through, and a quasi-fundraiser in Japan Crowdfunding, is the procedure for the refund of 1.76 million yen for the failure to fulfill the crowdfunding return for the 1.76 million yen raised going smoothly?
Speaking of Meguro, he changed the representative of the animal liberation group Lib from November 1, 2019 to November 1, 2021, and changed it to Shimizu Aoi as the representative: on the same day, he founded the Animalism Party, but in reality, he uses crowdfunding for various reasons to raise a lot of money, but most of it is left half-finished. ⇒For more information, please refer to http://www.piyokan.com/cgi/trolls/joyfulyy.cgi and http://www.piyokan.com/cgi/arashi/joyfulyy.cgi on our website.

He has been extremely sloppy, verbally abusing people who have been helping him since the beginning, not registering as a member even though he was sending money to them every month as a member, and sending large amounts of money to his personal account, but these were not included in the monthly financial statements.

He had been publishing monthly financial statements until March 2022, but has not published any since April until now, so when we raised the issue on our website, he hastily created the following video.


Because of these things, many volunteers have left him and are now anti-him.

In response to requests from such people, we have set up the following bulletin board on our website.

Also, prior to that, on February 23, 2021, we received unfounded slander from Mr. Meguro, who said that he had become a vegan in 2015, and many vegans were involved in the flood of emails of criticism directed at our related organizations and us. However, by regularly contacting all of these people about the progress with Mr. Meguro, many people who had never met Mr. Meguro but were led astray by the content he sent out have now come to ignore him ⇒ (funds are no longer being raised).

Speaking of Mr. Meguro, he has refused to be contacted by us and is refusing to receive calls. For more information, please refer to http://www.piyokan.com/cgi/trolls/joyfulyy.cgi.

Also, as of May 15, 2022, he had raised 760,000 yen under the pretext of building a new website, but since his other monthly income was small, I have recently received information that he has recently joined in a discussion by another organization about purchasing a whale shark for Suma Aquarium, so I have also posted a comment on this matter on my website.
I think he is only making a living through crowdfunding.
Of course, even if Japan Crowdfunding does not certify his quasi-fundraiser qualifications, it is obvious that he will simply collect money from new customers who he does not know anything about.
By stripping him of the stamp of approval as a member from Ing at Japan Crowdfunding, I think it will help reduce the number of victims who will be created by them in the future.
Does Ladyfor also undertake crowdfunding from ordinary individuals? ⇒ Sorry, I have not yet properly checked the details of Ladyfor's business, so I will look into it in more detail later.
I'm sorry to bother you during your busy schedule, and I understand that internal matters cannot be leaked to the outside, but I would appreciate it if Ladyfor could help his victims as much as possible.

You can contact us 24 hours a day, so please contact us.

レディーフォーさんからお返事あ...   - 2022/08/29(Mon) 21:13 No.174   HomePage

2022/08/25 (木) 21:24に、再度以下の内容でメール送信しておりました。



ようやく、2022/08/26 (金) 15:41に、ごく当たり前のお返事が来ました。









Ladyfor has replied.

I sent the following email again on 2022/08/25 (Thu) 21:24.


I received a reply that was not particularly meaningful...

What I am asking is whether Meguro Minehito has received replies from the funders and completed all the procedures for refunding or not by the deadline of June 20th.

I would like to ask again.

Is the refund procedure properly processed under Ladyfor's responsibility or not?

I am asking this, but do you understand?

I look forward to your reply again.



After doing so,

I finally received a very ordinary reply on 2022/08/26 (Fri) 15:41.


The reply I received to my first email, for some reason, was a copy and paste of the address of the page that is the subject of the current refund issue from in two places.

This time, I received a very standard reply (it will not be made public to anyone other than supporters).

So, if you are reading this message board and have donated valuable money to the project that is currently the subject of the refund issue, please contact via the following page.

= ... So, Ladyfor, who is acting as an intermediary, may also be dealing with other problematic crowdfunding projects and may have a lot going for them...

Although it was a successful project that they had gone to great lengths to mediate, it fell through due to the negligence of the project's initiator, so I ask that, now that they have received their success fee, they do their best to help those who have been affected by the refund issue.

To be continued next month.

情報とは?  投稿者:Cat Nene 投稿日:2022/07/04(Mon) 13:23 No.162




ピヨカン「動物解放団体リブにモノ申す掲示板」6月20日付 いや!




What is information?
When it comes to digitalization and networks, I am one of those who are poor at information.
It seems that when everything becomes informational and people get information from the Internet, they stop thinking.
It is probably wrong to think that you are "thinking" by selecting and discarding various pieces of information.
The way to deal with rumors and fake news is that "if it becomes commonplace to check whether the information is true, its power to spread will weaken."
More than 20 years ago, a pioneer in animal welfare activities taught me that "it is important to check whether the information is true."

The "Piyokan Chick Fishing" uproar that started this bulletin board was also caused by the animal liberation group Liv posting false information without checking with the organizers.

After that, in the summer of 2021, there was a false post on Liv's website, and people in the livestock industry on the ground made comments pointing out the mistake.

An excerpt.
"It is an exaggeration and distortion to describe the artificial insemination scene as rape."

"The description of the cow is misinformation and lack of research."

"It is a sloppy post written by someone who does not know the site and has pieced together information from the Internet."

Isn't the aim of the animal liberation group LIB to change the social system, not to denigrate producers (dairy farmers)?

It seems that there was no detailed explanation or apology (after admitting the mistake) from the representative of LIB in response to the above criticism.

"The poster has no ear to listen to advice, no responsibility as a disseminator of information, and no sincerity in trying to confirm accurate facts," resulting in the NPO's stance being called into question.

Piyokan "Bulletin board to speak out against the animal liberation group LIB" dated June 20th No!

I found a page I can relate to...

This was an article that refuted LIB's post on October 29, 2020 {Taiji dolphin drive hunt

Whaling - Examining tradition and non-tradition}.

To summarize,

It is not objective.
It's not based on the facts (no evidence is presented, the article is written based on assumptions)

There's not enough research done (the contents of the research are unclear)

If this were allowed as an investigative article, the internet would become a breeding ground for rumours.

The conclusion was that the investigative article by the animal liberation group LIB is wrong.

These two criticisms have a lot in common.

Using online information without verifying it, without checking the facts and information on the ground, will distort the facts.

It's said that the former president of LIB said that he wouldn't allow former members to use the information gathered from their activities through donations...

Who on earth owns this information?

なるほどねぇ〜。   - 2022/07/06(Wed) 21:35 No.163   HomePage











I see~
It's just the usual from Meguro Minehito, the former CEO of Live?
Without verifying anything himself, he gets someone else to take pictures, and then he adds his own interpretation and spews out information that is different from the facts.
Everything is the same, and he just spews out false information that he has interpreted himself without checking the facts, saying things like "This part of XX is like this and that", so the people who receive the information end up suffering, and even though it has been several years since the company was founded, it has not shown any growth at all, so it's in a poor state, isn't it?
He pokes here, he pokes there!
However, when he is confronted directly, he turns his ass around and runs away! Is that just the usual?
Yes, Meguro Minehito does not take any responsibility for what he has done.
It is obvious from his current attitude towards Piyokan.

That being said, Meguro has been keeping a low profile at Lib recently.
Anyway, even though he's not the managing director, Meguro Mineto, the former representative of Lib who left everything to chance, and now a director and employee, has to publish the April, May, and June financial reports that he has been neglecting on the web since he receives his salary.
What is the reason for leaving them at the end of March?
What are they hesitating about?
Many of you are checking out such carelessness.
Come on, let's hurry up and post them! ⇒ The contents are always so shabby, aren't they?

The management report for March 2022 is below.

Shall I show you the August 2020 management report for reference?

Did you all take a look? See!
I'm surprised at how quickly I've shortened it now, right?

By the way, I've received information that the other [Animalism Party] seems to have started writing something...
⇒As always, the dates are confusing!
Is the post from June 30th about 2022?

And what's more, the speech was given on November 20th, 2022, which hasn't even arrived yet, which is as incomprehensible as always!

By the way, last year we had a talk at our location, Jasmine Cafe, but I won't be listening to it this year.

Last year, Piyokan invited Meguro Minehito on Saturday, March 19, 2021, so it's been four months since then.
Since the location of Jasmine Cafe is the registered address of the Animalism Party, shouldn't we make some kind of arrangement like we did last year?
If we don't fulfill our obligations properly, it will become a source of trouble later on.
Well, I don't know! ! (lol!)

It's been hot again this year, but for some reason, Mr. Meguro is wearing long sleeves that reach his wrists even though it's summer. ⇒Is there some reason? ⇒Cherish~♪
But! It would be a big problem if I got heatstroke, so I rolled up my sleeves in a T-shirt or a white shirt to keep cool, and I have to finish the dolphin book quickly, as it would break my promise to all of you who donated your precious money through crowdfunding. (LOL!)

