(ひよこつり)と言う文言を目黒峰人が歪曲し流布した件に付いて | 2021/04/01(木曜) |
================================ さて・・・ 今般の件では多くのヴィーガンの方々からの直電話&メールが目立ちました。 おそらくは、目黒氏が現在ヴィーガンであるとしている事に由来しているのだと思われます。 んが! ヴィーガンの方々は、個人個人に肉食を避けて個人での活動をされているのだと今回直電話を頂いた本当のヴィーガンの方々よりお聞き致しました。。 無論、ヴィーガンの協会があったとしても、まさか運営に寄付を頼みにしたりはしていない事でしょう。⇒深くは調べてはおりませんが・・・
しかし! 目黒峰人という人物は、2015年からヴィーガンになったという事で、その名やヴィーガンの方々の威勢を借りつつ、言葉巧みにクラウドファンディングで皆様から資金集めをする。 かと言って、自分が働いて不足している活動資金に繰り入れる事もしない。 ⇒ウエブ上から調べた限りでは、法人設立後、一時的に立て替え金が発生した場合はあったがその後は何も無い。 そして、資金が底を付くと、更に次のクラウドファンディングを画策する。
2020年の7月23日に達成した1,760,000円の資金は、自分が募集したのであれば⇒目黒氏にはいくらの手数料が入ったのやら? https://readyfor.jp/projects/dolphinhunting 【支援金が目標金額を超えたプロジェクトのみが成立し、手数料を引いた金額がリブに支払われます】⇒と、記載されております。
そして厚顔無恥にも、この3月28日には、又もや皆様方に資金をねだる書き込みが! https://m.facebook.com/pg/animal.liberator/posts/?ref=page_internal
365日・日本全国を飛び回る訳じゃなし、自分以外の方々の懐を当てにせず、少しは自分で働いて法人口座に資金を入れるべきです。 法人に負担をかけない様に車は自分でローンでも組んで購入し、ガソリン代だけは法人に持ってもらえば良いものを、おんぶにだっことはこの事か?
ピヨカンからのコンタクトを必死に避けておりますので、目黒氏と話が出来ましたら、ついでにピヨカンからの連絡を着信拒否にせずに必ず出て下さいと付け加えて頂けると幸いです。 又は、自分が煽って皆様方を先導した件で、なぜ糾弾したかったのであろうピヨカンを避けているのかを聞いてみて、果たして何と答えるのかも確認してみても良いかと思います。
その上で、納得した場合にクラウドファンディングに参加すると言うのが正しい判断を下す事にもなります。 私的には、何故か目黒峰人という人物からは、宗教臭がプンプンする様に感じます。 =================================================================
そういえば・・・ 過去に問題を起こした≪某・宗教団体≫がありましたね。 うっかり取り込まれた家族の方々は、そうとは気がつかず自宅&財産等を全て差出し身ぐるみ剥がされ劣悪な生活環境下におかれても、おかしいと思わない様にマインドコントロールされ、外からはおかしく見えても、当事者は全く気がつかないと言う怖さがあります。 ちなみに・・・ 今、宗教団体を作るのは、ほぼ無理ですので、宗教団体を興そうと言う場合には、既に設立され休眠している団体を買い取るしか手はありません。(多分安く見積もっても4000万円は必要かと!) =================================================================
<元に戻りましょう。> この様に、身近にあるパソコンや携帯スマホ等から自分で検索する事でさまざまな情報が目に入る現在におきましては、そうとは気づかずに、書かれている文言だけで巧みに引き込まれて大事な虎の子(お金)をうっかり差し出す事の無い様に、余裕のある資金があるのなら、自分に御褒美を、又はお身内等にお使いになられるのが最も良いと思います。 ===============================
さて! 2月23日に【動物解放団体リブ】の設立者である目黒峰人によりピヨカンへの確認をせずに自己解釈のみで発信された事実ではない内容に付いて。 目黒氏の拡散した内容を鵜呑みにした、義侠心あふれる善良な方々から当社に寄せられた、御意見:御批判:罵倒。 2月28日【3月1日のPM1:00迄延長】迄、御意見を頂く。 【トータル37件:内2名様は返信不要のお申し出あり。】 別途AUへ2件SBへ3件の直電話を頂きました。 更に、お返事不要の2名様を省き、35名の方への当社掲示板へのイニシャル掲載の了承を得た21名の方々の文面の掲載。 【3月1日付にて。】 また、弁護士:箱山由実子氏(ヴィーガン)から送られてきた携帯へのメール≪2月23日PM2:00着≫に対し折り返し電話で話す。 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3915488418494685&id=1555945557782328&anchor_composer=false
3月1日に当社の今年の方針を公開。 (ひよこつり)の開催は、密:人手不足⇒<会場内における来場者の方々にお名前と電話番号を記載してもらう等、4名の人員では到底手が回らない。> コロナのある限り、御来場の皆様方の安全が担保出来ない事を鑑み、今後の(ひよこつり)の開催はしない事に決める。
目黒氏と言えば、果敢に当社への意見を述べた皆様方の後ろに逃げ隠れ、着信拒否に始まりメールの無視と、徹底的に当社からの接触を拒む。⇒ヘタレか? しかも、自分のサイト内では3月4日付にて(ひよこを助ける事が出来ました)と都合の良い事を流布しているのは一体どういう事か?⇒よっ!いいとこどり大王!
3月19日PM6:11に、東京都国分寺のジャスミンカフェ【アニマリズム党】の所在地において、カフェの代表電話番号0428429276から呼び出してもらい、ようやく話が出来ると思いきや、何と! <ひよこつり>の情報は通報があったと、自分では無いと言い逃れるお粗末さ。
消え入るような弱弱しい言葉少ない彼の口から出たのは以下の通り。 @・通報があった。⇒ひよこつりの件は自分の情報提供では無い。 A・行政に言って下さい。⇒和歌山の、と言うので当社は何を聞くのか必要があるのか意味不明。 B・電話に出るつもりは無い。⇒拡散した張本人として無責任極まりない。 C・質問に答える義務は無い。⇒法人設立以前に彼の団体に寄付をした事のある方々へはきちんと会計報告する事。【管轄の芝税務署には情報提供済み。】
============================================================= ↓↓↓ Regarding Meguro Minehito's misrepresentation and dissemination of the term "chick fishing" 2021/04/01 (Thursday) No.145
[Mr. Meguro Minehito's mistakes and problems this time are as follows]
On the way back from a dolphin fishing trip to Taiji Town, Wakayama Prefecture, where he had gone on an inspection tour, he discovered our company's "flea market poster scheduled to be held on March 20th" posted at the Children's Garden inside Wakayama Castle, where he had stopped by, and took a photo of it himself. Without checking with PiyoPiyo Company, the organizer of the flea market, he wrote "chick fishing" instead of "flea market = chick fishing" based on his own assumptions, delusions, and arbitrary judgments, and disseminated and spread misleading information to many people, leading people to cancel the flea market itself.
Meguro spread the text to three Wakayama government offices, but he never contacted them himself, and misled the good people at the destinations of the text with lies, and caused confusion in our company's business.
When we tried to contact Meguro, he blocked calls on his mobile phone, ignored our emails, and ran away and hid. He also arbitrarily deleted the text inviting people to visit the [Flea Market: Cats: Flowers] bulletin board on the Piyokan website that Piyokan had posted in two places in the area he managed, including the URL and other information, as well as the public questions and message saying that he would call him directly on March 8 and that he should answer.
On Thursday, March 19, at Jasmine Cafe, we finally managed to have a conversation with Meguro for the first time, by calling him, but he tried to get away with it by saying that he wasn't the one who did the chick fishing this time, and that someone had called him.
Without checking with Piyokan at all (chick fishing) ⇒ They have not answered the question or apologized for irresponsibly spreading false information under the guise of [chick fishing].
They have no intention of answering calls from Piyokan.
They have no intention of explaining the reason for deleting the two statements made by Piyokan.
They have no intention of answering the seven public questions from Piyokan.
★And up until now, Mr. Meguro has not called or emailed Piyokan once.
(Do you all support such an irresponsible person? Or not?)
= ... Vegans avoid eating meat and are active on their own, as I heard from real vegans who called me directly this time. .
Of course, even if there is a vegan association, they would never rely on donations to run it. ⇒I haven't looked into it in depth, but...
Mineto Meguro has been vegan since 2015, and he uses his name and the influence of vegans to cleverly raise funds from everyone through crowdfunding.
However, he does not use the money to cover the operating funds he is short of by working himself.
⇒As far as I can tell from my research on the web, after the incorporation was established, there were cases where he temporarily advanced funds, but nothing has happened since then.
And when the funds run out, he plans another crowdfunding campaign.
If he raised the 1,760,000 yen he achieved on July 23, 2020, then how much commission did Mr. Meguro receive? https://readyfor.jp/projects/dolphinhunting
[Only projects that exceed the target amount will be successful, and the amount minus the fee will be paid to LIB] ⇒, it says.
And then, on March 28th, he shamelessly posted again asking for funds from you all!
Seriously, how shallow are the words that come out of his mouth as if it's natural to receive money from others!
He's not flying around Japan 365 days a year, so he should work a little and put some money into the corporate account instead of relying on other people's pockets.
He should have bought a car on his own loan so as not to burden the corporation, and the corporation should have paid for the gas, but is this what he's been doing by relying on them?
★Before asking for funds, he should have announced his income and expenditure for February!
Furthermore, for those who wish to support the project, it is most important and necessary not to just believe the pretty words written on Mr. Meguro's website, but to make sure to talk to Meguro Minehito directly at least once.
He is desperately trying to avoid contact from Piyokan, so if you are able to talk to Mr. Meguro, I would appreciate it if you could also add that he should answer any calls from Piyokan without blocking them.
Or, you could ask him why he is avoiding Piyokan, who he likely wanted to denounce for inciting and leading you all on, and see what his answer would be.
090-8331-8923 ⇒ Meguro Minehito's mobile phone number, listed in the [Information Based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act] on LIBSHOP.
If you are convinced after that, then it would be the right decision to participate in the crowdfunding.
Personally, for some reason, I feel that Meguro Minehito reeks of religiousness. ===================================================================
Now that I think about it... There was a certain religious group that caused problems in the past.
Families who were inadvertently taken in were unaware that they had given up their homes and all their possessions, and even though they were stripped of everything and placed in poor living conditions, they were mind-controlled so that they would not think anything was wrong, and even if something seemed wrong to the outsiders, the people involved were completely unaware.
By the way... It is almost impossible to start a religious group nowadays, so if you want to start a religious group, your only option is to buy an already established and dormant group. (Even at a low estimate, you'll probably need 40 million yen!) ===========================================================================
In this day and age, when you can access a wide variety of information by searching on your own computer or mobile phone, without realizing it, I think it's best to treat yourself or use it for a family member if you have spare funds, so that you don't accidentally hand over your precious treasure (money) as you are cleverly drawn in by the written wording. ============================================================
Now! Regarding the factual content posted on February 23rd by Meguro Minato, founder of the Animal Liberation Group, without checking with Piyokan, and based solely on his own interpretation.
The opinions, criticisms, and abuse sent to our company by good, chivalrous people who took the content that Meguro spread at face value.
We will be accepting opinions until February 28th [extended until 1:00 PM on March 1st].
[37 in total, 2 of which requested that a reply not be made.]
We also received 2 direct phone calls to AU and 3 to SB.
In addition, excluding the 2 people who did not require a reply, we have posted the messages of 21 people who agreed to have their initials posted on our bulletin board, a total of 35 people.
[As of March 1st.]
In addition, we will be calling back on the email sent to our mobile phone by lawyer Hakoyama Yumiko (vegan) <>. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3915488418494685&id=1555945557782328&anchor_composer=false
On March 1st, we announced our policy for this year.
(Chick Fishing) will be held in a crowded place due to a lack of manpower ⇒
As long as COVID-19 continues, we cannot guarantee the safety of all visitors, so we have decided not to hold any future (Chick Fishing) events.
Speaking of Mr. Meguro, he has been hiding behind all those who boldly expressed their opinions to our company, refusing to contact us at all costs, starting with blocking calls and ignoring emails. ⇒Is he a wimp?
What's with him spreading the convenient story that he was able to save a chick on his own website on March 4th? ⇒Yo! The best of both worlds!
At 6:11pm on March 19th, I was called by the main telephone number of Jasmine Cafe [Animalism Party] in Kokubunji, Tokyo, and just when I thought I would finally be able to talk, what a surprise!
He evades the question by saying that someone had reported him about the Chick Fishing, but that he wasn't involved.
He said the following in a faint voice:
1. Someone had reported him. ⇒The Chick Fishing incident was not my information.
2. Please tell the authorities. ⇒It was from Wakayama, so it's unclear what our company needs to ask or what it is.
3. We have no intention of answering the phone. ⇒As the person who spread the information, he is extremely irresponsible.
4. He has no obligation to answer questions. ⇒He must provide a proper accounting report to those who have donated to his organization before the incorporation. [Information has been provided to the Shiba Tax Office, which has jurisdiction over the matter.]
He must have been very scared. (LOL!)
Please see below for the details of what happened when Meguro Minento changed the original phrase (chick fishing) to and spread it around without checking anything and based only on his own interpretation.
フリマ:猫:花掲示板からの転記・1 | 2021/04/01(木曜) |
ピヨカンより、ごらんの皆様方へ... 投稿者:もりちゃんでっす! 投稿日:2021/03/01(Mon) 00:18 No.63
当社における、<ひよこつり>に付いて。 今般、以下の団体の代表である目黒峰【峯】人なる人物が、2月23日AM8:53とAM8:59とAM9:02に本人が保有しているネット環境下における場所から発信された内容がございました。 (直接お電話頂いた方から目黒氏の事を教えて頂きました。) その文面を見て、義憤に駆られた多くの皆様方からのご連絡が以下の様に当社へ寄せられましたので御紹介させて頂きます。 直電話が5件【AUへ2件:SBへ3件】⇒全て直でお話させてもらいました。 HPへのメールが36件⇒HP内掲示板へ掲載させて頂いても良いですか?と1件の方以外【頂いた意見書面内で返信不要の希望あり】36件の方々へ返信させて頂きました。 フリマ専用電話へのメールが1件⇒当方より直電話しました。
まずは、通常の掲示板の方からこちらへ転記致します。 =============================== 無題 投稿者:ともこ 投稿日:2021/02/23(Tue) 20:34 No.25562
ひよこは釣るものじゃないでしょう。 虐待。 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
ともこさん。いらっしゃいませ。 もりちゃん。 - 2021/02/23(Tue) 21:23 No.25563 本日、下記の方からピヨカン主宰のフリマでの【ひよこつり】に対して、皆で抗議しようと言う様な文言が掲載され、この(ともこ)さんからの書き込みを含め現時点で以下の様になっております。
本日は、直接ピヨカンへ電話で1件 HPへのメールで13件<むろん、文面より同一人物であろうと思われる方も含む。> ビーガン活動をされておられる、某・弁護士さんからのフリマ専用携帯電話へのメールが1件【直電話でお話済。】
いずれも【ひよこつり】に関してへの要望でした。 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 そこで、現在、メールを頂いた皆様方へ、以下の文面を返信しております。 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 もしよろしければ、当方のHP内の掲示板【フリマ:猫:花】の方へ頂いた文面を掲示させて頂いても宜しいでしょうか?
重複する質問事項も多い事から、皆様から頂いたご意見を全て掲載した上で、当方の取り組み等の説明をさせていただきたく存じます。 尚、お返事につきましては2月28日【日】迄に頂けますれば幸いです。 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
又、PM8:11に、お名前は申されませんでしたが、フリマ専用携帯の方へ、T県の市外局番からの方からも直電話を頂きまして、お話しさせて頂きました。 今回呼びかけられた主催者へピヨカンからどのように連絡してよいものやら分らないが、当方に疑問があれば直接連絡をもらえればよいものを、お互いに立ち位置が変われば見方も変わりますしね。 と申し上げますと、書き込む場所があるらしく、この方いわくピヨカンから聞いた内容を記載して頂けるとの事でしたが、果たして・・・? ちなみに今回の件で旗振りをされた主催者は、ピヨカン主宰者へ配慮をしているとの事でしたが何をどのように???
それはさておき・・・ 取り合えず、2月23日【火】に書き込まれたようですので、まずは2月28日【日】まで5日間待ち、最終的に頂いたメール(同じ文面がコピペされた様で、殆ど似た内容ではありますが・・)へ、定型内容文面にて御返信致します。
【ピヨピヨカンパニー主宰:森下和代】 =============================== ひよこ釣りを中止してください 投稿者:さくや 投稿日:2021/02/24(Wed) 17:30 No.25564 ひよこは鶏の赤ちゃんです。親鳥に大切に育てられるのが本来の姿。ひよこ釣りは虐待です。動物福祉を学んでください。 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
さくやさん、いらっしゃいませ。 もりちゃん。 - 2021/02/24(Wed) 18:42 No.25565 御意見ありがとうございます。 何はともあれ、2月23日【火】に流布された内容ですので、 下記の【記事NO25563】でもお知らせしております様に、2月28日【日】迄にもまだまだ多くの御意見を頂けるかと思われる事から、3月1日【月】の【フリマ:猫:花】の方へ、まとめ掲載される迄、今しばらくお待ち下さいませ。
≪ピヨピヨカンパニー主宰:森下和代≫ ===============================
ヒヨコ釣り 投稿者:りいこ 投稿日:2021/02/25(Thu) 04:46 No.25566 和歌山城でヒヨコ釣りをされるようですが、和歌山だけでなく何処においてもヒヨコ釣りはやめて下さい。生体を飼育できるかどうかもわからない人間に渡る事で死んだり捨てられる可能性があります。ヒヨコをおもちゃの感覚で持って帰られた子供などには本当にモノ扱いされる事でしょうね。 稼げればそれでいい、ヒヨコがどうなろうと関係ないのだと思いますが、道徳上どうなんですか?衛生面からも心配があります。 持ち帰る人に全てのリスクと飼い方、飼育場所の提案などができるのですか? 動物虐待と変わらない行為だと思います。 動物愛護法改正や数値規制で世間が動物の命に寄り添ってきている今、この様な事を当たり前にやられるこちらの会社が信じられません。 ヒヨコであろうと命です。この様な状況を子供達に見せないで下さい。 関係各所にも抗議致します。 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
りいこさん、いらっしゃませ。 もりちゃん。 - 2021/02/25(Thu) 09:42 No.25567 御意見をありがとうございます。 しかしながら、【記事No.25563&No.25565】の方でも御説明させて頂いています様に、全ての回答は、3月1日【日】に、今しばらくお待ち下さいませ。
PS. 今現在、直接のメールで34件の御意見を頂いております。 又、24日はメールを頂いていた方とも当方のau直接携帯の方からお話もさせて頂けました。
先程修理して戻って来ました。 もりちゃん。 - 2021/02/25(Thu) 15:43 No.25568 いやはや、SBショップ≪何やら中の小さなチップの様なものが不具合だったらしく、新しいものを入れてもらえました。
修理してもらったら、7件の不在着信アリ!が出ました。 2月24日PM12:45と12:46の方とは、昨日24日にパソコンへメールを頂いており同日PM2:50に直接お話し済。
〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 と言う事で、今から別途御連絡させて頂きたいところではございますが、もう1件:法務局へ行きます。 ですので、後ほど改めて御連絡させて頂きますので今しばらくお待ち下さいませ。
はい、連絡完了しました。 もりちゃん。 - 2021/02/25(Thu) 18:44 No.25569 ただし、以下の方はPM5:32とPM5:35に連絡致しましたが、ツーツーのみで、連絡取れずです。
又、後ほど御連絡させて頂きますね。 ⇒その後PM5:39にお電話を頂きまして、さまざまお話し頂きました。 ありがとうございました。
============================================================== ↓↓↓ From Piyokan to everyone watching... Posted by: Mori-chan! Posted on: 2021/03/01 (Mon) 00:18 No.63
Regarding at our company.
Recently, a person named Meguro Mine, who is the representative of the following organization, sent messages from a location in his own internet environment at 8:53 AM, 8:59 AM, and 9:02 AM on February 23rd.
(I was told about Mr. Meguro by someone who called me directly.)
Many people who were indignant after reading the messages have contacted us as follows, so we would like to introduce them to you.
5 direct phone calls [2 to AU, 3 to SB] ⇒ We have spoken to them all directly.
36 emails to the website ⇒ Is it okay to post them on the website bulletin board? Apart from this, we have replied to 36 people who requested no reply in their written opinion.
We received 1 email to the flea market phone number, so we called them directly.
Of these, 20 people replied that they were happy to publish their opinions, 2 people said it was not necessary, and we waited for replies from the remaining people until the date changed on Sunday, February 28th, but we did not receive any responses, so we will inform you as follows.
*We have just received an email at 11:26 PM on February 28th, so we have extended the deadline for this person's opinion on whether or not to publish it until 1:00 PM on March 1st.
First, we will copy the posts from the regular message board here. == ... https://animal-liberator.net/animal-liberator/piyokan
Today, I made one phone call directly to Piyokan
I sent 13 emails to the website (obviously, some of them seem to be the same person judging from the text).
I also received one email from a lawyer who is active in veganism to the mobile phone used for the flea market (I have already spoken to him directly).
Also, today was a national holiday, but I happened to receive two calls from the government that manages the venue.
Both were requests regarding [Chick Fishing].
So, I am currently replying to everyone who sent me emails with the following text. 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
If you don't mind, would it be okay if I posted the text I received on the message board [Flea Market: Cats: Flowers] on my website?
Since there are many overlapping questions, we would like to post all the opinions we have received and then explain our efforts. We would appreciate it if you could reply by Sunday, February 28th.
We replied to Mr. K, who lives in T Prefecture, who first sent us an email, and then he called us directly at 5:18 PM. We talked to him about various things and learned from what he said that he had been contacted about this matter in the places mentioned above.
Also, at 8:11 PM, we received a direct call from someone with an area code in T Prefecture to a cell phone number used for flea markets, although he did not give his name, and we spoke to him. We are not sure how Piyokan should contact the organizers who were contacted this time, but if they have any questions, they should contact us directly. However, if our positions change, our perspectives change. That being said, it seems there is a place to post, and this person said that they could post what they had heard from Piyokan, but will that really happen...?
By the way, the organizer who was the initiator of this incident said that he was being considerate of the Piyokan organizers, but how and what???
Anyway... For the time being, it appears that this was posted on Tuesday, February 23rd, so I will wait five days until Sunday, February 28th, and then reply to the final email I received (which appears to have been copied and pasted, and is almost the same content...) with a standard reply.
Then, after collecting the comments from those who replied that it was okay to post their opinions with their initials written, I will finally move this comment, along with the comments, to my [Flea Market: Cats: Flowers] bulletin board on Monday, March 1st and post it there.
So please wait for a little while longer.
[Piyo Piyo Company Owner: Morishita Kazuyo] = ... Anyway, this information was circulated on Tuesday, February 23rd,
As we have announced in the following [Article No. 25563], we expect to receive many more opinions by Sunday, February 28th, so please wait for a while until we post them all together at the [Flea Market: Cats: Flowers] on Monday, March 1st.
≪Piyo Piyo Company Owner: Morishita Kazuyo≫
= ... Children who take the chicks home as if they were toys will probably treat them like objects.
I think it's fine as long as they can make money, and it doesn't matter what happens to the chicks, but what about morals? I'm also concerned about hygiene.
Can you advise people who take them home of all the risks and suggest how to care for them and where to keep them?
I think this is no different from animal abuse.
With the revision of the Animal Welfare Act and numerical regulations, the world is becoming more sympathetic to the lives of animals, and I can't believe that this company is doing this kind of thing as a matter of course.
Even if it's a chick, it's a life. Please don't let children see this kind of situation.
I will also protest to all parties involved.
Welcome, Riiko. Mori-chan. - 2021/02/25(Thu) 09:42 No.25567
Thank you for your opinion. However, as explained in [Article No. 25563 & No. 25565], please wait for a while until all answers are available on Sunday, March 1st.
PS. As of now, we have received 34 opinions by direct email.
Also, on the 24th, we were able to talk to the people who had sent us emails from our au direct mobile phone.
*The mobile phone SB for the flea market has an x mark on the antenna for some reason and cannot be used, so we have made an appointment to repair it at 10:00 AM today. (By the way, both phones are flip phones!)
≪Piyo Piyo Company Owner: Morishita Kazuyo≫
I just got it repaired and it's back. Mori-chan. - 2021/02/25(Thu) 15:43 No.25568 Well, the SB shop ≪Apparently there was something wrong with a small chip inside, so they put in a new one.
After I got it repaired, I got 7 missed calls!
The people who called at 12:45 and 12:46 on February 24th had emailed me on my computer yesterday, the 24th, and I had spoken to them directly at 2:50 PM on the same day.
They called me at 1:54 PM on February 24th and just now at 3:03 PM on February 25th, but there was no message.
I got a call at 2:44 PM on February 24th. ⇒From someone who wanted to participate in the flea market.
From animal welfare at 3:29 PM on February 24th and 9:11 AM on February 25th.
I got a call at 2:36 PM on February 25th.
But first, I went to the following places in order.
⇒The flea market venue management office [including Wakayama Castle Park] ⇒ Animal welfare ⇒To the home of the person in charge of Piyokan posters [absent] ⇒Just returned.
I would like to contact you separately now, but I have one more thing to do: I will go to the Legal Affairs Bureau.
Therefore, I will contact you again later, so please wait for a while.
[Piyopiyo Company Director: Morishita Kazuyo]
Yes, the contact has been completed. Mori-chan. - 2021/02/25(Thu) 18:44 No.25569
However, I contacted the following person at 5:32 PM and 5:35 PM, but I only received a buzzer and was unable to get in touch.
I received a call at 2:36 PM on February 25th.
I will contact you again later.
⇒ After that, I received a call at 5:39 PM and we talked about various things. Thank you very much.
[Piyopiyo Company Director: Morishita Kazuyo]
フリマ:猫:花掲示板からの転記・2 | 2021/04/01(木曜) |