おやおやぁ〜?   - 2022/07/10(Sun) 19:38 No.164   HomePage



目黒 峯人認定番号AC01047認定日:2017/9/1






Oh my!
We last informed you about the [Animalism Party], and it seems they are about to start a new activity... They will be participating online from 8pm to 9:30pm on Friday, July 15th for 1000 yen, and only those who register will be able to participate... Hmm...

But still, it's a bit strange...
There was a qualification missing from Meguro's latest resume???
Normally, a resume would include information such as where you were born, your highest level of education, your work history, and any qualifications you have obtained, but I've heard that Meguro is close to that age (not like Oda Nobunaga, who said "50 years of life - ♪ I'll live forever"...), so I'm very interested to know what kind of job he had before joining the Animal Liberation Group and the Animalism Party... Anyway?

The qualification he obtained from the Japan Fundraising Association and is a "quasi-fundraiser" to raise funds from many people has been omitted.

I've always wondered about this, but the kanji for Meguro's given name (minehito?: mineto?) is sometimes written as "minehito" and sometimes as "minehito", but which is correct and which is the correct reading?
Meguro Mineto Certification Number AC01047 Date of Certification: 2017/9/1

(When I established the animal liberation group LIB, I used the name Meguro Mineto when I applied to the Cabinet Office, which has jurisdiction over the organization) → I use the character black???

The reason why I care about how names are pronounced is because in my previous job, I was running a consumer finance business as a limited company, and there were many cases where the kanji in names were changed or the pronunciation was changed in a very XXX way.

This year marks the fifth year since you obtained your Associate Fundraiser qualification, but will the Japan Fundraising Association certify your renewal in the current situation where you have caused problems?

If they do certify you, will the problematic crowdfunding refund procedures be completed in time for the renewal date of Thursday, September 1, 2022?

Let's wait and see for a while.

先程、アニマリズム党のFBに記載   - 2022/07/14(Thu) 10:55 No.165   HomePage



Kazuyo Morishita
Kazuyo Morishita

Kazuyo Morishita
Kazuyo Morishita


I have just made two inquiries regarding the article written by Mr. Meguro on the Animalism Party's Facebook page.


Kazuyo Morishita
At AACA2021, held from November 20th to 28th, 2022, I gave a speech titled "Recommendation for the Establishment of an Animal Party." ⇒This deadline hasn't arrived yet, has it? Is that okay?

Kazuyo Morishita
The above entry was made on July 14th, 2022 at 10:45 AM.

Kazuyo Morishita
[Each party has established an animal protection parliamentary coalition...] → It says, but have you checked each party thoroughly?

Kazuyo Morishita
The above entry was made on July 14th, 2022 at 10:49 AM.

They will probably take measures to prevent me from posting in the future! (lol!)

動物解放のための総合サイトは?   - 2022/07/15(Fri) 11:44 No.166   HomePage






By the way, regarding the 760,694 yen that the animal liberation group LIBB raised through crowdfunding from 105 supporters (7 animal supporters each month) with a deadline of May 15th, 2022.

It has been exactly two months since the crowdfunding goal of 500,000 yen was extended to May 15th and reached, but at present there has been no progress whatsoever.
In reality, they should provide everyone with the bare minimum of information about which company they have chosen and what the current situation is, but I wonder if the current representative, Shimizu Aoi, is not going to do anything, just like the previous representative, Meguro Minehito? These days, it seems like the hearts of the suspicious donors are starting to become clear...
I wonder if you two are doing well?

By the way, today the Animalism Party is giving some kind of lecture online for those who have paid 1000 yen, right?

And tomorrow, July 16th, a female crew member is holding some kind of workshop for those who have paid 1500 yen...

What is most important right now is that we have an obligation to clearly inform you of the current status of the 760,694 yen we received earlier, but I wonder if Liv doesn't think it's that important?

今、ようやくですか?   - 2022/07/26(Tue) 21:28 No.167   HomePage






Is it finally happening now?
The two questions I posted in
were left unattended for 12 days until this morning, as if no one had looked at them at all.
But then I finally noticed Morishita's post on Piyokan, and blocked him so I couldn't see it. (lol)

Wouldn't it be more sincere to answer his questions rather than block him?
Oh! That's right.
That's the kind of person Meguro is!

I had taken pictures of the posts I posted in advance, assuming they would be deleted, so if you have access to FB, please check the following.
If you confirm that Morishita's question on Piyokan has been deleted, I recommend that you be extremely careful with the people running that FB.

Well, right now, you can't raise money (raise funds: earn a living?) without taking any action against the 760,000 yen that was raised to make a new website, right?

So you can only collect 1,000 or 1,500 yen in membership fees bit by bit, but it must be difficult since you haven't been able to attract many customers.

More importantly, what you really need to do right now is to refund the money raised from the default crowdfunding and complete the dolphin book, right?

Please keep posting progress updates and do your best!

それはそうと!   - 2022/07/28(Thu) 17:25 No.168   HomePage





との指摘と、更に【143 和歌山県立自然博物館】においては、もうそれは目も当てられないラブホの建物全体をメインに博物館の看板は隅っこに写していると言う3枚に付いて、そのような構図で撮影し掲載している事も併せて全く話にならないとのご意見の一致を見ました。








3. 南日本編
2018年9月12日〜2018年11月1日 計178施設

105 遊亀公園付属動物園園(181103/山梨県甲府市)

106 富士サファリパーク(181104/静岡県裾野市)

107 山梨県立富士湧水の里水族館(森の中の水族館)(181105/山梨県南都留郡)

108 万力公園ふれあい動物広場(181106/山梨県山梨市)

109 飯田市動物園 (181107 /長野県飯田市)

110 蓼科アミューズメント水族館(181108/長野県茅野市)

111 小諸市動物園(181109/長野県小諸市)

112 市立大町山岳博物館付属園(181110/長野県大町市)

113 須坂市動物園(181110/長野県須坂市)

114 長野市茶臼山動物園(181111/長野県長野市)

115 長野県城山動物園収容所(181112/長野県長野市)
116 地獄谷野猿公苑〔資料 施設〕(181112/長野県下高井郡)

117 イヨボヤ会館(181113/新潟県村上市)

118 トキの森公園(181114/新潟県佐渡市)

119 真野公園(181114/新潟県佐渡市)

120 尖閣湾揚島遊園・水族館(181114/新潟県佐渡市)

121 新潟市水族館 マリンピア日本海(181115/新潟県新潟市)

122 長岡市寺泊水族博物館(181116/新潟県長岡市)

123 トキと自然の学習館(トキみ〜て)(181116/新潟県長岡市)

124 上越市立水族博物館 うみがたり(181117/新潟県上越市)

125 魚津水族館(181118/富山県魚津市)

126 のとじま水族館(181119/石川県七尾市)

127 高岡古城公園動物園(181120/富山県高岡市)

128 いしかわ動物園(181121/石川県能美市)

129 鯖江市西山動物園(181123/福井県鯖江市)

130 足羽山(あすわやま)公園遊園地(181123/福井県福井市)

131 越前松島水族館(181124/福井県坂井市)

132 匠の館森の水族館(181125/岐阜県高山市)

133 奥飛騨クマ牧場(181126/岐阜県高山市)

134 富山市ファミリーパーク(181127/富山県富山市)

135 なかよし生き物倶楽部プチZoo(移動動物園)(181128/岐阜県可児市)

136 世界淡水魚園水族館アクア・トト ぎふ(181129/岐阜県各務原市)

137 堀井動物園 第一飼育場(181130/滋賀県守山市)

138 めっちゃ触れる動物園(ピエリ守山内)(181130・181218/滋賀県野洲市)

139 堀井動物園 第二飼育場(181130/滋賀県野洲市)

140 滋賀県立琵琶湖博物館(181130/滋賀県草津市)

141 和歌山公園動物園(童話園)(181201/和歌山県和歌山市)

142 アドベンチャーワールド(181202/181216/和歌山県西牟婁郡)
  アドベンチャーワールド詳細 13回

143 和歌山県立自然博物館(181204/和歌山県海南市/A-83)

144 黒潮市場 和歌山マリーナシティ(2017年終了)(181204/和歌山県和歌山市)

145 南紀田辺ビーチサイドドルフィンin扇ヶ浜(2018年終了)(181205/和歌山県田辺市)

146 京都大学白浜水族館(181205/和歌山県西牟婁郡)

147 すさみ町立エビとカニの水族館(181206/和歌山県西牟婁郡)

148 串本海中公園(181207/和歌山県東牟婁郡)

149 白浜海中展望塔(181208/和歌山県西牟婁郡)

150 太地町:ドルフィンリゾート(181209/181215/和歌山県東牟婁郡)

150 太地町:ドルフィンベェイス(181209/和歌山県東牟婁郡)

150 太地町:太地町立くじらの博物館(181210/和歌山県東牟婁郡)
(※181209-181215(7日間) 太地町イルカ漁調査(コーヴモニター))

151 兵庫県立但馬牧場公園(181219/兵庫県美方郡)

152 真教寺公園(181219/鳥取県鳥取市)

153 打吹公園小動物園(181220/鳥取県倉吉市)

154 宍道湖自然館ゴビウス(181221/島根県出雲市)

155 松江フォーゲルパーク(181221/島根県松江市)

156 島根県立しまね海洋館AQUAS(181222/島根県浜田市)

157 到津の森公園(181223/福岡県北九州市)

158 海の中道海浜公園_動物の森(181224/福岡県福岡市)

159 海の中道海浜公園_マリンワールド海の中道(181224/福岡県福岡市)

160 久留米市鳥類センター(181225/福岡県久留米市)

161 大牟田市動物園(181226/福岡県大牟田市)

162 福岡市動物園(181227/福岡県福岡市)

163 西海国立公園九十九島動植物園 森きらら(181228/長崎県佐世保市)

164 西海国立公園九十九島水族館 海きらら(181229/長崎県佐世保市)

165 長崎バイオパーク(181230/長崎県西海市)

166 長崎ペンギン水族館(181231/長崎県長崎市)

167 イルカマリンワールド (190101/熊本県天草市/イルカウォッチング)

168 むつごろう水族館 諫早ゆうゆうランド干拓の里(190102/長崎県諫早市)

169 メルヘン村(190103/佐賀県武雄市)

170 神野公園 ミニ動物園(190103/佐賀県佐賀市)

171 熊本市動植物園(190104/熊本県熊本市)

172 わくわく海中水族館シードーナツ(190105/熊本県上天草市)

173 阿蘇カドリー・ドミニオン(190106/熊本県阿蘇市)

174 九州自然動物公園アフリカンサファリ(190107/大分県宇佐市)

175 大分マリーンパレス水族館 うみたまご(190108/大分県大分市)

176 高崎山自然動物園(190108/大分県大分市)

177 山地獄(190109/大分県別府市)

178 鬼山地獄/白池地獄(地獄めぐり)(190109/大分県別府市)

179 別府ラクテンチ(190110/大分県別府市)

180 うみたま体験パーク つくみイルカ島(190110/大分県津久見市)

181 道の駅やよい 番匠おさかな館(190111/大分県佐伯市)

182 すみえファミリー水族館(190111/宮崎県延岡市)

183 高千穂峡淡水魚水族館(190112/宮崎県西臼杵郡)

184 宮崎県農業科学公園ルピナスパーク(190112/宮崎県児湯郡)

185 宮崎市フェニックス自然動物園(190113/宮崎県宮崎市)

186 志布志湾大黒イルカランド(190114/宮崎県串間市)

187 長崎鼻パーキングガーデン(190115/鹿児島県指宿市)

188 鹿児島市平川動物公園(190116/鹿児島県鹿児島市)

189 いおワールドかごしま水族館(190117/鹿児島県鹿児島市)

190 久米島ウミガメ館(190119/沖縄県島尻郡)

191 ルネッサンス リゾートオキナワ(イルカプログラム提供者は、沖縄マリンリサーチセンター (OMRC))(190120/沖縄県国頭郡)

192 ネオパークオキナワ(名護自然動植物公園) (190121/沖縄県名護市)

193 ヤンバルクイナ生態展示学習施設 クイナの森(190121/沖縄県国頭郡)

194 沖縄美ら海水族館(190122/沖縄県国頭郡)

195 沖縄こどもの国(190123/沖縄県沖縄市)

196 もとぶ元気村(190124/沖縄県国頭郡)

197 下関市立しものせき水族館 海響館(190127/山口県下関市)

198 ときわ動物園(190128/山口県宇部市)

199 秋吉台サファリランド(190129/山口県美祢市)

200 周南市徳山動物園(190130/山口県周南市)

201 なぎさ水族館(190131/山口県大島郡)

202 宮島水族館 みやじマリン(190201/広島県廿日市市)

203 マリホ水族館(190202/広島県広島市)

204 ふれあいいきもの学校(190202/広島県広島市)

205 広島市安佐動物公園(190203/広島県広島市)

206 福山市立動物園(190204/広島県福山市)

207 笠岡市立カブトガニ博物館(190205/岡山県笠岡市)

208 渋川動物公園(190205/岡山県岡山市)

209 池田動物園(190206/岡山県岡山市)

210 玉野市立玉野海洋博物館(渋川マリン水族館)(190208/岡山県玉野市)

211 新屋島水族館(190209/香川県高松市)

212 日本ドルフィンセンター(190210/香川県さぬき市)

213 とくしま動物園(190211/徳島県徳島市)

214 しろとり動物園(190212/香川県東かがわ市)

215 日和佐うみがめ博物館カレッタ(190213/徳島県海部郡)

216 わんぱーくこうちアニマルランド(190214/高知県高知市)

217 桂浜水族館(190215/高知県高知市)

218 むろと廃校水族館(190216/高知県室戸市)

219 室戸ドルフィンセンター(190216/高知県室戸市)

220 高知県立のいち動物公園(190217/高知県香南市)

221 足摺海洋館(190218/高知県土佐清水市)

222 足摺海底館(190218/高知県土佐清水市)

223 虹の森公園 おさかな館(190218/愛媛県北宇和郡)

224 愛媛県立とべ動物園(190219/愛媛県伊予郡)

225 ドルフィンファームしまなみ(190220/愛媛県今治市)

226 大内山動物園(脇動物園)(190226/三重県度会郡)

227 志摩マリンランド(190227/三重県志摩市)

228 日本サンショウウオセンター(190228/三重県名張市)

229 五桂池ふるさと村 花と動物ふれあい広場(190301/三重県多気郡)

230 志摩マリンレジャー イルカ島(190302/三重県鳥羽市)

231 鳥羽水族館(190303/三重県鳥羽市)

232 伊勢シーパラダイス(190304/三重県伊勢市)

233 橿原市昆虫館(190305/奈良県橿原市)

234 イングランドの丘 淡路ファームパーク(190306/兵庫県南あわじ市)

235 淡路じゃのひれアウトドアリゾート ドルフィンファーム(190307/兵庫県南あわじ市)

236 神戸市立須磨海浜水族園(190308/兵庫県神戸市)

237 神戸どうぶつ王国(190309/兵庫県神戸市)

238 神戸市立王子動物園(190310/兵庫県神戸市)

239 姫路市立水族館(190311/兵庫県姫路市)

240 姫路セントラルパーク(190312/兵庫県姫路市)

241 龍野公園動物園(190313/兵庫県たつの市)

242 鳥取県立とっとり賀露かにっこ館(190315/鳥取県鳥取市)

243 城崎マリンワールド(190316/兵庫県豊岡市)

244 福知山市動物園(190317/京都府福知山市)

245 丹後魚っ知館(190317/京都府宮津市)

246 池田市立五月山動物園(190318/大阪府池田市)

247 ひらかたパーク(190319/大阪府枚方市)

248 ニフレル(190320/大阪府吹田市)

249 京都市動物園(190321/京都府京都市)

250 姫路市立動物園(190322/兵庫県姫路市)

251 ワールド牧場(190323/大阪府南河内郡)

252 みさき公園動物園(190324/大阪府泉南群)

253 海遊館(190326/大阪府大阪市)

254 天王寺動物園(190327/大阪府大阪市)

255 京都水族館(190328/京都府京都市)

256 日本モンキーセンター(190329/愛知県犬山市)

257 東山動植物園(190330/愛知県名古屋市)

258 南知多ビーチランド(190331/愛知県名古屋市)

259 愛知高原国定公園 鞍ケ池公園(190401/愛知県豊田市)

260 名古屋港水族館(190402/愛知県名古屋市)

261 碧南市青少年海の科学館(190403/愛知県碧南市)

262 岡崎市東公園動物園(190404/愛知県岡崎市)

263 竹島水族館(190405/愛知県蒲郡市)

264 赤塚山公園ぎょぎょランド(190406/愛知県豊川市)

265 のんほいパーク 豊橋総合動植物公園(190407/愛知県豊橋市)

266 掛川花鳥園(190408/静岡県掛川市)

267 浜松市動物園(190409/静岡県浜松市)

268 東海大学海洋科学博物館(190410/静岡県静岡市)

269 静岡市立日本平動物園(190411/静岡県静岡市)

270 富士花鳥園(190412/静岡県富士宮市)

271 伊豆・三津シーパラダイス(190413/静岡県沼津市)

272 あわしまマリンパーク(190414/静岡県沼津市)

273 熱川バナナワニ園(190415/静岡県賀茂郡)

274 伊豆アニマルキングダム(190416/静岡県賀茂郡)

275 三島市立公園 楽寿園(190417/静岡県三島市)

276 KawaZoo(190418/静岡県賀茂郡)

277 iZoo(190419/静岡県賀茂郡)

278 ドルフィンファンタジー(190420/静岡県伊東市)

279 下田海中水族館(190421/静岡県下田市)

280 沼津港深海水族館 シーラカンスミュージアム(190422/静岡県沼津市)

281 伊豆シャボテン動物公園(190423/静岡県伊東市)

That being said!
When I was the representative of the animal liberation group Lib, I received a lot of money from many people and enjoyed visiting aquariums and zoos all over Japan, but I've just realized that even back then, I was already showing glimpses of my half-baked personality.
That's right, everyone!

When I was touring northern Japan, I was still posting photos and YouTube videos properly.