メール掲載OK!の方々の分。 もりちゃんでっす! - 2021/03/01(Mon) 18:08 No.64
さて、今回は掲載をご了承頂けました21名様の文面を下記の様に記載する次第です。 (全くの原文のままです。)
2021/02/23 10:32―T県に住むK様 ピヨピヨカンパニー 様 突然のメール、失礼いたします。 私はT県に住むKと申します。 3月20日に実施予定のひよこ釣り、メダカ、金魚、鯉釣りを中止していただきたくお願い申し上げます。 ひよこなどを持ち帰り飼育する問題点としては、 1.飼育の適性がある人物かどうか、終生飼育ができるかどうか、十分確認せず譲渡すること。 2.家庭の事情、飼育のスペースや福祉が確保されるかどうかなど譲渡先の条件が不明なこと。 3.適性に飼育されなかったニワトリが人間に危害を与える危険性があること。 4.私たちの社会が感染症の危険の只中にあり、また鳥インフルエンザが人間へ感染したことが確認されるなか、人間や社会を危機に陥れかねないリスクを発生させること。 5.そして最も重要なことは、感情や感覚があり、物言えぬ動物であるニワトリをモノのように扱うこと。 6.「メスばかりです」と女性性や女性としての機能を搾取していること。 7.金魚、鯉、メダカに関しても同様の問題がある。 8.これら、動物の尊厳をないがしろにした態度が、子どもの情操教育に悪影響を与える。 以上のことからこのイベントには問題があると判断できます。 お花の販売とスーパーボールすくいだけで充分です。そして、魚ならまだしも、ひよこを釣る?とはどういう事でしょうか。物として扱ってるとしか思えません。 私も小さい頃、ひよこを買って持ち帰り鶏になるまで育てましたが、大きくなり対処に困った経験があります。その場で可愛いからと持ち帰ったものの、やはり飼育が大変だとか大きくなり困ったとなる可能性はゼロではありません。 今世界はアニマルウェルフェアが叫ばれ、動物の扱いに世界中が注目しています。動物福祉後進国の日本で、又、このようなイベントがあれば確実に世界から批判されます。 もし、イベントが行われた場合、発生したリスク・被害の責任を確実に取っていただきますようお願いいたします。 そして、今後このようなイベントを行わない事を強く希望します。 動物に優しい子どもを育てること、”動物を使わない”イベント・教室・講演会等々を行い、動物の尊厳や自由を尊重する社会を作ることに企業が積極的に取り組む事を希望します。 他県の者が図々しく申す事をお許しください。 ご検討いただきますよう、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 ================================
2021/02/23 12:53―M⇒T様 有限会社ピヨピヨカンパニー 代表取締役 森下和代様 初めまして。 I在住のTと言う者です。突然のメールご容赦ください。 3月20日にピヨピヨフリーマーケットなる催しが行われるそうですが、このような生体をごく簡単に売り捌くのは数々の問題があると考えています。 その人が飼育に向いているかどうかや鳥インフルエンザなどの感染症のリスク、一方的に動物を物扱いすることへの子供への影響などです。 この様な間違った動物の扱い方をしないように、このイベントの中止とともに求めます。ご一考のほど、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。 T ===============================
2021/02/23 12:58―O様 【ひよこ釣り】のイベントをやめて下さい 今、SNSで「中国と同じ」「残酷」「命のもの扱い」「日本の恥」等と大きく話題になっています。 こんな低レベルなイベントが日本で行われている事に憤慨しています。 問題点は、 ・飼育の適性がある人物かどうか、終生飼育ができるかどうか、十分確認せず譲渡すること ・家庭の事情、飼育のスペースや福祉が確保されるかどうかなど譲渡先の条件が不明なこと ・適性に飼育されなかったニワトリが人間に危害を与える危険性があること ・私たちの社会が感染症の危険の只中にあり、また鳥インフルエンザが人間へ感染したことが確認されるなか、人間や社会を危機に陥れかねないリスクを発生させること(動物の搾取は人類自身に返ってくる) ・そして最も重要なことは、感情や感覚があり、物言えぬ動物であるニワトリをモノのように扱うこと ・「メスばかりです」と女性性や女性としての機能を搾取していること ・これら、動物の尊厳をないがしろにした態度が、子どもの情操教育に与える影響 以上のことからこのイベントには問題があると判断できます。 イベントの中止をお願い致します。 ===============================
2021/02/23 13:05―S様 ひよこ釣りの記事をSNSで見ました。 ひよこが可哀想なので中止してもらいたいです。お願いいたします。 iPhoneから送信 ===============================
2021/02/23 14:09―F様 こんにちは。 和歌山城公園動物園の掲示板に告知してある、 ピヨピヨフリーマーケットについてお伝えしたくメールしました。 内容を拝見したのですが 「ひよこつり」 こちらは、 持ち帰った家庭が飼育に適しているか、 そして終生飼育できるかを確認して譲渡するんでしょうか? 最初にそれができないようであれば中止すべき案件ではないでしょうか。 イベントが行われた場合に発生したリスクと被害の確認そして責任の所在はどうなっているのでしょうか? つい最近も鶏から人への鳥インフルエンザの感染が確認されたこともありリスクを伴う可能性もあります。そういった場合、人間や鶏、社会危機の懸念が予想されます。 適した環境でない家庭が持ち帰り、どこかに遺棄したり又は殺したり虐待などのリスクもあります。 他にも考えられることはありますが 全てのリスクマネジメントも含めて 大丈夫だという判断で このイベントを開催することを決定したということでしょうか? そして、つり、という表現も賛同できません。 お願いします。 わたしたち人間がどうぶつ達にしていること、 逆の立場になってどうか考えてみてください。 自らの意思を尊重してもらえず 利益のために搾取や利用されるということが どれだけ辛いことかを。 これだけは言えますが、 責めるつもりはありません。 無知も恥ではないです。 ただどうぶつの扱いに対しての価値感が わたしと違うので意見交換も兼ねて 消費者の意見のひとつとして受け取り 命のことを考えるきっかけになって頂ければと思います。 突然のメール、失礼致しました。 =============================== 2021/02/23 17:00ーN様 突然のメール失礼致します。 インターネットにて和歌山城公園(3月20日)での貴方様主催のイベントを知り、驚愕してしまいました。 ひよこを責任感の無い素人に配るのはお止め下さい。 スーパーボールのようなモノならともかく、鯉、金魚、メダカなど生きている動物をゲームなどを介して終生養育する覚悟の無い人達に譲る行為は今後一切お止め下さい。 生体を犠牲にせずゲームを行い、景品として玉子を配ってはどうでしょうか。 どうか内容の変更をお願い致します。 N 2021/02/25 18:54−N様 お返事ありがとうございます メールの掲示板への掲載は構いません 出来ればこちらのメールも掲載して頂きたいです 日本の動物福祉に対する意識の低さやモラルの欠如、飼育放棄など動物虐待の現実は深刻です 動物を飼ったら終生責任を持って面倒をみるのは当然です しかし、出来ない人物もいます 誰かに譲る努力もせず、もらった人に返すのすら面倒くさい、そんな人物もいます 譲渡した方の住所や氏名を控えてその後の様子まで見守る事までなさらないでしょうから、無責任な人物に引き取られたらまさに悲劇です 飼育放棄など論外ですが、世の中には動物虐待すら喜ぶヤカラがいます 子猫やハムスターを生きながら熱湯に放り込み、苦しむ様を動画で撮影してSNSにアップするという常識では考えられないことをやる人間がいます それを見た人がトラウマになり苦しむ事になります 大げさと思われるかもしれませんが実際に存在しており、そういう人を確実に避ける方法などありません そしてそういう危険人物は、里親募集サイトや犬猫の譲渡会、動物を譲ってくれるイベントなどをウロウロしているのです 悲劇を起こさない為に生体譲渡はお止め下さるよう、重ねてお願い申し上げます N ===============================
2021/02/23 17:49ーH様 和歌山県のピヨピヨフリーマーケットのお知らせのチラシを見ました。 ヒヨコを人に配るんでしょうか? 問題おおありだと思い、メール致しました 1 飼育の適性がある人物かどうか、終生飼育ができるかどうか、十分確認せず譲渡すること 2 家庭の事情、飼育のスペースや福祉が確保されるかどうかなど譲渡先の条件が不明なこと 3 適性に飼育されなかったニワトリが人間に危害を与える危険性があること 5 私たちの社会が感染症の危険の只中にあり、また鳥インフルエンザが人間へ感染したことが確認されるなか、人間や社会を危機に陥れかねないリスクを発生させること 6 そして最も重要なことは、感情や感覚があり、物言えぬ動物であるニワトリをモノのように扱うこと 6 「メスばかりです」と女性性や女性としての機能を搾取していること 7 金魚、鯉、メダカに関しても同様の問題がある。 8 これら、動物の尊厳をないがしろにした態度が、子どもの情操教育に与える影響 以上のことから、どうしてもこのイベントが適切なものだとは思いません 中止を求めます =============================== 2021/02/23 19:09―T様 代表取締役 森下和代さま 和歌山城西の丸にて3月20日に開催されるピヨピヨフリーマーケットの広告を拝見しました。 その中で“ひよこつり”などという目を疑う文字を見つけ大変驚いています。 あまりにも『命』というものを軽視しているのではないでしょうか?景品として、まるでモノのように扱う事が子供たちへ対しても、いい影響を与えるとは思えません。 本題とは別件になりますが今回の事に加えて、イルカの追い込み漁の事もあり和歌山県に対しては生き物に優しくない、残酷な県というイメージがより強くなってしまいました。 モノのように扱い、安易な命の譲渡をするような事は辞めていただきたいと思います。 どうか、ご検討よろしくお願いします。 ===============================
2021/02/23 20:10―O様 ヒヨコ釣りなんて酷すぎます。 ヒヨコの命を何だとお考えですか? 小さい物なら良いのですか? 猫釣り、犬釣り出来ますか? ヒヨコ釣りなんてヒヨコに対しての虐待です! 動物愛護に反します! そのようなイベント即刻中止して下さい! ===============================
2021/02/23 21:27―A様 はじめまして、Aと申します。 3月20日に開催される予定のピヨピヨカンパニー様主催のフリーマーケットについて、お伺い申し上げます。 そちらのイベントでは、ひよこつりというプログラムが予定されていますが、このプログラムはどのような趣旨なのでしょうか? 生き物であるひよこをゲームの景品のように扱うプログラムだとお見受け致します。 つれた場合には持ち帰ることもできるようで、これにはとても疑問を感じます。 まず生き物であるからには、終生飼育の義務があります。 が、ゲームのようなプログラムに挑む人が終生飼育の覚悟を持っているか…という点で、必ずしもそうとは思えません。 特にひよこは、ひよこの時点ではさほど大きな鳴き声ではないかもしれませんが、数ヶ月後に鶏に成長した場合、かなり大きな鳴き声になるため、昨今の住宅事情では近所迷惑等の理由から遺棄する可能性が高いのではないでしょうか? また生き物ですから病気になることもあり、治療代がかかること等も考慮し、その覚悟で持ち帰るのかどうか、ゲームの景品のような扱いでは確認できないのではないでしょうか? その上、人獣共通感染症のリスクもある今、わざわざそのようなイベントをすることには大変疑問を持たざるを得ません。 どうぞ、このプログラムを中止するように、よくご検討いただきたく、お願い致します。 ピヨピヨカンパニー様の代表である森下様は、プロフィールにあるようにひよこが大好きだとのことなので、ひよこの命を軽んじる方ではないと存じます。 どうか、不幸なひよこが出ることのないよう、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 ===============================
2021/02/23 23:14―I様 ピヨピヨカンパニー様 Iと申します。 2021/3/20若山城西の丸にて開催予定の告知拝見致しました。 こちらのイベントについて、以下の問題をNPO法人動物解放団体リブ様が以下の指摘をされています。 1 飼育の適性がある人物かどうか、終生飼育ができるかどうか、十分確認せず譲渡すること 2 家庭の事情、飼育のスペースや福祉が確保されるかどうかなど譲渡先の条件が不明なこと 3 適性に飼育されなかったニワトリが人間に危害を与える危険性があること 5 私たちの社会が感染症の危険の只中にあり、また鳥インフルエンザが人間へ感染したことが確認されるなか、人間や社会を危機に陥れかねないリスクを発生させること 6 そして最も重要なことは、感情や感覚があり、物言えぬ動物であるニワトリをモノのように扱うこと 7「メスばかりです」と女性性や女性としての機能を搾取していること 8 金魚、鯉、メダカに関しても同様の問題がある。 9これら、動物の尊厳をないがしろにした態度が、子どもの情操教育に与える影響 私個人もこれらの指摘に全面的に同意し、このイベントの中止を御社に求めます。 経営のことなど会社として大変な部分あるかと思いますが、こどもたちの教育や未来の社会のためにも動物を利用しない方法を考えていただきたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 I iPhoneから送信 ===============================
2021/02/23 23:28―G様 ピヨピヨフリーマーケットのひよこつり イベントについて、あまりに驚いたイベントで メールさせて頂きます。 ひよこを育てる事は非常に難しく、すぐに弱り 死なせる事が多いです。 簡単にひよこを譲渡することは悲しいです。 命を軽く考えすぎてます。 こんなイベントは辞めてほしいです。 SNSでも反対の声を沢山聞きました。 どうぞ、ひよこたちを大切にして下さい。 ===============================
2021/02/23 23:59―A様 ヒヨコ釣りのポスターを見ましたが、やめてください 今の時代にふさわしくありません 鳥インフルエンザが蔓延しているのに、何を考えているんでしょうか それに、いくらなんでも針を付けて釣るなんて子供がなんて思うか考えましたか? 今や動物愛護の観点から、愛護の対象でなくても動物に対して物扱いのような行為は批判の対象です 会社&和歌山県のイメージダウンは必須です 県のほうにも意見させていただきます 2021/02/24 9:38−A様 お返事ありがとうございます HPへの掲載は下記の文面も含めてして頂いてもけっこうです 針を使わなくても魚を釣るのとヒヨコを釣るのでは、受け取り方が違います もし釣ったヒヨコが落下し、死んでしまったら周りにいる人たちの目にはどのように映るでしょうか とりわけ子供たちにとっては良い事だとは思えません 御社にとっては、ヒヨコは商品、物なのかもしれませんが あの愛らしい姿、鳴き声は消費者にとっては命ある動物なのです できれば、ヒヨコや鶏の魅力、それがやがて肉となり、人間はあの愛らしい子たちの命を頂いているという事を伝えるようなイベントにしてほしいと思います イベントに使うヒヨコたちは、飼育環境や飼育方法などをレクチャーしたうえで終生飼育できるご家庭に譲渡される方法もあるかと思います 命をゲーム感覚の景品にするのではなく、子供たちにヒヨコの事をもっと教えてあげてほしいと思います 日々たくさんの命を扱う御社だからこそできる事、御社にしかできない事 どうか、ご一考賜りますようお願い申し上げます ===============================
2021/02/24 3:14―K ヒヨコを釣りなんておぞましい事してるとは思いませんか? ===============================
2021/02/24 7:03―S県のA様 S県に住むAと申します。御社のイベント「ピヨピヨマーケット」「ひよこつり」の告知をツイッターで拝見しました。あまりにも動物に対する意識が低すぎて開いた口がふさがりません。昭和初期のような価値観のままでいらっしゃるのでしょうか。アニマルウェルフェアにおいて、日本は世界から完全に取り残されていっていますが、こんなイベントが平然と行われるようでは絶望的です。 先日、採卵鶏の飼育環境改善を阻止するために、鶏卵業界大手のアキタフーズが農水省に賄賂を渡した事件はご存知でしょうか。この行為によって、日本だけではなく世界のアニマルウェルフェア基準の向上が阻止されました。動物は人間が好きなように利用してもいいモノではなく、人間と同様に生きているのだという認識が世界的に広まっているにもかかわらず、日本だけがモノ扱い、道具扱いを続けようとしています。あまりに情けない状況です。 御社がどのようにお考えなのかはわかりませんが、動物を利用した産業が、これから地球規模で衰退していくことは明らかです。とにかく、日本人の意識の低さを助長するような「ひよこつり」だけでも、中止していただきたくお願いいたします。 ===============================
2021/02/24 12:35―K県のN様 お忙しいところ、恐れ入ります。 フリマのイベントでひよこ釣りを開催するとネットで観ました。 倫理・動物福祉の観点で金魚釣りも廃止の 動きが専らの中、何故ひよこ釣りをやるのでしょうか。 終生、飼育出来る人だけがひよこ釣りを するとは考え難いです。 廃止して頂きたいです。 どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。 K県N iPhoneから送信 ===============================
2021/02/24 12:42―K県M様 初めまして。 Mと申します。 ひよこ釣りの件で疑問なのですが、聞き取り手のないヒヨコはその後どうなるのですか? それにひよこ釣りのとありますが、ヒヨコは物ではありませんよね。 おもちゃでもありません。 簡単に手に入れば、飼育できる状況かも考えずに連れて帰り飼育出来る環境でなければ捨てられる可能性もありますよね。 何も考えずに簡単に捨てていく人間が、飼育できませんでしたとまたそちらに連れて行く神経の持ち主とはどうしても思えません。 命を軽視し過ぎると子供の教育にも良くないと思います。 SNSに虐待される動物が日に日に増えていってます。 面白おかしくフォロワー欲しさにどんどん過激になっています。 このひよこ釣りはそんな善悪の分からない子供達に取っては格好の標的になります。 私はこのひよこ釣りは今の時代には合っていないと思うし、止めるべきだと思います。 よろしくお願い致します。 K県在住 M 090-***-**** ===============================
2021/02/24 23:26ーK様 初めてお便りさせて頂きます。 和歌山動物公園で、「ひよこ釣り」を行うとのことですが、野蛮すぎます。 昭和20年代の感覚です。 令和の時代に、ひよこ釣りとは、「当社は動物虐待を推奨しています」と広告しているに等しいです。 動物愛護が広まっている欧米が知ったら、「女性蔑視の日本は動物虐待の国でもある」と認識するでしょう。 私は50歳代後半の女性ですが、この「ひよこ釣り」を企画した人・許可した人は、よほど時代遅れの認識を持つ80才以上の方ですか? とにかく、即刻中止して下さい! iPhoneから送信 ===============================
2021/02/25 4:51―S様 2021年3月20日 ( 土・祝 ) の 第26回 ピヨピヨフリーマーケットに反対です!!! 生体販売反対です!!! しかも、 ひよこを釣るってどういうことですか! 残虐極まりないです。 ヴィーガン(VEGAN)を選択して頂きたいです!!! よろしくお願い致します。 ===============================
2021/02/26 2:28―Y様 突然のご連絡、失礼します。 『ひよこ釣り』なるお知らせを拝見しましたが、動物の扱いが悪いように感じました。 このようなイベントに利用されているひよこを見るのは辛いです。 ぜひイベントの再検討をお願いします。 Y ===============================
2021/02/28 8:40―SR様 ひよこつり、が予定されることを広告を見ました。 そんな残酷なことを子供たちに大人が平然と勧めるべきではありません。 ひよこがモノ扱いされるこの世の中で、それを推奨するようなイベントはやめてください。 命の大切を教えられるようなイベントでも考えてください。 ひよこは人間ではないだけの、同じ動物です。 どれだけ残酷なことをしようとしていたのかよく考えてください。 目先の今ある当たり前の価値観に便乗するような浅はかなイベントは、やめてください。 一歩先の価値観を! 宜しくお願い致します。SR ===============================
以上! まずは、21名様の御意見を掲載させて頂きました。
============================================================ ↓↓↓ For those who agreed to have their email published. This is Mori-chan! - 2021/03/01(Mon) 18:08 No.64
Now, this time, we will list the letters of the 21 people who agreed to have their emails published as follows. (The original text is used exactly as is.)