But what about now?
In the southern Japan edition below, the YouTube videos are completely ignored, with the description "In preparation".

For one reason or another, even Shirahama Adventure World in Wakayama, a facility that I wrote about having visited 13 times because there were so many problems, has been neglected.
As long as it says "In preparation," we can assume that the footage is being filmed, but why has all work been abandoned since November 1, 2018...? ? ?

And here, a photo of Meguro with his foot on the nose of a fake horse is also posted.

⇒People who have examined this image have pointed out that the foot belongs to a man who was still a director at the time, but what is the mental makeup of Meguro Minehito, the representative at the time, who chose to post such an image?

Furthermore, there was a unanimous opinion that the three photos of [143 Wakayama Prefectural Museum of Natural History] show the entire love hotel building, which is so unbearable that it is unbearable to look at, with the museum sign in the corner, and that the fact that it was shot and posted in such a composition is completely unacceptable.

By the way, in the photo of the Children's Garden in Wakayama Castle on December 1, 2018, you can see the colored signboard where Piyokan has been a long-time supporter of the zoo, the sign explaining the ducks that Piyokan donated, and the images of the Golden Pheasant and Amur Pheasant that Piyokan also donated.

I wonder if he was relieved that he had completely deleted them?
But his footprints remain on the web.

By the way, the admission ticket to Adventure World is 4,800 yen for adults, so Mr. Meguro spent 13 times x 4,800 yen = 62,400 yen of the important funds that he received (consigned) from everyone over 15 days from December 2, 2018 to December 16, 2018, simply taking photos of the panda and dolphin shows.
It's been four years since then, and he's still left it alone.
So no matter what we plan to do after that, no matter how much money we raise from you all with clever words, it's inevitable that we'll just leave it alone and repeat the same thing...

On top of not even summarizing the 2018 tour around the country...

Not writing the book on dolphins, which is currently a problem. ⇒1.76 million yen was raised and enjoyed by zoos and aquariums around the country.

About creating a new website, which is due on May 15th of this year. ⇒760,000 yen was raised, but there has been no movement at this point and no progress information has been released.

But what are they doing, just talking about something on the web after collecting 1,000 or 1,500 yen?

More than anything, the top priority is to publish the poor financial results of the animal liberation organization LIB for April, May, June, and July 2022.

Since Meguro Minato is the 10th director and employee, can't he do his job???

But seriously!
The current representative, Shimizu Aoi, is ignoring this situation... sigh...

There really are just too many problems.

3. Southern Japan
September 12, 2018 - November 1, 2018: 178 facilities in total

105 Yu-Kei Park Zoo (181103 / Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture)

106 Fuji Safari Park (181104 / Susono City, Shizuoka Prefecture)

107 Yamanashi Prefectural Fuji Spring Water Village Aquarium (Aquarium in the Forest) (181105 / Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture)

108 Manriki Park Animal Park (181106 / Yamanashi City, Yamanashi Prefecture)

109 Iida City Zoo (181107 / Iida City, Nagano Prefecture)

110 Tateshina Amusement Aquarium (181108 / Chino City, Nagano Prefecture)

111 Komoro City Zoo (181109 / Komoro City, Nagano Prefecture)

112 Omachi City Mountain Museum Garden (181110 / Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture)

113 Suzaka City Zoo (181110 / Suzaka City, Nagano Prefecture)

114 Nagano City Chausuyama Zoo (181111 / Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture)

115 Nagano Prefecture Shiroyama Zoo Detention Center (181112 / Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture)

116 Jigokudani Monkey Park [References/Facilities] (181112 / Shimotakai District, Nagano Prefecture)

117 Iyoboya Hall (181113 / Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture)

118 Toki no Mori Park (181114 / Sado City, Niigata Prefecture)

119 Mano Park (181114 / Sado City, Niigata Prefecture)

120 Senkaku Bay Ageshima Amusement Park and Aquarium (181114 / Sado City, Niigata Prefecture)

121 Niigata City Aquarium Marinepia Nihonkai (181115 / Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture)

122 Nagaoka City Teradomari Aquarium (181116 / Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture)

123 Toki and Nature Learning Center (Toki Mi~te) (181116 / Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture)

124 Joetsu City Aquarium Umigatari (181117 / Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture)

125 Uozu Aquarium (181118 / Uozu City, Toyama Prefecture)

126 Notojima Aquarium (181119 / Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture)

127 Takaoka Castle Park Zoo (181120 / Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture)

128 Ishikawa Zoo (181121 / Nomi City, Ishikawa Prefecture)

129 Sabae City Nishiyama Zoo (181123 / Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture)

130 Asuwayama Park Amusement Park (181123 / Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture)

131 Echizen Matsushima Aquarium (181124 / Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture)

132 Takumi no Yakata Mori Aquarium (181125 / Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture)

133 Oku-Hida Bear Ranch (181126 / Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture)

134 Toyama City Family Park (181127 / Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture)

135 Nakayoshi Creatures Club Petit Zoo (Mobile Zoo) (181128 / Kani City, Gifu Prefecture)

136 Aqua Toto Gifu World Freshwater Aquarium (181129 / Kakamigahara City, Gifu Prefecture)

137 Horii Zoo First Breeding Facility (181130 / Moriyama City, Shiga Prefecture)

138 Super Touching Zoo (inside Pieri Moriyama) (181130, 181218 / Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture)

139 Horii Zoo Second Breeding Facility (181130 / Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture)

140 Shiga Prefectural Lake Biwa Museum (181130 / Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture)

141 Wakayama Park Zoo (Dowaen) (181201 / Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture)


142 Adventure World (181202/181216/Nishimuro District, Wakayama Prefecture)

Details of Adventure World 13 times

143 Wakayama Prefectural Museum of Natural History (181204/Kainan City, Wakayama Prefecture/A-83)

⇒There are already a lot of photos here, but the last few are of a love hotel called "Moshi Moshi Pierrot" and I wonder if you're interested? (lol!) )

144 Kuroshio Market Wakayama Marina City (ended in 2017) (181204 / Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture)

145 Nanki Tanabe Beachside Dolphin in Ogigahama (ended in 2018) (181205 / Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture)

146 Kyoto University Shirahama Aquarium (181205 / Nishimuro District, Wakayama Prefecture)

147 Susami Town Shrimp and Crab Aquarium (181206 / Nishimuro District, Wakayama Prefecture)

148 Kushimoto Marine Park (181207 / Higashimuro District, Wakayama Prefecture)

149 Shirahama Underwater Observation Tower (181208 / Nishimuro District, Wakayama Prefecture)

150 Taiji: Dolphin Resort (181209/181215/Higashimuro District, Wakayama Prefecture)
150 Taiji: Dolphin Base (181209/Higashimuro District, Wakayama Prefecture)
150 Taiji: Taiji Whale Museum (181210/Higashimuro District, Wakayama Prefecture)
(※181209-181215 (7 days) Taiji Town Dolphin Fishing Survey (Cave Monitor)
151 Hyogo Prefectural Tajima Ranch Park (181219/Mikata District, Hyogo Prefecture)
152 Shinkyoji Park (181219/Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture)
153 Utsubuki Park Small Zoo (181220/Kurayoshi City, Tottori Prefecture)
154 Shinji Lake Nature Museum Gobius (181221/Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture)
155 Matsue Vogel Park (181221/Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture)
156 Shimane Prefectural Shimane Aquarium AQUAS (181222/Hamada City, Shimane Prefecture)
157 Itotsu no Mori Park (181223 / Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture)

158 Umi no Nakamichi Seaside Park_Animal Forest (181224 / Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture)

159 Umi no Nakamichi Seaside Park_Marine World Umi no Nakamichi (181224 / Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture)

160 Kurume City Bird Center (181225 / Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture)

161 Omuta City Zoo (181226 / Omuta City, Fukuoka Prefecture)

162 Fukuoka City Zoo (181227 / Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture)

163 Saikai National Park Kujukushima Zoo and Botanical Garden Mori Kirara (181228 / Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture)

164 Saikai National Park Kujukushima Aquarium Umi Kirara (181229 / Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture)

165 Nagasaki Bio Park (181230 / Saikai City, Nagasaki Prefecture)

166 Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium (181231 / Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture)

167 Dolphin Marine World (190101 / Amakusa City, Kumamoto Prefecture / Dolphin Watching)

168 Mutsugoro Aquarium Isahaya Yuyu Land Reclaimed Land Village (190102 / Isahaya City, Nagasaki Prefecture)

169 Fairy Tale Village (190103 / Takeo City, Saga Prefecture)

170 Kamino Park Mini Zoo (190103 / Saga City, Saga Prefecture)

171 Kumamoto City Zoological and Botanical Gardens (190104 / Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture)

172 Wakuwaku Underwater Aquarium Sea Donuts (190105 / Kamiamakusa City, Kumamoto Prefecture)

173 Aso Cuddly Dominion (190106 / Aso City, Kumamoto Prefecture)

174 Kyushu Natural Zoo African Safari (190107 / Usa City, Oita Prefecture)

175 Oita Marine Palace Aquarium Umitamago (190108 / Oita City, Oita Prefecture)

176 Takasakiyama Natural Zoo (190108 / Oita City, Oita Prefecture)

177 Yamajigoku (190109 / Beppu City, Oita Prefecture)

178 Oniyamajigoku / Shiraikejigoku (Hell Tour) (190109 / Beppu City, Oita Prefecture)

179 Beppu Rakutenchi (190110 / Beppu City, Oita Prefecture)

180 Umitama Experience Park Tsukumi Dolphin Island (190110 / Tsukumi City, Oita Prefecture)

181 Roadside Station Yayoi Bansho Fish Museum (190111 / Saiki City, Oita Prefecture)

182 Sumie Family Aquarium (190111 / Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture)

183 Takachiho Gorge Freshwater Fish Aquarium (190112 / Nishiusuki District, Miyazaki Prefecture)

184 Miyazaki Prefectural Agricultural Science Park Lupinus Park (190112 / Koyu District, Miyazaki Prefecture)

185 Miyazaki City Phoenix Natural Zoo (190113 / Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture)

186 Shibushi Bay Daikoku Dolphin Land (190114 / Kushima City, Miyazaki Prefecture)

187 Nagasakibana Parking Garden (190115 / Ibusuki City, Kagoshima Prefecture)

188 Kagoshima City Hirakawa Zoo (190116 / Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture)

189 Io World Kagoshima Aquarium (190117 / Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture)

190 Kumejima Sea Turtle House (190119 / Shimajiri District, Okinawa Prefecture)

191 Renaissance Resort Okinawa (Dolphin program provider is Okinawa Marine Research Center) (OMRC)) (190120 / Kunigami District, Okinawa Prefecture)

192 Neo Park Okinawa (Nago Natural Zoo and Botanical Garden) (190121 / Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture)

193 Okinawa Rail Ecological Exhibition and Learning Facility Rail Forest (190121 / Kunigami District, Okinawa Prefecture)

194 Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium (190122 / Kunigami District, Okinawa Prefecture)

195 Okinawa Zoo & Museum (190123 / Okinawa City, Okinawa Prefecture)

196 Motobu Genki Village (190124 / Kunigami District, Okinawa Prefecture)

197 Shimonoseki City Shimonoseki Aquarium Kaikyokan (190127 / Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture)

198 Tokiwa Zoo (190128 / Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture)

199 Akiyoshidai Safari Land (190129 / Mine City, Yamaguchi Prefecture)

200 Shunan City Tokuyama Zoo (190130 / Shunan City, Yamaguchi Prefecture)

201 Nagisa Aquarium (190131 / Oshima District, Yamaguchi Prefecture)

202 Miyajima Marine Aquarium (190201 / Hatsukaichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture)

203 Mariho Aquarium (190202 / Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture)

204 Fureai Ikimono School (190202 / Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture)

205 Hiroshima City Asa Zoo (190203 / Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture)

206 Fukuyama City Zoo (190204 / Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture)

207 Kasaoka City Horseshoe Crab Museum (190205 / Kasaoka City, Okayama Prefecture)

208 Shibukawa Zoo (190205 / Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture)

209 Ikeda Zoo (190206 / Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture)

210 Tamano City Tamano Marine Museum (Shibukawa Marine Aquarium) (190208 / Tamano City, Okayama Prefecture)

211 New Yashima Aquarium (190209 / Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture)

212 Japan Dolphin Center (190210 / Sanuki City, Kagawa Prefecture)

213 Tokushima Zoo (190211 / Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture)

214 Shirotori Zoo (190212 / Higashikagawa City, Kagawa Prefecture)

215 Hiwasa Sea Turtle Museum Caretta (190213 / Kaifu District, Tokushima Prefecture)

216 Wanpaku Kochi Animal Land (190214 / Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture)

217 Katsurahama Aquarium (190215 / Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture)

218 Muroto Abandoned School Aquarium (190216 / Muroto City, Kochi Prefecture)

219 Muroto Dolphin Center (190216 / Muroto City, Kochi Prefecture)

220 Kochi Prefectural Noichi Zoo (190217 / Konan City, Kochi Prefecture)

221 Ashizuri Oceanarium (190218 / Tosashimizu City, Kochi Prefecture)

222 Ashizuri Submarine Museum (190218 / Tosashimizu City, Kochi Prefecture)

223 Niji no Mori Park Fish Museum (190218 / Kitauwa District, Ehime Prefecture)

224 Ehime Prefectural Tobe Zoo (190219 / Iyo District, Ehime Prefecture)

225 Dolphin Farm Shimanami (190220 / Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture)

226 Ouchiyama Zoo (Waki Zoo) (190226 / Watarai District, Mie Prefecture)

227 Shima Marineland (190227 / Shima City, Mie Prefecture)

228 Japan Salamander Center (190228 / Nabari City, Mie Prefecture)

229 Gokaike Furusato Village Flower and Animal Interaction Square (190301 / Taki District, Mie Prefecture)

230 Shima Marine Leisure Dolphin Island (190302 / Toba City, Mie Prefecture)

231 Toba Aquarium (190303 / Toba City, Mie Prefecture)

232 Ise Sea Paradise (190304 / Ise City, Mie Prefecture)

233 Kashihara City Insectarium (190305 / Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture)

234 England Hill Awaji Farm Park (190306 / Minami Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture)

235 Awaji Janohi Outdoor Resort Dolphin Farm (190307 / Minami Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture)

236 Kobe City Suma Aqualife Park (190308 / Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture)

237 Kobe Animal Kingdom (190309 / Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture)

238 Kobe City Oji Zoo (190310 / Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture)

239 Himeji City Aquarium (190311 / Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture)

240 Himeji Central Park (190312 / Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture)

241 Tatsuno Park Zoo (190313 / Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture)

242 Tottori Prefectural Tottori Karo Kanikkokan (190315 / Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture)

243 Kinosaki Marine World (190316 / Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture)

244 Fukuchiyama City Zoo (190317 / Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto Prefecture)

245 Tango Uocchikan (190317 / Miyazu City, Kyoto Prefecture)

246 Ikeda City Satsukiyama Zoo (190318 / Ikeda City, Osaka Prefecture)

247 Hirakata Park (190319 / Hirakata City, Osaka Prefecture)

248 Nifrel (190320 / Suita City, Osaka Prefecture)

249 Kyoto City Zoo (190321 / Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture)

250 Himeji City Zoo (190322 / Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture)

251 World Ranch (190323 / Minamikawachi District, Osaka Prefecture)

252 Misaki Park Zoo (190324 / Sennan District, Osaka Prefecture)

253 Kaiyukan (190326 / Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture)

254 Tennoji Zoo (190327 / Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture)

255 Kyoto Aquarium (190328 / Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture)

256 Japan Monkey Center (190329 / Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture)

257 Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens (190330 / Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture)

258 Minamichita Beach Land (190331 / Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture)

259 Aichi Kogen Quasi-National Park Kurakeike Park (190401 / Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture)

260 Nagoya Port Public Aquarium (190402 / Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture)

261 Hekinan City Youth Marine Science Museum (190403 / Hekinan City, Aichi Prefecture)

262 Okazaki City East Park Zoo (190404 / Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture)

263 Takeshima Aquarium (190405 / Gamagori City, Aichi Prefecture)

264 Akatsukayama Park Gyogyo Land (190406 / Toyokawa City, Aichi Prefecture)

265 Nonhoi Park Toyohashi Zoo and Botanical Gardens (190407 / Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture)

266 Kakegawa Kachouen (190408 / Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture)

267 Hamamatsu City Zoo (190409 / Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture)

268 Tokai University Marine Science Museum (190410 / Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture)

269 Shizuoka City Nihon-daira Zoo (190411 / Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture)

270 Fuji Kachouen (190412 / Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture)

271 Izu-Mito Sea Paradise (190413 / Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture)

272 Awashima Marine Park (190414 / Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture)

273 Atagawa Banana Crocodile Garden (190415 / Kamo District, Shizuoka Prefecture)

274 Izu Animal Kingdom (190416 / Kamo District, Shizuoka Prefecture)

275 Mishima City Park Rakujuen (190417 / Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture)

276 KawaZoo (190418 / Kamo District, Shizuoka Prefecture)

277 iZoo (190419 / Kamo District, Shizuoka Prefecture)

278 Dolphin Fantasy (190420 / Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture)

279 Shimoda Aquarium (190421 / Shimoda City, Shizuoka Prefecture)

280 Numazu Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum (190422 / Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture)

281 Izu Shaboten Zoo (190423 / Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture)

社会心理学では  投稿者:Cat Nene 投稿日:2022/06/01(Wed) 11:18 No.157





In just under two years since the launch of NPO LIB, we have found that seven or eight supporters (including me) have been heartbroken by the cruel words hurled at them by the former representative.

I have never heard of so much trouble occurring around one person.

What is the problem? Where is the cause? I wondered.

I found a book on "social psychology" (2020 edition) at the library that was similar to the case, so I would like to introduce it to you.

Aggressive personality

Aggressive personality is known as a narcissistic tendency.