2021/02/23 10:32 - Mr. K who lives in T Prefecture Dear Piyo Piyo Company I apologize for this sudden email. My name is K and I live in T Prefecture. I would like to ask you to cancel the chick fishing, killifish, goldfish, and carp fishing scheduled for March 20th. The problems with taking chicks home and raising them include: 1. Transferring them without sufficient confirmation as to whether the person is suitable for raising them and whether they will be able to raise them for the rest of their lives. 2. The conditions of the recipient, such as family circumstances, whether the space for raising them and welfare will be secured, are unclear. 3. There is a risk that chickens that are not properly raised can harm humans. 4. With our society in the midst of the risk of infectious diseases and avian influenza confirmed to have infected humans, this creates a risk that could put humans and society at risk. 5. And most importantly, chickens, which are animals that have feelings and sensations but cannot speak, are treated like objects. 6. They are exploiting femininity and feminine functions by saying that they are all female. 7. There are similar problems with goldfish, carp, and killifish. 8. These attitudes that disregard the dignity of animals have a negative impact on children's emotional education. From the above, it can be determined that there are problems with this event. Selling flowers and scooping up super balls is enough. And fishing for chicks? Fish is one thing, but what does it mean? It just seems like they are being treated as objects. When I was little, I bought chicks and brought them home to raise until they became chickens, but I had the experience of having trouble dealing with them when they grew up. Even if you take it home because it's cute, there is a possibility that it will become difficult to care for or grow up to be a problem.
The world is now calling for animal welfare, and the treatment of animals is attracting attention from all over the world. In Japan, a country that lags behind in animal welfare, if such an event were to take place again, it would certainly be criticized by the world.
If the event is held, we ask that you take responsibility for the risks and damage that occur.
And we strongly hope that such events will not be held in the future.
We hope that companies will actively work to raise children who are kind to animals, hold "animal-free" events, classes, lectures, etc., and create a society that respects the dignity and freedom of animals.
Please forgive me for being so bold as someone from another prefecture.
We hope that you will consider it.
2021/02/23 12:53―M⇒T
Piyo Piyo Company Ltd.
Representative Director Morishita Kazuyo
Nice to meet you. My name is T and I live in I. Please forgive me for this sudden email.
I hear that an event called Piyo Piyo Flea Market will be held on March 20th, but I think there are many problems with selling such live animals so easily.
Whether the person is suited to keeping them, the risk of infectious diseases such as avian influenza, and the impact on children of unilaterally treating animals as objects.
I ask that this event be canceled and that people not treat animals in this way. Thank you for your consideration.
2021/02/23 12:58 - Mr. O
Please stop the [Chick Fishing] event
Right now, there is a lot of talk on social media about "the same as China," "cruelty," "treating them as living things," "a shame for Japan," and so on.
I am outraged that such a low-level event is being held in Japan. The problems are:
- The chickens were transferred without sufficient confirmation that the person was suitable to care for them and that they would be able to care for them for their entire lives.
- The conditions of the recipient, such as the family's circumstances, whether the space and welfare of the chickens will be secured, are unclear.
- There is a risk that chickens that are not properly raised will harm humans.
- With our society facing the risk of infectious diseases, and with confirmed cases of avian influenza infecting humans, this creates a risk that could put humans and society at risk (the exploitation of animals comes back to haunt humanity itself).
- And most importantly, the chickens, which are animals that have feelings, sensations, and cannot speak, are treated like objects.
- The exploitation of femininity and feminine functions by saying "they are all female."
- The impact that this attitude of disregarding the dignity of animals has on children's emotional education.
For these reasons, we can conclude that this event is problematic.
We ask that you cancel the event.
== ... If the event were to go ahead, what would be the risks and damages that would occur, and who would be responsible?
Recently, there have been confirmed cases of avian influenza being transmitted from chickens to humans, so there is a possibility that this event would entail risks. In such a case, concerns about human, chicken, and social crises can be expected.
There is also the risk that an unsuitable household will take the animals home and abandon them somewhere, or kill them, or abuse them.
There are other possibilities, but
Is it true that the decision to hold this event was made after considering all risk management measures and judging that it would be okay?
I also do not agree with the expression "fishing."
Please think about what we humans are doing to animals,
put yourself in their shoes.
How painful it is to have your will not be respected and to be exploited and used for profit.
I can say this much, but
I have no intention of blaming anyone.
I am not ashamed of being ignorant.
However, since your values regarding the treatment of animals are different from mine, I hope that you will take this as one of the opinions of consumers and think about life, as an opportunity to exchange opinions.
I apologize for the sudden email. ===================================================================== 2021/02/23 17:00 - Mr. N I apologize for this sudden email. I was shocked when I found out about the event you are hosting at Wakayama Castle Park (March 20th) on the Internet. Please stop giving away chicks to irresponsible amateurs. Please stop giving away live animals such as carp, goldfish, and killifish to people who are not prepared to raise them for their entire lives through games, etc., although it may be okay if it is something like a super ball. How about holding a game without sacrificing a living creature and handing out eggs as a prize? Please change the content.N 2021/02/25 18:54 - Mr. N Thank you for your reply I don't mind if you post my email on the message board If possible, I would like you to post this email as well The reality of animal abuse, such as the low awareness and lack of morals of animal welfare in Japan, and abandonment, is serious If you keep an animal, it is natural to take care of it responsibly for its entire life However, there are people who cannot do this There are also people who don't make the effort to give it to someone else, and are even too lazy to return it to the person who gave it to them They probably won't even take down the address and name of the person who gave it to them, and they probably won't even keep an eye on how it behaves afterwards, so it would be a real tragedy if it was taken in by an irresponsible person Abandoning it is out of the question, but there are people in this world who are happy even to abuse animals There are people who do the unthinkable, such as throwing kittens or hamsters alive into boiling water, filming their suffering, and uploading it to social media. Anyone who sees this will be traumatized and suffer. It may seem like an exaggeration, but they do exist, and there is no surefire way to avoid such people. And these dangerous people roam around adoption sites, dog and cat adoption events, and events where you can adopt animals. We ask again that you refrain from adopting live animals to prevent tragedies from occurring. N == ...
2021/02/23 17:49 - Mr. H I saw a flyer announcing the Piyo Piyo Flea Market in Wakayama Prefecture. Are they giving away chicks to people? I thought there were a lot of problems, so I emailed you. 1. They are transferring chickens without thoroughly checking whether the person is suitable to raise them or whether they will be able to raise them for the rest of their lives. 2. The conditions of the recipient, such as family circumstances, whether the space for raising them and welfare will be secured, are unclear. 3. There is a risk that chickens that are not properly raised will harm humans. 5. Our society is in the midst of the risk of infectious diseases, and with avian influenza confirmed to have infected humans, this creates a risk that could put humans and society in crisis. 6. And most importantly, chickens, which have feelings, sensations, and cannot speak, are treated like objects. 6. "Only females" means that they are exploiting femininity and female functions. 7. Similar problems exist with goldfish, carp, and medaka. 8. The impact that these attitudes that disregard the dignity of animals have on children's emotional education
For the above reasons, I do not think this event is appropriate
I request that it be canceled
= ... Please stop treating them like objects and giving away their lives so easily. Please consider this. == ... I would like to ask about the flea market to be held on March 20th, sponsored by Piyo Piyo Company. At that event, there is a planned program called "Chick Fishing," but what is the purpose of this program? It seems that the program will treat living creatures, such as chicks, as prizes in a game. It seems that if you catch a chick, you can take it home, which I find very questionable. First of all, as a living creature, you have an obligation to care for it for its entire life. However, I don't think that people who take on a program like a game are necessarily prepared to care for it for its entire life. In particular, chicks may not be very loud when they are still chicks, but when they grow into chickens in a few months, they become quite loud, so with today's housing situation, isn't there a high possibility that they will be abandoned for reasons such as disturbing neighbors? Also, as living creatures, they can get sick and there are costs associated with treating them, so it is difficult to know whether people are prepared to take them home if they are treated like prizes in a game. Furthermore, with the risk of zoonotic diseases, I have serious doubts about holding such an event. I would like to ask you to carefully consider canceling this program. Mr. Morishita, the representative of Piyo Piyo Company, loves chicks as stated in his profile, so I believe he is not someone who takes the lives of chicks lightly. Please do your best to ensure that no unfortunate chicks are born. ========================================================
2021/02/23 23:14 - Mr. I Piyo Piyo Company My name is I. I saw the announcement for the event to be held on 2021/3/20 at Wakayama Castle Nishinomaru. The following issues have been pointed out by the NPO Animal Liberation Group Liv regarding this event. 1. Transferring chickens without checking thoroughly whether the person is suitable to care for them and whether they can care for them for their entire life. 2. The conditions of the recipient, such as the family's circumstances, whether the space and welfare of the chickens will be secured, are unclear. 3. There is a risk that chickens that are not properly raised will harm humans. 5. Our society is in the midst of the danger of infectious diseases, and avian influenza has been confirmed to have infected humans, so this creates a risk that could put humans and society at risk. 6. And most importantly, treating chickens, which are animals that have feelings and senses and cannot speak, like objects. 7. "They are all female," exploiting femininity and feminine functions. 8. The same problem exists with goldfish, carp, and killifish. 9. The impact that these attitudes that disregard the dignity of animals have on children's emotional education. I personally fully agree with these points and ask your company to cancel this event. I understand that it is difficult for a company to manage its operations, but I would like you to think about ways to not use animals for the sake of children's education and the future of society. Thank you very much. I Sent from iPhone ===============================================================
2021/02/23 23:28 - Mr. G
I am emailing you about the Chick Fishing event at Piyo Piyo Flea Market, which I found so surprising.
It is very difficult to raise chicks, and they quickly weaken and often die.
It is sad to see people giving away chicks so easily.
People are taking life too lightly.
I wish people would stop holding events like this.
I have heard many voices of opposition on social media.
Please take good care of the chicks. ====================================================================
2021/02/23 23:59 - Mr. A I saw a poster about fishing for chicks, but please stop. It's not appropriate for this day and age. What are you thinking, with bird flu spreading? Also, have you thought about what a child would think if you tried to fish with a hook? From the perspective of animal welfare, even if animals are not the subject of welfare, treating them like objects is now subject to criticism. It is inevitable that the image of the company and Wakayama Prefecture will be damaged. I will also give my opinion to the prefecture. 2021/02/24 9:38 - Mr. A Thank you for your reply You may include the following text in your website Even if you don't use a hook, catching a fish is perceived differently from catching a chick If the chick falls and dies, how will it be perceived by the people around you? I don't think it's a good thing, especially for children To your company, chicks may be a product or an object But to consumers, their adorable appearance and cries are living animals If possible, I would like to see the charm of chicks and chickens, which will eventually become meat, and humans will be able to enjoy those adorable children. I would like this event to convey that we are taking the lives of our children.
I think that the chicks used in the event could be transferred to homes that can take care of them for the rest of their lives after receiving a lecture on the breeding environment and breeding methods.
Instead of using lives as prizes in a game, I would like children to learn more about chicks.
This is something that only your company, which handles so many lives every day, can do, and something that only your company can do.
Please consider this.
= ... I saw your company's announcements for the "Piyo Piyo Market" and "Chick Fishing" events on Twitter. I am astonished at how little awareness of animals there is. Are you still holding values like you did in the early Showa period? Japan is being left behind by the rest of the world when it comes to animal welfare, and if events like this are held without any hesitation, it is hopeless.
Are you aware of the recent incident in which Akita Foods, a major egg producer, bribed the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to prevent improvements to the breeding environment for egg-laying hens? This act prevented the improvement of animal welfare standards not only in Japan but also around the world. Although the recognition that animals are not things that humans can use as they please, but that they live just like humans, is spreading worldwide, Japan is the only country that continues to treat them as objects and tools. It is a very pathetic situation.
I don't know what your company thinks, but it is clear that industries that use animals will decline on a global scale from now on. In any case, I would like you to cancel at least "Chick Fishing," which only promotes the low awareness of Japanese people.
== ... I have a question about chick fishing. What happens to the chicks that are not heard by anyone? Also, you say chick fishing, but chicks are not objects, are they? They are not toys. If they are easy to get hold of, people may take them home without thinking about whether they can be kept, and if the environment is not suitable for keeping them, they may be abandoned. I cannot imagine that someone who throws them away without a thought would have the nerve to take them back there and say they were unable to keep them. I don't think it is good for children's education to take life so lightly. The number of animals being abused on social media is increasing day by day. It is becoming more and more extreme in the desire for followers for fun. This chick fishing is an ideal target for children who don't know right from wrong. I don't think chick fishing is appropriate for today's times, and I think it should be stopped. Thank you for your consideration. M, living in K prefecture 090-***-**** =============================================================
2021/02/24 23:26 - Mr. K This is my first letter to you.
I heard that "chick fishing" will be held at Wakayama Zoo, but it's too barbaric.
It's a 1940s feeling.
In the Reiwa era, chick fishing is tantamount to advertising that "we encourage animal abuse."
If the West, where animal welfare is widespread, knew about this, they would realize that "Japan, which is misogynistic, is also a country that abuses animals."
I am a woman in my late 50s, but is the person who planned and gave permission for this "chick fishing" over 80 years old with a very outdated view?
Anyway, please stop it immediately! Sent from iPhone ================================================================= 2021/02/25 4:51 - Mr. S I am against the 26th Piyo Piyo Flea Market on Saturday, March 20, 2021 (National Holiday)! I am against the sale of live animals! What's more, what do you mean by fishing for chicks? It's extremely cruel. I hope you will choose vegan food! Thank you.
2021/02/26 2:28 - Mr. Y I apologize for contacting you out of the blue. I saw the announcement about "chick fishing" and it seemed like animals were being treated badly. It's painful to see chicks being used for such an event. I would like you to reconsider the event. Y =================================================
2021/02/28 8:40 - Mr. SR I saw an advertisement for a planned chick fishing event. Adults should not casually encourage such cruelty to children. In this world where chicks are treated like objects, please stop holding events that encourage this. Please consider holding an event that teaches the importance of life. Chicks are just not human, they are the same animals. Please think carefully about how cruel you were trying to be. Please stop holding shallow events that piggyback on the current, common values that exist in the near future. Values one step ahead! Thank you. SR ==========================================================
That's all! To begin with, we have published the opinions of 21 people.
This is a very long message, so we will start over and post the information from Piyokan separately.