Narcissistic tendencies are characterized by a focus on oneself, grandiosity, a sense of entitlement, dominance, and superiority.

In other words, people with high narcissistic tendencies can be considered to be people who are generally called "narcissists."

People with strong narcissistic tendencies are characterized by having very high self-esteem, but no clear reason or basis to support it.

For this reason, it is said that small events can cause self-esteem to decrease, making them more likely to feel threatened by their ego.

In other words, because people with strong narcissistic tendencies assume that they will be highly regarded by others, they react sensitively to actions that normal people wouldn't mind, and they become more angry and prone to aggressive behavior.
This is called the narcissistic threat model.

I see... that makes sense.
There may be other people who have been exposed to threats as well.

Even if the new LIB has replaced its leader, it cannot make the scandals that he caused disappear.

Despite claiming to be "a supporter of animals," in reality he was seen walking past a stray dog ​​in Taiji.
Some people said, "I wish he had stopped for at least five seconds."

的の中心ど真ん中を射抜いてます...   - 2022/06/01(Wed) 20:48 No.158   HomePage





でもCat Neneさんの書かれた内容に、バッチリハマっているので謝る事自体が出来ないのでしょうね、きっと!














I think that's absolutely true.

On February 23, 2021, when Meguro was called at Jasmine Cafe on March 19, he froze when he said he was a member of Piyokan, could barely speak, and quickly hung up the phone as if trying to escape from fear.

According to information from people close to him, for some reason, Piyokan's Morishita is quite scary.

⇒Why not!?

Meguro himself had nothing to feel guilty about, and this was the Piyokan denunciation incident, which he had caused based on his own beliefs, but he should take responsibility for it (by speaking directly to Piyokan's Morishita and officially apologizing).

But he fits perfectly into what Cat Nene wrote, so I'm sure he can't even apologize!

He doesn't take the initiative at all, but instead encourages vegans and other well-meaning people while he watches from afar, and if they access him through Piyokan, he turns his tail between his legs and runs away!

→Many people are staring at this attitude.

Piyokan is sending regular progress updates to all those who have called Piyokan directly or sent emails to him, and Meguro's true identity is gradually becoming clear: , but he has only given himself 30 days to offer a refund, and although he has said that his writing activities, which he has not completed and has broken off, will be completed around the end of this year, it is unclear whether he will actually complete them, and he writes arrogantly as if he is competent, but if you read these, it is clear that he is very lenient with himself.

This is no good.
So, if they announce that they will be broadcasting an Instagram Live, please ask as many of you as possible!
Among them, please ask them why they are blocking two of Piyokan's Morishita's phones!

I'll be waiting~♪

Even so, it's really pathetic, isn't it?
They are not only blocking Piyokan's Morishita, but also all those who ask about things that are inconvenient for them (even though they say it's an organization, the employees are almost all borrowed names, so they are almost all individuals) (I guess they don't want to be criticized when they are trying to raise money through crowdfunding and have their livelihoods directly affected...)

Also, there was a video of the two of them talking after reaching their goal about how they raised about 760,000 yen, with 500,000 yen to build a new website, and from the words that the current representative casually let out, it was like, hey! I wonder if they really will hire a contractor?

I saw some parts that made me want to ask, so I would ask those who donated to show me the receipts from the contractors they hired.

I will also check to see if the money is properly recorded in the income statement at the end of the fiscal year.

In fact, how about we donate from Piyokan too?

Go for it! It might be a good idea to use donors and their rights to speak out and draw out the inside information that everyone wants to know, right?

Also, in the words of Meguro himself in the article https://animal-liberator.net/animal-liberator/crowdfunding-website-nextgoal/, he says, [I moved to the countryside where rent is cheap and I'm living a frugal life.], beautifying himself as if he is frugal, but...

No! Wait a minute!!
The countryside?
How dare he write such rude words to the people in the area who have helped him!

Isn't Kiso-cho, Kiso-gun, a very peaceful and lovely place?

By the way!
I was given detailed information about this matter, and it seems that they received 1 million yen, which is a special treatment for newcomers, and were assigned free housing for the first two years, and also worked for the town hall.

Oh, now that I think about it, you traveled abroad after you moved here, didn't you?
That must have been really fun.
I heard it was in country XXX, which I haven't been to yet.
That's so great!
I'm really jealous.

So when you had to pay rent normally after the two-year contract period ended, you just moved away from the area in front of the station to where it was easier to pay, right?
So he was treated like a dream, and then simply moved to a place with cheaper rent after his relocation contract ended, right? (Well, the first two years were fine, weren't they?)

If he'd worked normally after that, he could have paid the rent normally, but I guess he didn't...

See you next time!

ところでね?   - 2022/06/06(Mon) 22:44 No.159   HomePage



【告知】インスタライブ「動物解放の実務 Ver.1」 2020年5月8日(日) 20:00〜
220508 インスタライブ告知 アイキャッチ







There's something I've always wondered...

It's normal that there are no dates on the posts that Liv makes.

But you know?
This was when she was raising funds for her Instagram Live on May 8th?

It's now 2022, but it's two years ago!

Why is she still leaving the text saying that she'll be doing an Instagram Live on Sunday, May 8th, 2020 exposed???

There's a limit to how distracted she can be, right?

That's the point! https://animal-liberator.net/animal-liberator/insta-live220507-announcement/
Posted on May 7, 2022
[Announcement] Instagram Live "Practical Animal Liberation Ver.1" May 8, 2020 (Sun) 20:00-
220508 Instagram Live Announcement Eye-Catcher

It's like, come on, the day before yesterday! Isn't that the date! (LOL!)

Then, I saw an announcement that the current representative will be holding a [talk session] on June 30th from 8:00PM to 9:30PM...
I wonder what that is all about? ? ?
Former CEO Meguro Minehito, who caused problems with crowdfunding and is in the midst of a refund issue, is going to read aloud a book that he was unable to bind and somehow managed to sell as an e-book on Amazon... Really! Is that okay?

More importantly, shouldn't current CEO Shimizu Aoi also take responsibility for the donors who should be refunded?

The announcement of refunds was made on Saturday, May 21, 2022, with a deadline of Monday, June 20, but what is the basis for this?

The amount of the refund is also strange...
Since it was an unfulfilled return, it is only natural that the full amount should be refunded!

Also, former CEO Meguro Minehito is planning to finish the book he promised to keep by the end of the year.
It's not a guarantee, but oh, is that so, is that so! Well, I'll try my best to write it.
Don't let him get away with it.
It would be fair to extend the deadline for requesting a refund until the time of writing.

本日6月20日は・・・   - 2022/06/20(Mon) 19:10 No.160   HomePage





Today is the final date for arbitrarily setting refund requests for the crowdfunding refund issue that was blundered by Meguro Minehito of the animal liberation group LIB.

But then...
1. How many people were contacted?
2. How many replies had been received by that day, and how much was the total amount of the refund?
3. How many people stated that they did not want a refund by that day, and how much was the total amount?
4. How many people ultimately did not receive any reply, and how much was the total amount?
5. Also, if the contact was by email, were there any cases where the email was returned without being delivered?

It would be fair to make the above information public at the very least.

Well, let's look forward to what they write from today onwards and keep an eye on them.

いや!共感するページを見つけた...   - 2022/06/20(Mon) 19:38 No.161   HomePage



こんなところがありました。  もりちゃんでっす! - 2021/03/07(Sun) 14:13 No.69

→【大切な人がレイプされ 監禁拷問され 泣き叫びながら殺され その遺体 その子供の遺体まで食べてる人間】



 Bその他 有意義な物




No! I found a page that I can relate to.

I just discovered by chance that someone had noticed the feeling I have towards Meguro Minato that he is empty and unconvincing.

↓↓↓Please take a look if you'd like.



By the way, about 10 days after Meguro Minato made his move on Piyokan on February 23, 2021, I remembered that I felt a great sense of incongruity when I searched for various things about , so I would like to make it public again.

I found this.It's Mori-chan! - 2021/03/07(Sun) 14:13 No.69
This is an image of someone putting their foot on a horse statue (kicking it?), but is this the photographer's own foot?
→There was a very disturbing expression in this.
The words "girl with beautiful skin" were written about a female dolphin juvenile, but all of the posts have now been deleted.

And the text written on the address below.
→[A person who eats the body of a loved one who was raped, imprisoned and tortured, killed while crying, and even the body of the child]
When I see expressions like this, I feel a strange chill in my heart.

Also, please take a look at the address below!

[About in-kind donations]
In-kind donations are donations that provide goods, not money.

At LIB, we accept donations of
@ items that are meaningful to our activities
A items that can be easily converted into cash
B other meaningful items.

We accept everything from small items to land and buildings.
Please contact us first.
What are meaningful items?
But in the end, they were like, "Are you going to make money out of this?" LOL.

Do they really not care about appearances?

Anyway, it seems that they are thorough in deleting any text that is inconvenient to them.

[2 images posted on July 30, 2022 at 9:18 PM: We have found an image of someone with their foot on a horse's nose, so we are posting it. Apparently, we have received testimony that this foot belongs to one of the male directors of Lib, who was still affiliated at the time.