[Piyo Piyo Company President: Morishita Kazuyo]
フリマ:猫:花掲示板からの転記・3 | 2021/04/01(木曜) |
今年の【ひよこつり】に付いて。 投稿者:もりちゃんでっす! 投稿日:2021/03/01(Mon) 20:23 No.65
海外からの方々も、時折会場に来られる事がありました。 はじめは一瞬まゆをひそめはするものの、団子を外して安全ですよとお見せすると、ステキな笑顔を向けて更にひよこの写真もバッチリ撮影しておられましたっけね〜。
あぁ〜でもそれに引き換え、私が小さい頃の夜店の【鯉釣り】⇒まさに、今考えるとあれはハゲ用の釣り針では無かっただろうか? と、記憶のかなたに思う事があります。 これは当然、アウト!です。
【金魚すくい】:【鯉すくい】:【メダカすくい】は予定通り出店致します。 ⇒こちらの方も自宅で既に水槽があり飼育している種があるのかの確認をします。 でも和歌山市は(一級河川・紀の川)のおかげなのか、美味しい水が蛇口から出ますので始めて飼育する場合でも、日向水を作っておかなくとも、大丈夫という側面があります。 そしてもっとも大事な事は、今から自宅に帰るというタイミングでしかさせません。 先にしたいとダダをもこねても私が叱り倒します! (24時間365日ず〜っと大事に育てていますので。)
昨年のフリマは2020年3月20日にはかろうじて開催できたものの、その後は全て中止致しました。 現在の新型コロナウイルスにより、開催会場においての消毒体制及び、出品される方や来場者の方々に対しても名前と連絡の取れる電話番号等の申請をして頂く必要もあり、とてもじゃないですが、人手も足りなければ、【密】を避けなければならない、<ひよこつり>は既にコロナが存在する現在では多くの皆様方の安全を担保できないので今後ご案内出来ないかも?でも会場に普通にお求めに来られる方もいるので、一応は連れてゆくかな?と思案しておりましたところ、今回の2月23日の目黒氏による、皆様方への呼びかけがあったという仕儀です。
さてピヨカンにおきましては、【ひよこつり】の際には、以下の様な様式となります。 ご覧の様に安全クリップにタコ紐を結び、もう片方を割りばしに結ぶ。 餌はうどんにひよこ用の餌を練り込んで団子を作り、クリップの丸い部分へ付けます。 カゴは100均で購入したもので高さは12センチ程度。 カゴは置いた状態で、ひよこの前に団子をポトンと落としますと、突く習性から、もちもち〜と持ちあがってカゴの中へ。 カゴの中にはひよこの餌が入っております。 団子が無くなったところで終わりです。
持ち帰る条件も明確にあり、持ち帰り希望の場合、現在自宅でどの様な動物を飼育しているのか、又はしていないのか。 同じ様に鳥類を飼育しているか否か。 鳥で無くとも犬猫を飼育していて、ペットシーツがあるかどうかも確認。 ピヨカンでは毎年お求め頂いている方々が8割程度いらっしゃいますが、初めて飼育すると言う方の場合、自宅が持ち家なのかの確認と、持ち帰る途中でホームセンターで以下の保温器具材料の購入をしてもらえるかの確認をします。 @:シリカ電球【20W】 A:ソケット B:切り売りの電気コード2M〜3M程度 C:プラグ
帰りのスーパーで、お持ち帰りの羽数に応じて、適当な段ボール箱を拾ってもらい、ペットシーツがある方は、新聞紙&ペットシーツ⇒新聞紙&ペットシーツとミルフィーユの様に積み重ね、汚れたら上から剥いでゴミとして捨てる様に。 ペットシーツが無い場合には新聞紙&キッチンペーパーを代用してもらいます。 箱を組み立て、上の4隅をテープで留めピン!と立て、上部には100均等で、網状のグッズと結束バンドを求め、手作りした電球の先端が立っているひよこの頭上5センチ程度の所に止まる様に、結束バンドで固定してもらいます。 【火事にならない様に、十分配慮する様に伝えます。】 この様に、当面のひなさん達の住まいの作成方法の説明もします。
これらの条件をクリアして、お持ち帰りする際には、住所:氏名:電話番号と持ち帰るひよこの羽数を書いてもらいます。 最後に成長途中で何か困ったことがあればいつでも直電話してくる事。 追々、大きくなる迄に庭先にでも良いので鶏小屋の作成&設置をする事。 そして無事に大きくなって卵を産み始めますが、何気に気になる様なら、ゆで卵にして食べる様にも伝えます。
万が一、今後何らかの理由により自宅で飼育できなくなった際には、引き取ってくれる身内が居れば良いですが、無い場合にも必ずピヨカンへ電話してもらう様にご案内しております。 ピヨカンでは売りっぱなしという事は一切しておらず、ご希望に応じてご自宅まで引き取りに参ります。 又は飼育を始めた年で、ピヨカンの主宰するフリマの日程がまだある場合には、次回開催時に会場に連れて来てもらい、別の商品をお持ち帰り頂きます。 ひよこを持ち帰るお子様のいるご家族の方々のご家庭におきましては必然的に、ひよこを通じて子供の情操教育をされます。 責任をもって面倒をみる事、卵を産む様子を見て生命の神秘や尊さを感じ、生まれたての熱い卵を手のひらに乗せて肌で感じる。 又、たまごかけごはんや卵料理を口にする事で卵を産んでくれた鶏さん達にありがとうという気持ちを持つ。 それから何よりも人間より寿命が短いですから、いずれは訪れるであろう別れを通して、命が失われる悲しみを経験する事により、身の周りの自分と係りのある皆に対しても優しくなれますでしょうし、人として大きく成長してゆく事であろうと思います。
かくいうピヨカン森下の亡き父も、生前には狩猟免許を持ち、野山で鹿・猪・野兎・ヤマドリ・鴨・ヒヨドリ・ヤマバト等、さまざまな獲物を持ち帰り、自宅で手際よく捌いてゆくところを見ていた事も多々ございました。 無論、活躍した猟犬も獲物のおすそ分けがもらえます。 頂いた命ですから余すことなく家族皆でありがたく食しておりました。 これを残酷だと言われても、どうもこうもできません。
さて、しかしです。 今般、皆様から多くの(ひよこつり)に対してのご意見を頂きました。 が、ピヨカンフリマに対しての裏取りをしない目黒氏の目線のみで書かれた文面だけを読むのですから10人10色、100人100色で、さまざまなとらえ方をされる事は否めません。 確認もしていないのですから書かれた文面には偏った見方や思いこみが盛り込まれていると感じます。
ただこの世の中には鶏(ひよこから〜)を飼育して卵をありがたく頂戴して、歳を取って卵を産まなくなれば食べる人や、終生飼い続ける人もいます。 それもまた人それぞれです。 ご意見の中には、生き物全般を食べないと言われる方もいらっしゃいましたが、 ピヨカンの森下は何でもありがたく、又おいしく食させて頂いております。 日本人の<いただきます。>は他の命を自分の生命維持の為に余す事なくありがたく頂戴しますという意味も十分加味されている事と思います。
ところで目黒氏のサイトをピヨカンの旧型のパソコンを駆使して見れる範囲で拝見し、またメールや直接お電話でお話させて頂いた方々の多くが、肉も魚も卵も牛乳も口にしないと言われる方が多く見受けられました。 が、骨を強くし体を大きくし又それを維持する為に必要な栄養分は、やはり生きている自分以外の命から頂くしかないと思います。 動物に係る命【お肉等々】以外でも、草や木も花も音楽を聞かせれば健やかに成長する。 これすなわち生きている証拠ではないでしょうか。 そういえば目黒氏の何処かのサイトでは、神経が無い(確認されてないだったか?)ものは食しても良いとか述べられてた様でしたが、それって詭弁の様な? だって野菜はしゃべれませんし〜、いやはやこれまたどうにもこうにも!
しかし私の考えはこうです! この地上に存在するものには全て命が宿っています。 でも、これは嫌いだから食べないだの、これは好きだから食べるだの。 又、これは生き物だから可哀想だから食べないという選択も又、自由なのです。
ちなみに目黒氏は何かと生き物を擬人化される傾向にある様で、少し検索した中でもその様な文面がよく目に入ります。 しかし私にしてみれば、擬人化して為になるのは以下のアニメではなかろうか?思うのです。 【はたらく細胞】 【はたらく細胞ブラック】
現在においては人間を頂点とした食物連鎖が形成されてしまっております。 仮にこれを御破算にして<原始>に戻ったとしましょう。 文明も無い状態から人間が生き抜く為の、とても為になるアニメもあります。 【Dr. Stone】 もし機会がありましたら、是非ご覧になってみて下さいませ。
ところで、私が今回の目黒氏の立場であったなら、ひよこつりの文言を見て、気になるフリマ案内ポスターであると認識した時点で即!記載のある電話番号へ直電話し、どのようなものなのか?と自身の疑問をぶつけますね。 それで納得できないと言う事で、他の皆様方の意見を聞きたい知らしめたいと言う場合や啓発活動ですか?その様な活動へと順次移行するのが通常の流れだと思います。
私のイメージで表現させて頂くとすると、さながら・・・ それゆけぇ〜やれゆけぇ〜!!と、旗振りをした大将が、部隊が総攻撃する中、するする〜と後方へ下がって見ているだけ〜という構図とでも言うのでしょうか?
まあ人は皆それぞれぞれですから、自身の主義主張や物事の考え方捉え方が違うのは当たり前です。 しかしだからと言って自分以外の他人様にそれらを押し付けると言う行為はいかがなものか?と思います。
右に倣えだの左に倣えなどと指示されるのはまっぴらごめん! と、口にせずとも思う方々が殆どではなかろうか?と思います。 人生は一度きり、思う様に生きれば良いのです。 それに伴い当然自分の事は自分で責任を持つと言う事です。
更に言わせてもらえば・・・ 漁業=売れる魚を卸し、残りはある程度廃棄する場合もあるでしょう。 =魚を殺すですか? なら、どこかの漁港で漁師さん達に、魚を殺してはいけないと意見しましたか?
畜産業=【牛や豚・羊・馬やその他】を肥育して肉にする=動物を殺すですよね? なら、どこかの牧場や養豚場等で、経営者に意見しましたか?
それから、和歌山県の太地町のイルカの追い込み漁が野蛮だの可哀想だとの事で、現地を見に行ってらしたようですが、和歌山県知事に意見書を出すだけでなく、実際現場でも関係者に意見を述べましたか? ⇒その様な気既があったのなら、ピヨカンの森下まで直電話して来る事でしょう?
いや! それよりも、何よりも政府中枢のそれぞれの管轄の窓口から申し入れしたら良いのでは? もしも希望が通って、漁業&畜産等が日本から無くなり、海外から大量に輸入するとなると、これまた本末転倒ですよね? でも、だからと言って日本国内に住む人間の食を賄うだけの穀物を担保できる農耕可能な土地が確保できますか?って事。 はい、無理です。 そんなムリ無理を日本中枢では無く、とりあえず地方でちょこまかと動いているだけでは何も変わらないでしょう?
しかも全国の? 水族館や動物園をめぐる為、多くの皆様方からの、クラウドファンディングで志を一にする多くの皆様から集めた資金で購入した車でめぐる旅。 いいなぁ〜、途中で何食べてるんだろう? 見てみたいなぁ〜とか素朴に思うのは私だけでしょうか?
てか、希望が叶ったら、漁業関係者や畜産関係者への生活の補償はどうするのやら? ものすごく不安です。
この世の中、自分の思い通りに動く事など、まずありえません。 だからこそ自分のしたい事、すべきだと思う事を命尽きる迄、追及して行くのも、これまたロマンなのではないでしょうか?
他人に影響力を持つのも良いです。 が、自分の価値観を押し付ける様な事があってはいけません。 では皆様、お互いにそれぞれ進みたい道をこれからも歩んで参りましょう。
PS. ついウッカリしておりまして、先程PM7:56に目黒氏に直電話しましたが、お出になられませんのでなんでだろう? と思い、よくよく見てみると、【AM8:30〜PM5:30】の記載が!!
ではまた後日、お聞きしたい事もありますので、お耳にかかります。 【ピヨピヨカンパニー主宰:森下和代】
============================================================= ↓↓↓ About this year's chick fishing. Posted by: Mori-chan! Posted on: 2021/03/01 (Mon) 20:23 No.65
Now, starting this year, we will not be doing chick fishing or selling chicks at the flea market.
People from overseas sometimes come to the venue. At first, they frowned for a moment, but when we removed the dumplings and showed them that it was safe, they gave us a lovely smile and took a great photo of the chick.
Ah, but in exchange, when I was little, I used to go to the night market for carp fishing ⇒ Now that I think about it, weren't those fishing hooks for bald people? I sometimes think this way, even from the depths of my memory. Of course, this is a no-go!
We will be setting up goldfish scooping, carp scooping, and killifish scooping as scheduled. ⇒We will also check if you already have an aquarium at home and are raising any species.
However, thanks to the Kino River, a first-class river in Wakayama City, delicious water comes out of the tap, so even if you are raising them for the first time, you don't need to prepare sunbathing water.
And the most important thing is that I only let them do it when I'm about to go home.
I'll scold them if they whine and want to go first!
(Because I'm taking good care of them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.)
Last year's flea market was barely held on March 20, 2020, but has been canceled since then.
Due to the current COVID-19 situation, we need to disinfect the venue and ask exhibitors and visitors to submit their names and contact phone numbers, so we don't have enough manpower and we have to avoid [crowding].
We may not be able to offer in the future because we cannot guarantee the safety of many people now that COVID-19 is present. However, some people do come to the venue to buy them, so I thought I might take them with me. I was thinking about this when Meguro called out to everyone on February 23rd.
The Piyokan Flea Market poster that Meguro photographed and posted in Wakayama Castle Park was created and put up early last year, but...
Aside from that, Meguro did not call or email Piyokan or take any other action regarding this incident.
At Piyokan, the chick fishing style is as follows. As you can see, tie the octopus string to the safety clip, and tie the other end to a chopstick. For bait, mix chick food into udon noodles to make balls, and attach them to the round part of the clip. The basket was purchased at a 100 yen store and is about 12cm high. With the cage still in place, if you drop a dumpling in front of the chick, it will lift up and go into the cage due to its tendency to peck at things.
The cage contains food for the chicks.
When the dumplings are gone, you're done.
There are clear conditions for taking the animal home, and if you want to take one home, we ask what kind of animals you currently have at home, or don't have.
Similarly, do you have birds?
Even if you don't have birds, we also check if you have dogs or cats, and if you have pet sheets.
About 80% of our customers purchase from Piyokan every year, but if it's their first time raising a pet, we check if they own their home and if they can purchase the following heating materials at a home improvement store on the way home.
@: Silica light bulb [20W] A: Socket B: Cut-to-length electric cord, about 2-3m long C: Plug
Assemble the above items with a Phillips screwdriver.
On the way home, at the supermarket, please pick up a suitable cardboard box depending on the number of chicks you want to take home. If you have pet sheets, stack them like a mille-feuille: newspaper & pet sheets => newspaper & pet sheets. When they get dirty, peel them off and throw them away as trash.
If you don't have pet sheets, please use newspaper and kitchen paper instead.
Assemble the box, secure the top four corners with tape and pin them up! For the top, buy a net-like item and cable ties from 100% even value, and secure the tip of the handmade light bulb with cable ties so that it rests about 5 cm above the head of the standing chick.
[Tell them to be careful not to start a fire.]
In this way, we also explain how to create a home for the chicks for the time being.
When taking the chicks home, fill the bottom half of a bag for large goldfish [koi] and place the chicks on top of it.
The string part should be loosely wrapped so that there is an air hole at the top.
If you meet these conditions and take them home, you will be asked to write down your address, name, phone number, and the number of chicks you are taking home. Finally, if you have any problems growing up, you can call us directly at any time. You will eventually build and set up a chicken coop, even in your yard, until they grow big. When they grow big and start laying eggs, we will tell you to boil them and eat them if you are worried about them.
If you are unable to keep them at home for some reason, it would be great if you have a family member who can take them in, but even if you do not, we ask that you call Piyokan. Piyokan does not sell them and just leave them there, and we will come to your home to pick them up if you wish. Or, if it is the year you started raising them and there are still dates for the Piyokan-sponsored flea market, you can bring them to the venue at the next event and take home another item. Families with children who take home chicks will inevitably use the chicks to help them develop their emotional maturity. Taking care of them responsibly, watching them lay eggs and feeling the mystery and preciousness of life, and holding a hot freshly laid egg in the palm of your hand. Also, eating eggs on rice and other egg dishes makes you feel grateful to the chickens that laid the eggs. And above all, their life spans are shorter than humans, so by experiencing the sadness of losing a life through the inevitable parting, you will become kinder to those around you and those you are connected to, and I think that this will help you grow as a person.
In fact, Piyokan Morishita's late father also held a hunting license when he was alive, and I often saw him bring back various prey from the fields and mountains, such as deer, wild boar, wild rabbit, pheasant, duck, brown-eared bulbul, and wood pigeon, and skillfully butcher them at home. Of course, the hunting dogs that were active in the field also get a share of the prey. Since it was a life that had been given to them, the whole family was grateful to eat it without leaving anything behind. Even if people say this is cruel, I can't do anything about it.
Now, not only for the chicks of (Chick Fishing), but also for all the chicken lovers who gather on our website, if they have to give up their chickens at home due to some kind of trouble (most of them are ill), is there anyone who can take them in? When there is an emergency SOS, we make a call on the bulletin board and help people in nearby prefectures to take them in. ⇒For details, please refer to the past logs of the Piyokan bulletin board.
Now, however. Recently, we have received many opinions about (Chick Fishing) from everyone. However, since we are only reading the text written from the perspective of Mr. Meguro, who has not verified the facts about the Piyokan flea market, it is undeniable that there are various interpretations, such as 10 different people and 100 different people. Since there is no confirmation, I feel that the text contains biased views and assumptions.
However, there are people in this world who raise chickens (starting from chicks) and gratefully receive their eggs, and then eat them when they get older and stop laying eggs, and there are also people who keep them for the rest of their lives. It is different for each person. Some people said that they don't eat living things in general, but Piyokan's Morishita is grateful for everything and enjoys eating it. I think that the Japanese "itadakimasu" also fully takes into account the meaning of gratefully receiving other lives without leaving anything behind in order to sustain our own life. We must not forget that from the moment we are born into this world, we sustain our lives by receiving the lives of other living things. By the way, many of the people who looked at Meguro's website as much as they could using Piyokan's old computer, and who spoke to us by email or phone directly, said that they don't eat meat, fish, eggs, or milk. However, I think that the nutrients necessary to strengthen bones and grow and maintain our bodies can only be obtained from living lives other than our own. Aside from animal life (meat etc.), grass, trees and flowers will also grow healthily if they are played music. Isn't this proof that they are alive? Come to think of it, Meguro mentioned on one of his websites that it's okay to eat things that don't have nerves (or was this confirmed?), but is that a bit of a fallacy? I mean, vegetables can't talk, so it's really hard to do that!
But here's my opinion! Everything that exists on this earth has life. But you can't eat something because you don't like it, or eat it because you like it. Also, you are free to choose not to eat something because it's a living thing and you feel sorry for it.
By the way, Meguro seems to have a tendency to anthropomorphize living things, and even after searching a bit, I often see this kind of writing. But to me, isn't the following anime an example of beneficial anthropomorphization? I think so. [Cells at Work] [Cells at Work Black]
Currently, a food chain has been formed with humans at the top. Let's say we cancel this and go back to the primitive age. There is also a very useful anime about how humans can survive without civilization. [Dr. Stone] If you have the chance, please check it out.
By the way, if I were in Meguro's position, as soon as I saw the words "chick fishing" and realized that it was a flea market information poster that caught my eye, I would immediately call the phone number listed and ask my own questions about what it was. If you are not satisfied with that, and want to hear the opinions of others or spread the word, or are you doing awareness activities? I think the normal flow is to move on to such activities one by one.
If I were to express it in my own image, it would be like... Go for it! Go for it! ! Is this a scenario where the flag-waving general just stands back and watches as his troops launch an all-out attack?
Well, everyone is different, so it's natural that we all have our own beliefs and ways of thinking and understanding.
But that doesn't mean it's right to force those beliefs on others.
I don't want to be told to follow what others do!
I think most people think this even without saying it.
You only live once, so you should live it the way you want to.
And of course, that means you have to be responsible for your own affairs.
At Piyokan, we will continue to help as long as there are people who want to raise chicks (such as retired people and people who want to take it easy at home and raise chicks to adult chickens to live a simple, wonderful, slow life).
There may be criticism against raising living creatures to eat their eggs or meat, but this is nothing more than based on the current evaluation [regulations] that refer to industrial animals [livestock = cows, horses, pigs, sheep, chickens, etc.].
If I may say more... Fisheries = wholesale of sellable fish and some of the rest may be discarded.
= killing fish? If so, have you told the fishermen at a fishing port that they shouldn't kill fish?
Livestock industry = fattening [cows, pigs, sheep, horses, etc.] and turning them into meat = killing animals, right? If so, have you told the managers of any ranches, pig farms, etc.? By the way, you wrote that goldfish scooping, carp scooping, and killifish scooping at flea markets are also not allowed, so did you say to the head of the mobile store cooperative (commonly known as the tekiya-san) that you asked them not to allow goldfish scooping or carp scooping on the day of the nearest festival?
Also, you said that the dolphin drive hunting in Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture, is barbaric and pitiful, and you apparently went to see the site, but instead of just submitting a letter of opinion to the Wakayama governor, did you actually voice your opinion to the people involved at the site?
⇒If you had that kind of spirit, you would have called Morishita at Piyokan directly, right?
No! More importantly, why not make a request through the respective offices in the government's core? If your request is accepted and fishing and livestock farming disappears from Japan and we start importing large quantities from overseas, wouldn't that be putting the cart before the horse again? But does that mean we can secure enough arable land to produce enough grain to feed the people living in Japan?
Yes, it's impossible.
If we just try to do something as unreasonable as possible in the regions instead of at the center of Japan, nothing will change, right?
And all over the country?
To visit aquariums and zoos, they travel in a car purchased with funds raised from many people who share the same goal through crowdfunding.
That's nice, I wonder what they're eating along the way?
I wonder if I'm the only one who thinks that I'd like to see it?
But, if their wish is granted, how will they compensate those involved in the fishing and livestock industries?
I'm really worried.
In this world, it's almost impossible for things to go the way you want them to.
That's why it's also romantic to pursue what you want to do and what you think you should do until the end of your life.
It's good to have influence over others. But you shouldn't force your values on them. So, everyone, let's continue to walk the path we each want to walk.
PS. I accidentally called Mr. Meguro directly at 7:56 PM just now, but he didn't answer. I wondered why.
I looked closely and saw that it said [8:30 AM - 5:30 PM]!!
I'll ask you some questions later, so I'll keep you posted.
[PiyoPiyo Company Director: Morishita Kazuyo]
PS. I couldn't transfer the new images to , so please wait for the images for a while. ⇒Finally, I've posted them. 9:40 PM
フリマ:猫:花掲示板からの転記・4 | 2021/04/01(木曜) |
ピヨカンからリブへ教えて下さい... 投稿者:もりちゃんでっす! 投稿日:2021/03/05(Fri) 15:19 No.66
さてもさても、今般(ひよこつり)におきまして、巻き起こりました案件でありましたが。 ふつふつと疑問が生じて参りましたので、公開にて御尋ねする事と致します。 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
さて、当方としては2月23日【火】の目黒氏の流布により、大変迷惑を受けた形となりました。 そこで、3月1日【火】PM7:56に目黒氏の電話番号の記載のある物販販売の【特定商取引法に基づく表記】にある<090−8331−8923>へ直電話しましたが、【営業時間AM8:30〜PM5:30】となっておりましたので、コールはすれども出ない。 そこでちょうどよい機会か? と思い、リブと言う名称を知り得てから、まだ11日ですが、ウェブ上にある目黒氏に関する情報を拾ってみましたところ、さまざまな疑問が出てきました。 まず一つは、通常なら時間外に物販している携帯電話に着信があれば翌日の3月2日【火】AM8:30に即!返信するものだ思いますが、3月5日【金】のこの現時点においても電話1本ピヨカンへはありません。 で、先程、目黒氏の記載のあるページを見たところ、何と! 3月4日付で、16時間前の掲載【ひよこを助ける事が出来ました】との記述がありました。 https://m.facebook.com/animal.liberator/photos/a.1567352839974933/3947551701955023/?type=3&source=57 いやはや、これはもう笑止千万! 助けるも何も、ピヨカンのフリマ会場におけるコロナ感染対策上と会場スタッフ不足により、今後の(ひよこつりイベント)はどうしても不可能だとの判断により、長年開催していたひよこつりを終了したものです。 ちなみにピヨカンでは、目黒氏のお住まいの長野県から長年に渡り、ひよこを入荷しています。 他県での事をやいのやいの!と言うその前に、御自身のお膝元から、<生き物の開放>をされてはいかがでしょうか? お住まいの県におかれましても動物園・水族館・牛や豚&羊や、その他の生き物を肥育販売されている牧場等は、個人や企業もありますよね? 大日本猟友会も、47都道府県に網羅されており、本部は東京都千代田区に置かれてます。 又、街角の小さな小鳥店から全国展開している様な小動物販売店が、ホームセンター内にもたくさんありますでしょう? まずは、着実に足元から踏み固められた方が良いのでは?とアドバイスさせて頂いておきます。 ===============================
【目黒峰人氏への公開質問状】 @今回の当社主催のピヨピヨ♡フリーマーケット開催予告ポスター内の(ひよこつり)と言う文言を問題視し、事の詳細を当方に確認する事無く、目黒氏の憶測だけの解釈の弁論を展開する事により、善良な多くの方々の義憤を煽り又利用して、当社への抗議を殺到させるという結果を招いた事に付いて、どのようにお考えですか?
A政治団体アニマリズム党【東京都国分寺市高木町1−5−34(ジャスミンカフェ内)】と並行して、特定非営利活動法人動物解放団体リブ【東京都港区浜松町二丁目2番15号浜松町ダイヤビル2F(バーチャルオフィス)】を、いずれも令和1年11月1日に登記:設立されています。 https://virtualoffice-resonance.jp/access/access-hamamatuchou/ 政治団体アニマリズム党の方は令和2年3月27日付にて収支報告書を提出されていますが、非営利活動法人動物解放団体リブの方の納税申告は済ませてらっしゃいますか? まだされていないと言う事でしたら、決算月は何月ですか? https://www.soumu.go.jp/senkyo/seiji_s/seijishikin/contents/SS20201127/300610.pdf
B登記以前に既にクラウドファンディングを用いて、2018年1月26日達成で、158名の支援者より1,641,000円を、2018年11月1日達成で、175名の支援者より、2,368,000円の合計4,009,000円を集めておられます。 又その資金の中から中古車を購入し、その命名権を200,000円で募集し購入されてます。 <2017年9月4日にリブが発足したとの記載があります>。 車両購入の時期もありますでしょうが、個人名義と法人名義のどちらで登録をされたのでしょうか? 諸々ありますが、それらを含めて住所地である、長野県の木曽税務署の方へ正しく申告されているのでしょうか?
Cクラウドファンディングを行った際の名目(名称)が現在と同じで且つ、同じ目的で行われていたと仮定して、余剰金が無ければ良いですが、4,009,000円もの皆様から預かった資金が法人設立前の募集とはいえ、設立時点で0円になっていたという事であるとするならば、 設立前に、資金参加頂けた皆様方に決算報告書等の開示はなされたのでしょうか?
E設立時期によっては微妙ですが、【特定非営利活動法人動物解放団体リブ】は現状において賛同者様方からの寄付に対して返礼品?として様々な商品の取り扱いをされておられます。 今般のコロナウイルスにおける国からの(持続化給付金)を受けられましたか? 又は対象外でしたか?
F2017年12月9日の記述にファンドレイジング・スクールの記載があり、自身が2期生であり、その時点では准認定ファンドレイザーという資格を持つ立場にありましたが、その資格を用いて、設立後に行ったクラウドファンディングの成功金額からいくらかの手数料を受け取っているのでしょうか? 資格保有の為に必要な費用は自己資金で? それとも<2018年1月26日達成の1,641,000円>のこちらの資金から?
〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 とまあ、簡単ではございますが、東京の芝税務署及び、長野県の木曽税務署へは既に情報提供をさせて頂いております。 今後、【特定非営利活動法人動物解放団体リブ】として初の税務申告をされる際には正しく申告される事を願ってやみません。
うわ!なんじゃそりゃ??? もりちゃんでっす! - 2021/03/06(Sat) 12:39 No.67
ピヨカンが上記記事NO66を掲載して後、下記の目黒氏のアドレスの方へも、3月1日【月】PM7:56に直電話したが出なかった件と、3月5日【金】に公開質問状を掲載してるので、3月8日【月】に回答願いたい旨と、当方のフリマ掲示板のアドレスを張り付け掲載しておりました。 んが! 今見ると、サクッ!と消されており、又現状書き込みができなくなっております。
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3947553058621554&id=1555945557782328&anchor_composer=false 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 こんな事もあろうかと、と言うよりも書き込みを見ていないとトボケられてもなぁ〜と、本日3月6日【土】AM11:07に物販販売の携帯電話090−8331−8923の方へ念の為、メールを送信しておいてよかったです。
(有)ピヨピヨカンパニーの森下和代より、目黒峰人さんへ。 当社HP内フリマ掲示板上からの公開質問に対するお返事を8日に聞かせて下さいませ。
あちゃ! 下記のアドレスの、<松村ゆう>さんの書き込みに、(いいね!)を付けた後、ピヨカンのフリマHPを見に来て下さい的な書き込みをし、(箱山由実子)さんの書き込みの後ろに掲載しておりましたが、こちらも消されておりますね。⇒その証拠に返信(2)と言うカウントだけは残ってます。 そして同じ様に、現状書き込みができなくなっております。⇒【2021年3月6日PM1:17確認し、記載】
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ おりゃりゃ!! 更に、ピヨカン森下に対して【意識の低さもいいかげんにせんといかん!】と言う見出しで書いていた以下のページもですね。⇒<2021年3月6日PM8:03確認し、記載>
【情報をお寄せ下さい。】 もりちゃんでっす! - 2021/03/06(Sat) 21:42 No.68
【動物解放団体リブ】もしくは【非営利活動法人動物解放団体リブ】の目黒氏が主体となって行った、クラウドファンディングへ賛同&支援された方で、現在において何か疑問に思われている事がある方や、現状ピヨカンがまだ知り得ていない事実等をお持ちの方がいらっしゃいましたら、急ではございますが、是非ともピヨカンの方迄メールにて御意見をお寄せ頂けますれば幸いです。 3月8日【月】にまとめて、直電話にて目黒氏へ返答を求め、この掲示板上から7項目+その他の件をお聞きして、全て明らかにさせて頂きます。
<目黒氏主導のクラウドファンディング> 2018年1月26日達成の158名の支援者様方=1,641,000円 2018年11月1日(法人設立キッカリ1年前)達成の175名の支援者様方=2,368,000円 ============================================================== 計333名様方=4,009,000円
こんなところがありました。 もりちゃんでっす! - 2021/03/07(Sun) 14:13 No.69
これは明らかな<言論統制>であり、目黒氏が(ひよこつり)に付いて、旗振りをした結果多くの方々が動いたという事実を鑑み、その多くの方々の知る権利を取り上げている様に思います。 そこで【リブ:ブロック:拒否:削除】等々の名称で検索したところ下記の様な所が出て来ました。
ちょっと書いている内容が、怖い(変な思い込み?)です。 https://togetter.com/li/1503828
こちらは、馬の像に足を乗せている(足蹴にしている?)画像がありますがこれは撮影者自身の足では? https://animal-liberator.net/animal-liberator/tag/%E7%9B%AE%E9%BB%92%E5%B3%B0%E4%BA%BA/page/34
それから、今回の(ひよこつり)への御意見&ご要望を頂いた方との直電話の中で、リブとライツは違う! とのお話を聞いておりました。 両方共に、初めて聞く名称でした。 そこで本日【アニマルライツ】で検索したところ(鶏)に関しての活動は、私的にも共感する面がありました。
皆様おはようございます。 もりちゃんでっす! - 2021/03/08(Mon) 08:33 No.70
さて本日AM8:29&30&32の3回発信致しましたが、ツーツーツーです。 話し中なのか、着信拒否なのか?