However, in any case, we have received many opinions that make us wonder what is going on in the mind of Meguro Minehito, the representative at the time who chose and posted this image.]

クラファンと活動  投稿者:Cat Nene 投稿日:2022/05/25(Wed) 12:18 No.149



People in the field of social psychology say that LIB's activities "look like a business."

The Fundraising Code of Conduct states that "it is not just about raising funds for our activities, but through the process of raising support, we need to show more people the issues in society, gain their understanding and sympathy, and increase the number of participants in solving those issues, thereby making society better."

Looking at LIB's activities on social media, they are raising donations through crowdfunding, claiming to be funds for building a "comprehensive website for animal liberation."

The effectiveness of this website has not been shown, so even looking at the chart makes it unclear, and I hope it doesn't end up being a failed plan.

They are also raising monthly supporters, but this seems to be for monthly living expenses, labor costs, and housing costs (for the two of them), and the target amount was set at 220,000 yen.

Looking back at LIB's past activities, they started things but left them unfinished, and no results were reported.

What was the result of the inquiries regarding the "Petition to Wakayama Prefecture for Dolphin Fishing" and the "Petition for Chiba Prefecture Ichihara Elephant Kingdom"? He performed live in front of the prefectural office saying that he would submit the donation soon, but if his activity is funded by donations, he should not be allowed to just leave it at that.
There was a seeming inconsistency between his words and his actions, as he said during the live performance that he had bought an annual pass to the Whale Museum with the donations from the dolphin fishing crowdfunding campaign.
He was criticized by people who are campaigning for people not to go to dolphin shows and not to buy aquarium tickets.
I remember someone saying on social media, "Someone who can be criticized for such basic things can't call themselves an activist. It's embarrassing."

What we fear from the above is that if the "Comprehensive Website for Animal Liberation" is not ultimately completed, who will be held responsible and how?
Why don't all those who donated ask this?

確かにね〜。   - 2022/05/26(Thu) 11:29 No.150   HomePage











From what I've seen of his videos, he's not only nervous, but his words are shallow and fake.

Also, although he says he wants to "liberate animals," he doesn't clearly state what his ultimate goal is, or what it will take to "achieve" it.

It's an important source of income...
By making a fuss about "It's terrible! The animals! The dolphins!", he slowly extracts funds from the pockets of well-meaning people and uses them to support himself under convenient pretexts.

Also, in his fundraising videos, he has recently been putting all his effort into trying to eliminate people who ask him questions in real time that are inconvenient for him, but he doesn't realize that he is full of weaknesses and childishness.

⇒It's really painful.

Anyway, from now on, I can only see him leaning forward and squeezing his pockets in order to receive money from well-meaning people.

Well, maybe he can make a living by leeching off the good people in this world without even breaking a sweat?
Was that really such a naive thought?

Even so, he stepped down as representative even though there was no need to do so under normal circumstances, probably because he understood that he was being pursued.

So does that mean he's being forced into a situation where he has to refund those who donated money to the crowdfunding campaign he broke (to write a book and give back to investors ⇒ currently in default)?
Even with this refund, he only announced it on May 21st, and was very lenient on himself for breaking the contract (he wrote that he would somehow write it by the end of the year, but it's unclear what will actually happen), but he has only given the other party who should have received the refund a period of about one month (until June 20th), which is shameful.

By the way, they recently raised 500,000 yen and said they will make a "comprehensive website for animal liberation", but they already have a very impressive website that they made themselves, so which company will they hire to make it, and have they gotten proper quotes?

In any case, it is important for those who provided funds to check carefully which company they will hire, how much they will charge, and when the work will be completed.

In any case, it might be a good idea to ask them directly.

First of all, Meguro Minehito, the representative at the time of establishment, is 090-8331-8923. There is no phone number listed for the current representative, Shimizu Aoi! ⇒But they both have the same address!

So I recommend you check with Meguro.

皆様、ほんっと!笑うよ〜。   - 2022/05/30(Mon) 11:06 No.151   HomePage








Now, everyone, please take a look at the content below.


The target amount they hope to receive from you this time was 500,000 yen.

Furthermore, I remember that they had already raised more than 580,000 yen by the time they announced that they would extend the deadline until May 15th, exceeding the initial goal of 500,000 yen.

However, the published text, which is called the final result this time, does not disclose how much money was ultimately raised.

I don't understand what is meant by "final result" in this!

Also, as is always the case with this organization, although the month and day of the post are written, the year is never written.

[This time, the content was written on May 21, 2022]

Now, everyone, especially those of you who have donated money this time, please keep your eyes open and check how they will use the donated funds and whether they have been used properly and appropriately until the end.

If we leave it alone, they will just ask for more funding as if nothing had happened.

See you next time...

Re: クラファンと活動  Cat Nene - 2022/05/30(Mon) 12:20 No.152

確か 2020年のイルカ漁調査のクラファンではリアルタイムで寄付金額が表示されるシステムになっておりましたが。


The final amount of the crowdfunding campaign is not being displayed? What does that mean?
I believe that the 2020 crowdfunding campaign for the dolphin fishing survey had a system in place that displayed the donation amount in real time.

Perhaps they don't want to make the amount public this time?

下記が記事NO151での指摘場所...   - 2022/05/30(Mon) 14:08 No.153   HomePage



【 『動物解放のための総合サイト』を作りたい!」 】










[Crowdfunding Results Report🌿]

The final results of the crowdfunding campaign conducted from 4/8 to 5/15,
[We want to create a comprehensive website for animal liberation!]

Thank you again to everyone for your support.

Also, thank you to those who spread the word on social media, saying that it's difficult to support, but if you share it, you can!

Thank you to those who became "Monthly Animal Supporters" who support the animal liberation group LIB on a long-term basis, not just one-time.

About 80-90% of the supporters also sent us passionate messages.

I read all of them, and I felt encouraged that there are so many people who want to help animals, and I feel once again determined to make sure that we continue to make good progress in creating the site with the help that you have entrusted to us.

Animal liberation group LIB is an organization that values ​​steadily carrying out projects that we have determined to be essential, rather than pursuing short-term, easy-to-understand results.

"Animal Liberation Comprehensive Site" is not something that can be created in a day or two, but I believe it will definitely be useful to the ever-increasing number of vegans and activists.

Also, as the site's creation progresses, we plan to gradually recruit people to help us.
We would appreciate your cooperation in that case.

Thank you for your continued support✊✨

I didn't mention the amount at all. ⇒Or maybe you don't want people to know?

What the hell! (lol)

こちらも、お楽しみですよぉ〜。   - 2022/05/30(Mon) 14:13 No.154   HomePage


#動物解放 #競馬






Tokyo Racecourse
G1 Oaks
I hope you can realize the size of the industry we are dealing with.
If you want to liberate animals, you need to do thorough research, identify what needs to be done, and steadily carry it out, rather than just acting haphazardly.
Lib will continue to do research-based activities.
If you agree, let's work together.
#animalliberation #horseracing
1 week ago
chie3634's profile photo
After the race, the ambulance left.
If the horse falls, it is slaughtered, but the jockey has an ambulance waiting for him 💧.
This difference is so sad...
It's just sad that so many people are excited.
Is there anything we can do?


This is obviously just a horse race, right?

Why would they need to watch the race from the same perspective as ordinary people who enjoy betting?

And it was with Mr. Meguro, the former president who currently lives at the same address, right?

It would be one thing if they had handed a written protest to the organizers after the race or even during it for the sake of the horses, but no matter how you look at it, this is just the two of them watching the race in good weather, right?

It must have been a very fulfilling day and they must have had a lot of fun.

おやおやぁ〜なんだか矛盾してる...   - 2022/05/30(Mon) 19:58 No.155   HomePage



(目 的)
第 3条 この法人は、広く一般市民を対象として、動物利用から発生する動物への被害・人類への被害・地球環境問題の現状を、調査研究し、情報収集分析公開を行い、現状と来たるべき未来を啓蒙啓発し、また志を同じくする個人や団体を支援することによつて、動物解放を達成し、もって動物と人類の発展に寄与することを目的とする。









NPO法人 動物解放団体 リブ | Animal Liberator @Anima_Liberator
言ったところで 殺された者の痛み 苦しみは変わらない。
大切な人がレイプされ 監禁拷問され 泣き叫びながら殺され その遺体 その子供の遺体まで食べてる人間が 美味しそうな顔でいただきますと言っていたらあなたはどう思うだろう。
#ヴィーガン pic.twitter.com/Y8ICciRYeJ

2020-04-27 13:12:42
黒岩トリコ @Rico2655
@Anima_Liberator こういう過激な物言いは、強烈な支持者以外の目にどう写るか考えてから投稿すべきだと思います。

2020-04-29 08:12:36

Oh dear!

There was a post like the one below.

But it's clearly written in the articles of incorporation of the animal liberation group LIB.


Article 3: This corporation aims to achieve animal liberation and contribute to the development of animals and humans by conducting research and collecting, analyzing, and disclosing information on the current state of damage to animals and humans caused by the use of animals, and global environmental issues, for the general public, enlightening them about the current situation and the future, and supporting like-minded individuals and groups.