AM8:39もツーツーツーです。【2021年3月8日AM8:41記載】 AM9:01もツーツーツーです。【2021年3月8日AM9:09記載】
駄目ですねぇ〜・・・ PM5:19もツーツーツーです。【2021年3月8日PM5:49記載】
LIBSHOPの方から連絡を付けようと、CONTACTをクリックして必要事項を記載し、【確認】する迄は進むが、何と! <送信>機能が付いてない??? なんじゃこりゃ!です。
本日も連絡が取れないですね。 もりちゃんでっす! - 2021/03/09(Tue) 18:10 No.71
いやはや、本日は AM9:00⇒ツーツーツーです。 PM1:01⇒ツーツーツーです。 PM5:17⇒音が鳴らなかったので、あれ?と再度かけ直しました。 PM5:17⇒ツーツーツーです。
本日先程、animal.liberator.net@gmail.comのアドレスを発見して以下の様にPM5:57に送信致しましたが果たして・・・ ↓↓↓↓↓(拡大した画面が以下の文面です。) animal.liberator.net@gmail.com
はじめまして。 (有)ピヨピヨカンパニー:代表取締役・森下和代と申します。
これらに付いて、一度ちゃんとお話をしたいと思い、【特定商取引法に基づく表記】の電話番号090−8331−8923に何度も連絡させて頂いております。 が、着信拒否をされているのか、常にツーツーツーです。
又、当方がリブさんの方へ記載した文面2ヶ所の削除に付いて、何か他の方々がご覧になられると不都合な事でもあったのでしょうか? 当社では、HPをご覧頂いて判る様に、何事か起れば常にディスクロージャーです。 が、特定非営利活動法人動物解放団体リブさんではそうでは無いのでしょうか?
090−8331−8923⇒この電話番号が故障しているならまだしも、もしも着信拒否という事でしたら誠にゆゆしき事です。 ご自身が仕掛けた当社への批判に対して、自分以外の人達に先鋒を務めさせ、ご自分は知らんふりですか? それではあまりにも無責任です。
今月は各地での公演もある様ですが、電話1本の事ですので必ずご連絡をお願い致します。 又、当方からも可能な限り、目黒氏と直接連絡が取れるように努力は致しますが、それも限界があるようでしたら、当方のHP内掲示板から、日本全国の目黒氏に連絡の取れるであろう方々に向かい、ピヨカン森下まで電話連絡をする様にと言う<ことづけ>を呼びかける事と致しますので、何分よろしくご了承下さいませ。
泣sヨピヨカンパニー http://www.piyokan.com/ 〒640−8297 和歌山県 和歌山市 西河岸町41−14 森下 和代 携帯 090−9116−3078 ================================================================
はい、着信拒否決定です。 もりちゃんでっす! - 2021/03/10(Wed) 16:44 No.72
本日は3回電話しました。 AM10:54⇒ツーツーツーです。
PM 3:00⇒和歌山市役所前の公衆電話からしたところ、普通にコールされました。
その後、少ししてから・・・ PM 3:01⇒ツーツーツーです。
=========================================================== ↓↓↓ Please tell Lib from Piyokan... Posted by: Mori-chan! Posted on: 2021/03/05 (Fri) 15:19 No.66
Anyway, this is an issue that has arisen in the recent (Chick Fishing) issue. I have a few questions, so I would like to ask them publicly.
Anyway, we have been greatly inconvenienced by the information spread by Mr. Meguro on February 23rd (Tuesday). So, on Tuesday, March 1st at 7:56pm I called the number listed for Mr. Meguro's phone number on the product sales page at 090-8331-8923, but the business hours were listed as 8:30am to 5:30pm, so no one answered. So I thought this might be a good opportunity, and although it had only been 11 days since I learned about the name Liv, I looked up information about Mr. Meguro on the web, which raised a number of questions. First of all, if a call is made to the product sales mobile phone outside of business hours, a reply would normally be made the following day, Tuesday, March 2nd at 8:30am, but even as of Friday, March 5th, not a single phone call has been made to Piyokan. So, I just looked at the page listing Mr. Meguro, and lo and behold! There was a post dated March 4th, 16 hours ago, saying that they had managed to save a chick. https://m.facebook.com/animal.liberator/photos/a.1567352839974933/3947551701955023/?type=3&source=57 This is just ridiculous!
We have decided that it is impossible to hold the chick fishing event in the future due to the COVID-19 infection prevention measures and the lack of staff at the Piyokan flea market venue, so we have ended the chick fishing event that we have been holding for many years.
By the way, Piyokan has been receiving chicks from Nagano Prefecture, where Mr. Meguro lives, for many years.
Before you start complaining about other prefectures, why not start "liberating animals" in your own hometown?
In your prefecture, there are zoos, aquariums, and ranches that raise and sell cows, pigs, sheep, and other animals, both private and corporate, right?
The Great Japan Hunters Association also covers all 47 prefectures, with its headquarters in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo.
Also, aren't there many small animal stores in home improvement centers that sell small birds on street corners and have expanded nationwide?
First of all, I would like to advise you to get a firm footing in the market.
= ... A In parallel with the political organization Animalism Party [1-5-34 Takagi-cho, Kokubunji-shi, Tokyo (inside Jasmine Cafe)], the specified non-profit organization Animal Liberation Organization Liv [2F Hamamatsucho Diamond Building, 2-2-15 Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku, Tokyo (Virtual Office)] was registered and established on November 1, 2019. https://virtualoffice-resonance.jp/access/access-hamamatuchou/ The political organization Animalism Party submitted an income and expenditure report on March 27, 2020, but have you filed your tax return for the non-profit organization Animal Liberation Organization Liv? If you haven't yet, what is your fiscal year end? https://www.soumu.go.jp/senkyo/seiji_s/seijishikin/contents/SS20201127/300610.pdf
B Prior to the registration, they had already used crowdfunding to raise a total of 4,009,000 yen, with 158 backers raising 1,641,000 yen on January 26, 2018, and 175 backers raising 2,368,000 yen on November 1, 2018.
They also used the funds to purchase a used car, and solicited and purchased naming rights for it for 200,000 yen.
It is stated that LIB was launched on September 4, 2017.
There may be a time when the vehicle was purchased, but was it registered under an individual name or a corporate name?
There are various things to consider, but have they all been properly reported to the Kiso Tax Office in Nagano Prefecture, where the address is located?
C Assuming that the name (name) of the crowdfunding campaign was the same as it is now and that it was conducted for the same purpose, it would be good if there was no surplus, but if the funds deposited from everyone, totaling 4,009,000 yen, were reduced to zero at the time of the incorporation, even though it was raised before the incorporation was established, were financial statements or other documents disclosed to everyone who contributed before the incorporation was established?
DAssuming that the funds received from everyone before the incorporation were left as surplus, were they carried over after the incorporation was established?
EIt depends on when the incorporation was established, but currently, [NPO Animal Liberation Organization Liv] handles various products as gifts in return for donations from supporters.
Did you receive the (Sustainability Grant) from the government in response to the current coronavirus?
Or were you not eligible?
FIn the entry dated December 9, 2017, you mentioned a fundraising school, and you were a second-year student at the time, so at that time you were qualified as a certified fundraiser. Using that qualification, do you receive a commission from the successful crowdfunding you conducted after the establishment?
Are you self-funding the expenses required to obtain the qualification?
Or are you using this fund from the 1,641,000 yen achieved on January 26, 2018?
Well, it's simple, but we have already provided information to the Shiba Tax Office in Tokyo and the Kiso Tax Office in Nagano Prefecture.
We hope that you will file your first tax return as [NPO Animal Liberation Organization] correctly in the future.
[PiyoPiyoCompany Owner: Morishita Kazuyo]
Wow! What is that? It's Mori-chan! - 2021/03/06(Sat) 12:39 No.67
After Piyokan published the above article No.66, I also contacted Mr. Meguro at the address below to inform him that I called him directly at 7:56 PM on Monday, March 1st but he did not answer, and that I had posted an open letter of inquiry on Friday, March 5th, so I would like him to respond on Monday, March 8th, and I also posted the address of our flea market bulletin board.
But! When I look at it now, it has been quickly deleted, and I am currently unable to post anything.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3947553058621554&id=1555945557782328&anchor_composer=false 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 I thought something like this might happen, or rather, I thought they might pretend they hadn't seen the post, so I sent an email to the sales mobile phone number 090-8331-8923 on Saturday, March 6th at 11:07 AM just to be sure.
The contents are as follows.
From Morishita Kazuyo of Piyo Piyo Company Ltd. to Meguro Minehito.
Please let me know on the 8th your response to the public question posted on the flea market bulletin board on our website.
So, we'll be hearing from you on Monday, March 8th.
Piyopiyo Company Owner: Morishita Kazuyo
Oh no! After I (Like!) the post by at the address below, I posted a message asking people to come and check out Piyokan's flea market website, which I posted after (Hakoyama Yumiko)'s post, but this has also been deleted. ⇒As proof, the only thing that remains is the count of replies (2). And in the same way, I am currently unable to post. ⇒ [Confirmed and posted on March 6, 2021 at 1:17 PM]
~ ... ⇒
[Please send us your information.] Mori-chan here! - 2021/03/06 (Sat) 21:42 No.68
If you have supported the crowdfunding campaign led by [Animal Liberation Group] or [NPO Animal Liberation Group]'s Meguro, and have any questions or facts that Piyokan does not currently know, we would be grateful if you could send us your opinions by email to Piyokan, even though it may be sudden. We will contact Mr. Meguro directly on Monday, March 8th to ask for his response, and we will ask him about the seven items from this bulletin board plus other matters, and we will clarify everything.
158 backers reached as of January 26th, 2018 = 1,641,000 yen 175 backers reached as of November 1st, 2018 (exactly one year before the incorporation) = 2,368,000 yen ============================================================== Total of 333 people = 4,009,000 yen
So, although the deadline is short, we look forward to hearing from all of you volunteers.
[PiyoPiyoCompany President: Morishita Kazuyo] ⇒ 090-9116-3078
I found this. Mori-chan here! - 2021/03/07(Sun) 14:13 No.69
This time, the contents posted by Piyokan Morishita on two sites owned by Meguro where posts can be made were deleted.
This is clearly a case of , and considering the fact that many people took action as a result of Meguro following (Hiyokotsuri) and waving the flag, I think that the right of many people to know is being taken away.
So I searched for names such as [lib: block: reject: delete], and the following came up.
What you're writing is a bit scary (a weird assumption?). https://togetter.com/li/1503828
Here is a picture of someone putting their foot on a horse statue (kicking it?), but is this the photographer's own foot? https://animal-liberator.net/animal-liberator/tag/%E7%9B%AE%E9%BB%92%E5%B3%B0%E4%BA%BA/page/34
Then, in a direct phone call with the person who gave me their opinion and request about this (chick fishing) event, I heard that lib and rights are different!
It was the first time I'd heard both names. So today, I searched for [animal rights] and found that the activities regarding (chicks) were something I could personally sympathize with.
From my point of view, Meguro's liberation seems to be a loud cry of "don't kill animals = don't eat them!?", and I have no idea what kind of future outcome he is aiming for.
When I think of the word "animal liberation," I think of activities like buying animals one by one from (zoos = detention centers) at one's own expense and returning them to their original habitat.
In the case of Rights, I agree with them a lot in that they support the premise of eating animals, but also propose and work to minimize the pain of taking a life.
Please take a look if you are interested.
[Piyo Piyo Company Director: Morishita Kazuyo]
Good morning everyone. This is Mori-chan! - 2021/03/08(Mon) 08:33 No.70
I called three times today at 8:29, 30, and 32 AM, but I got a buzzing sound.
Is the line busy or is it being blocked?
Since the call is coming in, I think that if the person is sincere, they will reply, but will they?
So, it will take some time for Piyokan to contact Mr. Meguro of Liv, so we are waiting for information from the 333 people who participated in the crowdfunding of 4,009,000 yen in the above article No. 68.
To be continued.
[Piyo Piyo Company President: Morishita Kazuyo]
It was also buzzing sound at 8:39 AM. [Written at 8:41 AM on March 8, 2021] It was also buzzing sound at 9:01 AM. [Written at 9:09 AM on March 8, 2021]
No good... It's still beeping at 5:19 PM. [Written at 5:49 PM on March 8, 2021]
I tried to contact them from LIBSHOP, clicked CONTACT, filled in the necessary information, and proceeded until I clicked [Confirm], but what! There's no function? ? ? What the heck!
I can't get in touch with them today either.It's Mori-chan! - 2021/03/09(Tue) 18:10 No.71
Well, today 9:00 AM⇒beep beep beep. 1:01 PM⇒beep beep beep. 5:17 PM⇒There was no sound, so I thought, "What?" and called again. 5:17 PM⇒beep beep beep beep.
Just today, I found the address animal.liberator.net@gmail.com and sent the following at 5:57 PM, but I wonder if it will work... ↓↓↓↓↓ (The enlarged screen shows the text below.) animal.liberator.net@gmail.com
Nice to meet you.
My name is Kazuyo Morishita, CEO of Piyo Piyo Company, Ltd.
I would like to inform you that on February 23rd [Tuesday], Mr. Meguro himself spread the word "chick fishing" in the poster announcing the Piyo Piyo Flea Market to be held on March 20th [Saturday: National Holiday], which we are hosting, and that this caused a lot of trouble for our company, and that I have seven questions in the form of public questions on our bulletin board [Flea Market: Cats: Flowers].
I would like to talk to you about these matters, so I have contacted the phone number 090-8331-8923, which is listed in the [Description based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act], many times. However, there is a constant buzzing sound, so perhaps the calls are being blocked.
Also, regarding the deletion of two pieces of text that we wrote to Lib, was there any inconvenience it would cause if others were to see them? As you can see from our website, our company always discloses anything that happens. But is this not the case with Lib, a non-profit organization that provides animal liberation?
090-8331-8923 ⇒ It would be one thing if this number was out of order, but if it is blocking calls, that is very serious. Are you letting others take the lead in attacking the criticism of your company that you yourself have started, and pretending not to know about it? That would be extremely irresponsible.
It seems that you have performances in various places this month, but please be sure to contact us as it is just a phone call. We will also make every effort to contact Mr. Meguro directly, but if there are limitations to this, we will post a message on our website to anyone across Japan who may be able to contact Mr. Meguro, asking them to call Piyokan Morishita.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Piyopiyo Company Ltd. http://www.piyokan.com/ 41-14 Nishikashicho, Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture, 640-8297 Morishita Kazuyo Mobile: 090-9116-3078 = ... 10:54 AM -> Beep, beep, beep.
3:00 PM -> I called from a public phone in front of Wakayama City Hall and the call went through as normal.
A little while later...
3:01 PM -> Beep, beep, beep.