Of course, this has not changed since the current representative, Aoi Shimizu, took over.


But please take a look at the text below.


The goal of an individual is "veganism/vegan"
The goal of society is "animalism/animalist"
The goal of animals under human control is "zero reproduction"
The goal of wild animals is "zero killing"

The purpose is completely different, isn't it?
From this text, it seems that the ultimate goal of this organization is to turn humans who currently eat normal foods into vegans?
And as for all living things, it seems that they are aiming for the extinction of almost all species.


Well, everyone, the text I mentioned earlier regarding the 500,000 yen crowdfunding did not state the final amount.

However, on a completely different page, there was an article without a date, but which I believe is the final amount for this 500,000 yen.

The address is below.


Crowdfunding achieved!!

I want to create a "comprehensive site for animal liberation" that covers all information related to animal liberation!!

Thanks to you, we have achieved our goal.

We received 760,694 yen in support from 105 people.

Our initial goal was 500,000 yen, so we have achieved more than 150% of our goal.

By the way...
The following is a statement that ordinary people would not understand.
It is almost certain that it was written by former representative Meguro.
NPO Animal Liberation Organization | Animal Liberator @Anima_Liberator
One of the most vulgar and cowardly words in Japanese.
No matter what you say, it doesn't change the pain and suffering of the murdered.
What would you think if someone who has had their loved one raped, confined and tortured, killed while crying, and who is now eating the body of that person, and even the body of their child, said itadakimasu with a look of relish on their face?
#vegan pic.twitter.com/Y8ICciRYeJ

2020-04-27 13:12:42
Kuroiwa Toriko @Rico2655
@Anima_Liberator I think you should think about how such radical statements will be perceived by people other than your most ardent supporters before posting them.
Veganism and animal rights are different things, and it is not okay to push the responsibility for radical words and actions onto all vegans.

2020-04-29 08:12:36

Re: クラファンと活動  Cat Nene - 2022/05/30(Mon) 20:16 No.156

5/22 G1オークス



5/22 G1 Oaks
Did you go without doing any prior knowledge?
What a waste of activity funds.
I thought it was the impression of a middle school student visiting a racetrack for the first time.

In response to "Is there anything we can do?"
I would like to ask "What can LIB do?"

People who are recognized as true activists are doing activities that are way ahead of the rest.

当・掲示板・発足の御説明。  投稿者: 投稿日:2022/04/21(Thu) 14:11 No.142   HomePage

令和3年11月 1日〜現在に至る、2代目代表者(理事)=清水碧⇒登記簿上では<理事>となっているが、代表権をもっているのか???







NPO Animal Liberation Organization Lib: The initial representative (director) on the registry from November 1, 2019 to October 31, 2021 = Meguro Mineto
⇒Is he currently a director without representative authority?
The second representative (director) from November 1, 2021 to the present = Shimizu Aoi ⇒He is listed as a director on the registry, but does he have representative authority? ???
= ... He is the one who irresponsibly ran away and hid, spreading articles about us based on his own speculation, and even though he has involved vegans in particular, he has never once tried to confront Piyokan.

The current [Troll Warning Board] is written only by me, based on information provided by everyone, but recently, people who have left Lib for some reason, such as those who have been told that their posts will be deleted if they post in the same way as Piyokan, or those who used to support Lib by donating money but have been subjected to unreasonable verbal abuse, have requested that they want to vent their frustration and anger!

In response to this request, I have decided to set up this board.

Although this bulletin board has been created, whether or not to post is still a personal choice, so we hope that people who have fully healed from emotional pain and calmed down, but still feel the need to write something, will feel free to post here.

[Piyo Piyo Company Director: Morishita Kazuyo]

補足説明です。   - 2022/04/27(Wed) 14:14 No.146   HomePage






















Regarding [Article No. 142], the following questions were raised.

Meguro Minehito ⇒ Is he currently a [Director] without representative authority?
Shimizu Aoi ⇒ He is listed as a on the registry, but does he have representative authority? ? ?
So, on Wednesday, April 27, 2022, I went to the Legal Affairs Bureau to get the latest registry.

It was correct that Meguro Minehito lost his representative authority on November 1, 2021.
Similarly, Shimizu Aoi gained representative authority on the same date.

Here's some surprising information!

In response to the message you sent me on April 26th that it seems the representative has moved out of their current address, I pointed out that as the representative of a corporation, if there is a change in the registered information, a is required within two weeks.

Another thing is that we received information that very recently (current representative: Shimizu Aoi) said on YouTube or something that Director Meguro was receiving 67,000 yen (executive remuneration? salary?).

If they don't give remuneration to the other two directors as well, it won't make sense, right?

When we received the information above, we also heard that there was a video that seemed to have been taken in a car, and in this day and age, if they're talking in a small car and without masks, doesn't that mean they've started living together?

I had joked about it, so when I got the registry, I checked the details carefully.

⇒[On May 9th, we received a correction from the person who gave us this information.

They were already living together at the time, so maybe it was just their own little, but obvious, way of blinding them? But it was unfortunate that Morishita saw through it. 】

And it was spot on!

According to the registry, the representative, Shimizu Aoi, moved to the address where Meguro Minento lives (current address) on March 3, 2022.

The registry clearly states that the address was registered on March 9.

Yes, the two of them had the same address.

It is [4427 Kaida Kogen Nishino, Kiso-machi, Kiso-gun, Nagano Prefecture].

This address is the address that Meguro, the previous representative, had listed on the product sales page.

The person who contacted us about the representative's move had a question: It's clearly strange that the current representative is asking for donations but does not know the representative's current location!

Indeed, as of today, the person below does not have the representative's address or phone number listed.
≪I considered giving in and not displaying it because she is a woman, but if she has the same address as (the previous CEO, Meguro Minehito), there is no need to hide anything.≫

So from now on...
First of all, to cover the living expenses for the two of them?
I guess they will have to work harder on crowdfunding than ever before...
The people around them will continue to have a hard time...
I can't help but think that.

[PiyoPiyo Company CEO: Morishita Kazuyo]

Oh! There's one more thing they have stated as follows...
About financial statements
※After the end of each fiscal year (January 1st to December 31st), an income statement will be prepared within three months and published on the website.
*We will disclose income and expenditure details and all receipts to those who participate and support us. Please contact us if you would like to receive them.


However, however.

It seems that even if a donor tries to access the site by email or phone, it is rejected <>.

It seems that, as is currently being done with Piyokan Morishita, it is commonplace for many supporters to delete any posts that are inconvenient for them and block their phone calls.

After a series of such treatments, it seems that the system never discloses receipts to those who become suspicious and want to request them.


Here, from Piyokan Morishita to the representatives and directors of Liv.
Even if no one asks for [detailed income and expenditures and all receipts], this is important money that was given to us by many people, so it goes without saying that we should clearly disclose it.

Don't ever get that wrong!

Also, the best thing would be to disclose (a mediocre financial statement) every month, but if you also include a <
> for that month in that statement, then not a single yen will be unaccounted for, and no miscellaneous income will be generated.

令和3年度の報告書出ました。   - 2022/05/02(Mon) 21:28 No.147   HomePage




Oh dear!

Meguro Mineto (former representative) is a director, but he is also listed as the 10th employee.

I wonder if that's why he's the only one getting paid?


For more information, please see the [Troll Warning Board].

おや!給料が2倍だよ!   - 2022/05/05(Thu) 19:50 No.148   HomePage





Oh my, that's great, you got your salary doubled by the CEO who lives with you. (Is this really a case of favoritism?)

Extracted from the URL below.

Salary (face value 80,000 yen, take-home pay approx. 67,400 yen) ⇒ Yes, here! In this fiscal year 2020, Mr. Meguro was in the position of CEO, and declared that he had not received any executive compensation, including the three directors.
Of course, at this point, he was not an employee, so under whose name was Mr. Meguro receiving his salary?
It's a big mystery, isn't it?

[From February 2022, Shimizu raised my salary to 150,000 yen, taking home pay approx. 125,500 yen, saying "I'll manage it somehow," and I was able to breathe a sigh of relief.] ⇒ Yes, here! Has anyone noticed the huge problem? (LOL!)

初めまして  投稿者:Cat Nene 投稿日:2022/04/25(Mon) 14:51 No.144


I am a former supporter of the NPO LIB.
The Piyokan incident, which former representative Meguro Mineto caused through his own ignorance, is as described on the "troll warning board."
With him running away from the president of Piyokan, will he be able to liberate animals in the future?
Everyone is angry about your failure to return the money to a donor who donated 100,000 yen in crowdfunding, and your abusive language towards supporters.
Your words, actions and lies clearly violate the "Declaration of Donors' Rights 2010" established by the Japan Fundraising Association.
To give one example, during a live stream you said that "donors have given their consent to delays in returns," but we simply received an email saying that the return would be unilaterally delayed.
You say that no reason was given and that no one gave consent.
We have asked the association to take action.

無題  リブが残念で仕方ない - 2022/04/25(Mon) 18:04 No.145




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