[Piyo Piyo Company Owner: Morishita Kazuyo]
フリマ:猫:花掲示板からの転記・5 | 2021/04/01(木曜) |
掲示板をご覧の皆様方へ。 投稿者:もりちゃんでっす! 投稿日:2021/03/11(Thu) 10:50 No.73
さて、2月23日【火】にピヨカンに対して仕掛けられました、【ピヨピヨフリマ】内の(ひよこつり)の文言に付いての件。 現在サシで話をしようとしていますが、<着信拒否>と<メール無視>で仕掛けた本人自身、真摯にピヨカンに向き合おうとしません。 そこで、以下の様に皆様方にお願いする次第です。 ================================
(有)ピヨピヨカンパニー:代表取締役・森下和代より、HPをご覧の全国の皆様方へ。 特に、【特定非営利活動法人動物解放団体リブ】の目黒峰人氏の考えに賛同されている方、また、関連性を持つのであろうヴィーガン&アニマルライツの方々で、下記の講演会に参加される皆様方へのお願いです。
https://animal-liberator.net/animal-liberator/tag/%E7%9B%AE%E9%BB%92%E5%B3%B0%E4%BA%BA 3月14日(日) 神奈川県藤沢市「野犬保護について/アニマリズム」 3月19日(金) 東京都国分寺市「アニマリズム」 3月21日(日) 栃木県那須塩原市 昼の部「イルカ漁」 3月21日(日) 栃木県那須塩原市 夜の部「アニマリズム」
【特定非営利活動法人動物解放団体リブ】の一人設立者である目黒峰人氏が当社のピヨピヨカンパニー主催【ピヨピヨフリマ】の3月20日【火】開催告知ポスター内における(ひよこつり)と言う文言のみを捉えて、当社に何一つ確認する事もせず、自身の思い込みと憶測だけで2月23日【火】に3ヶ所から発信された内容により、義憤に駆られた善良な多くの皆様方を先導し当社への【抗議:ご意見:直電話:携帯メール】等を送らせ、当方の業務に混乱を招きました。 所が、仕掛けた本人である目黒峰人氏は、当社が書き込んだ、2ヶ所の書き込み(ピヨカンHPを見に来て下さい:当社の掲示板上からの公開質問にお答え下さい)と言う内容を何か不都合な事でもあるのか、サックリと勝手に削除されました。(そして、書き込みが出来なくなっております。)
【特定非営利活動法人動物解放団体リブ】と言う法人を興し、自身の信念があり、自分自身が行った【いや本人は動いてないので、行わせたが正しい】当社への行為に対して、何も恥じる事が無いのであれば堂々と当社からの電話に出る事が出来るはずです。 (尚、ご自分のページでは<ひよこつり>について都合の良い書き込みをされております。⇒早々に幕引きをしております。) と、この様に現在ヤリ逃げ状態が続いております。
今般の件に付きましては、当方のHP内にあります【フリマ:猫:花】の掲示板記事NO63:65:66に記載している通りです。 ⇒是非ご覧いただくと共に、この目黒峰人と言う人物像に付いて、認識を新たにして頂けますれば幸いです。
付きましては御面倒ではございますが、講演会が始まる前や、質疑応答等がある時に、是非とも下記の質問を投げかけて頂けないでしょうか? <どうして自分が仕掛けたピヨピヨカンパニーからのコンタクトを避け続けているのかと!>
今後もこの件に付きましては目黒氏と直接話ができる迄、経過報告【進捗状況】の記載をさせて頂きます。 もし、目黒氏に伝えましたよ〜って方がいらっしゃいましたなら、ピヨカンと目黒氏がちゃんとお話できたかどうかに付いて、注意深く今後のピヨカン内での掲示板【特に<フリマ:猫:花>】の書き込みを見守っていて下さいませ。
例えば・・・ 多くの皆様方からのピヨカンへ連絡してあげてと言うご意見を無視し続けて、これからもピヨカンと向き合わない=(お話をしない)と言う態度を取り続ける場合には、多くの目黒氏を知る皆様方の心に、あ〜なんなんだかなぁ〜、へぇ〜そういう人物だったのか・・・等、認識を改めざるおえない様な事になるかも知れませんが、その点も踏まえて、多くの皆様方からのご協力をお願いする次第です。 090−9116−3078⇒ピヨカン森下:フリマ専用携帯⇒現在目黒氏は着信拒否されてます。 ================================
ピヨカンより、ご覧の皆様方へ。 もりちゃんでっす! - 2021/03/16(Tue) 17:18 No.75
2月23日【火】〜2月28日【日】迄に目黒氏が流布した(ひよこつり)の件に対し、ピヨカンへメールをお送り頂いていた方の中の35名の方々に、ピヨカンと目黒氏が連絡が取れる様に、又、多くの方々にピヨカンの【フリマ:猫:花】掲示板を見に来て頂けるようにとの御協力のお願いをメールにてさせて頂きました。 ≪PM3:34〜PM4:18の間に完了≫
多くの皆様方の機動力に期待しております。 何分宜しくお願い申し上げます。
その後の御連絡です。 もりちゃんでっす! - 2021/03/19(Fri) 19:43 No.78
そこで、先程PM6:11に、代表電話番号042−842−9276へ、まずはアニマリズム党の会計の方を呼んで頂こうとしましたが、まだいらしていないと言う事なので、目黒さんをお願いしました。 長く待たされまして、ようやくに本人が出ましたので、和歌山のピヨピヨカンパニーの森下ですと名乗り、今回の件で何故確認もしないで拡散したのですか? と問いますと、通報があったと言う。 なので、違うでしょ? 目黒さんが、イルカの件で太地町に行った際に、和歌山城公園内に張られていた当方のポスターを見て、何の確認もしないで拡散したのでしょう? それに付いて、多くの方から当方への連絡が入り、逆に当方からその方々に連絡をしたところ、皆さん目黒氏とは接点が無いとの事。 それはすなわち、目黒氏が拡散した文言をうのみにした方々からの義憤のメールが集中し当方はとても迷惑を被ったという事です。 その事に付いてのお詫びは無いのですか?
又、目黒氏は何故当方からの連絡を拒否しているのですか? と問うと、出るつもりはないとの事。 そして早々に一方的に電話を切られました。 その間、約5分。
目黒氏と言う人は、ヤリっぱなしの謝ると言う事をしない人物なのだなと得心致しました。 <駄目だぁ〜こりゃ!です。>
今般、この目黒氏の拡散した当方の(ひよこつり)の自己解釈で、37名の方からピヨカンへのメールを頂きました。 内、2名の方は当初から御返事は不要との事でしたので、35名の方に以下の様に3月16日に一斉にメールをお送り致しました。 ================================ 先日は、当社へのご意見を賜わりまして誠にありがとうございました。
「泣sヨピヨカンパニー主宰」 http://www.piyokan.com/ もりちゃんこと 〒640−8297 和歌山県 和歌山市 西河岸町41−14 森下 和代 携帯 090−1914−8520 でした。 ================================
2021/03/16 18:40ーY様 2021/03/16 21:09−N様 2021/03/17 19:19ーK様 2021/03/19 0:40ーT様
皆様方一様に、目黒氏と接点が無いという事。 今回の目黒氏が拡散した内容を見て当方へメールを送られたという事。 又、T様からはツイッターやインスタグラムに新規アカウントを作ってみては?との御意見を頂きました。 が、私が機械音痴で、ギリ!大昔にフェイスブックに<morishita kazuyo>のみで作成したものの、その後、(この方はお知り合いでは?)とか、いろいろな連絡が入りましたので、ピヨカンのお客様方に迷惑がかかっては一大事! と言う事で、全く使用してませんでした。 が、今般の目黒氏のフェイスブックで<いいね!>を付ける事が出来ましたので、これはもしや書き込めるのか?と思い、書き込んだら、サックリと消されたと言う具合です。 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 ある方からは、公的に訴えた方が良いと言われましたが、現状このように逃げに入っている人物を相手にすること自体、時間がもったいないです。
また、私の前職から鑑みて、弁護士さんとは浅からぬ関係ではありました。 が、しょ〜もない人物とこれ以上関わるのは人生の無駄!ちゅ〜もんです。
ただし! 今後は確認すべき事は確認する事。 決して思い込みだけの、(〜そうです。)⇒今回の場合には<ひよこをくばるようです。>と言う様な書き方をしない様に。
喧嘩を吹っ掛ける相手はしっかりと見極める事。 そして、目黒氏におかれましては御自分のしたい事をして下さい。
自分の言動ひとつで、迷惑をかける相手が居ると言う事を、ゆめゆめ忘れてはいけません。 また、ごめんなさいと言う言葉を言える立派な大人になって下さい。
4月3日【土】ソフトバンクより、通信明細が届きましたので掲載致します。 ご覧頂いております様に、3月19日PM6:11・35〜8分34秒9間、通話しております。 <4月7日AM9:50記載・森下>
============================================================== ↓↓↓ To everyone viewing the bulletin board. Posted by: Mori-chan! Posted on: 2021/03/11 (Thu) 10:50 No.73
Now, regarding the wording (Chick Fishing) in the [Piyo Piyo Flea Market] that was set up against Piyokan on Tuesday, February 23rd.
I am currently trying to talk to him one-on-one, but the person who set it up by and is not trying to face Piyokan sincerely.
So, I would like to ask everyone to do the following.
= ... In particular, we would like to ask those who agree with the ideas of Meguro Minato of [NPO Animal Lib], as well as vegans and animal rights activists who may be related to this, and who will be attending the following lectures.
Sunday, March 14th: Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture "Protecting Wild Dogs/Animalism"
Friday, March 19th: Kokubunji City, Tokyo "Animalism"
Sunday, March 21st: Nasushiobara City, Tochigi Prefecture Daytime Session "Dolphin Fishing"
Sunday, March 21st: Nasushiobara City, Tochigi Prefecture Evening Session: "Animalism"
Mr. Meguro Minehito, one of the founders of the NPO Animal Liberation Group, only took note of the word "chick fishing" in the poster announcing the Piyo Piyo Flea Market to be held on Tuesday, March 20th, organized by our company Piyo Piyo Company, and sent out messages from three places on Tuesday, February 23rd based on his own assumptions and speculations without even checking with us. He led many good people who were indignant to send messages of protest, opinions, direct phone calls, and mobile emails to our company, causing confusion in our business.
However, Mr. Meguro Minehito, the person who started this, has deleted the two messages posted by our company (please visit the Piyokan website: please answer the public questions on our bulletin board) without asking for any information, perhaps because he found something inconvenient about them. (And now he can no longer post.)
Subsequently, calls from our company to the number (090-8331-8923) listed under the managed by Meguro have been blocked, and emails to LIBSHOP (animal.liberator.net@gmail.com) have been ignored.
If he founded a corporation called [NPO Animal Liberation Group LIB], has his own beliefs, and has nothing to be ashamed of for the actions he took against our company [well, he didn't do anything himself, so he made them do it, but it's right], he should be able to answer our calls with confidence.
(However, he has written convenient posts about on his own page. ⇒ We have quickly closed the matter.) And so, this is how it has been.
Regarding this matter, it is as stated in the bulletin board article No. 63:65:66 for [Flea Market: Cats: Flowers] on our website. ⇒Please take a look and I hope you will gain a new understanding of the character of Meguro Minato.
I apologize for the inconvenience, but could you please ask the following question before the lecture begins or during the Q&A session?
Also, if anyone knows how to contact Meguro Minato, please tell him to call Piyokan Morishita or turn off the call blocking.
I will continue to post progress reports on this matter until I can speak to Meguro directly.
If you have already spoken to Meguro, please keep a close eye on future posts on the Piyokan bulletin board [especially ] to see if Piyokan and Meguro have had a proper conversation.
For example... If we continue to ignore the many people asking us to contact Piyokan, and continue to take the attitude of not facing Piyokan (not speaking to him), it may cause many of you who know Mr. Meguro to change your perception of him, thinking, "Ah, I wonder what's going on," or "Oh, so that's the kind of person he was..." but with this in mind, we would like to ask for your cooperation. 090-9116-3078 ⇒ Piyokan Morishita: Flea market dedicated cell phone ⇒ Mr. Meguro is currently blocking calls. ============================================================================ By the way, I don't know how to use Instagram, SNS, Twitter, Facebook, etc., so if anyone who knows about them could somehow explain it to me, it would be very helpful.
So, everyone, please cooperate.
[PiyoPiyo Company Director: Morishita Kazuyo]
From Piyokan to everyone watching. It's Mori-chan! - 2021/03/16 (Tue) 17:18 No.75
We have sent emails to 35 people who sent emails to Piyokan regarding the (chick fishing) incident that Mr. Meguro spread between February 23rd [Tue] and February 28th [Sun], asking for your cooperation so that Piyokan and Mr. Meguro can be contacted, and so that many people can visit Piyokan's [Flea Market: Cats: Flowers] bulletin board.
I look forward to your mobility.
Thank you for your cooperation.
[PiyoPiyo Company Owner: Morishita Kazuyo]
I have a follow-up message for you. It's Mori-chan! - 2021/03/19(Fri) 19:43 No.78
Today, Meguro-san will be holding a talk session from 7pm to 9am at the location of Jasmine Cafe [Animalism Party] in Kokubunji, Tokyo.
So, I called the main phone number 042-842-9276 at 6:11pm to ask for the accountant of Animalism Party to come first, but he said he wasn't there yet, so I asked Meguro-san to come.
After a long wait, he finally answered the phone and introduced himself as Morishita from Piyo Piyo Company in Wakayama. When I asked him why he spread the message without checking, he said that someone had reported him. So that's not right, right? When Meguro went to Taiji about the dolphin incident, he saw our poster in Wakayama Castle Park and spread it without checking, right? Many people contacted us about this, and when we contacted them in return, they all said they had no connection with Meguro. In other words, we were bombarded with emails of indignation from people who took the words that Meguro spread at face value, which caused us a lot of trouble. Is there no apology for that?
Also, regarding the (chick fishing) incident, we have canceled future events due to a lack of manpower and the fact that chick fishing is crowded, so we cannot hold the event in the future, so why are you writing such convenient things?
No matter what I asked, they told me to tell the local government, so I asked which local government, and they said Wakayama???
I also asked why Mr. Meguro was refusing to be contacted by us, and he said he had no intention of answering. Then he quickly hung up the phone. It took about 5 minutes.
I realized that Mr. Meguro is a person who just keeps doing what he's doing and never apologizes.
Recently, 37 people have sent emails to Piyokan, based on the self-interpretation of our (Chick Fishing) that Mr. Meguro spread. Two of them said that they didn't need a reply from the beginning, so we sent the following email to 35 of them on March 16th. ==================================================================== Thank you very much for your opinion the other day.
This is Morishita Kazuyo from Piyo Piyo Company.
Now, following up on your opinion...
Please take a look at our [Flea Market: Cats: Flowers] bulletin board: Articles No. 63-64, 65, 66-72, and 73.
Currently, we would like to speak directly with Meguro Minato, and have tried everything we can to get him to do so, but two of our posts on Meguro's website have been quickly deleted, and our phone calls have been blocked.
We cannot understand why he is behaving in this way.
Is it not right that he spreads his own arbitrary opinions using the word "chick fishing," leads many people, and then does not come forward himself?
Conveniently, on March 4th, you posted a message on your website that seemed to say, "Chick Fishing is gone, good work!" to everyone.
Do you have any sense of responsibility as a member of society when it comes to such behavior? I wonder.
So, this is a request to all of you who have sent us feedback.
Since you are all involved in the Chick Fishing issue that Meguro Minehito called for, if anyone knows how to contact Meguro directly, I would ask you to please tell him to answer Piyokan's calls and turn off call blocking.
Or, if there is a place where you can post a link URL to Piyokan's Flea Market: Cats: Flowers, I would like as many people as possible to see it.
I wonder if there are any inconvenient things written that many people don't want to see behind the deleted message from us? I can't help thinking that.
I know it's rude of me to ask, but I'd be grateful if you could help me.
"Piyo Piyo Company Ltd." http://www.piyokan.com/ Mori-chan 〒640-8297 41-14 Nishikashicho, Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture Morishita Kazuyo Mobile number 090-1914-8520.
箱山由実子氏との会話。 | 2021/04/01(木曜) |
さて、箱山氏とは2月23日のPM2:00にメールをもらって直電話をしてから、26日目の3月21日PM4:49に直電話を致しました。 2月の段階では、箱山氏がどのような立場か不明でした。 が、目黒氏と近しい事がわかりましたので質問を投げかけてみました。
3月1日の当方の書き込みを見て頂いているか?⇒見ていない。 その後の目黒氏が当社からのコンタクトを避けている事、19日にようやくジャスミンカフェから呼び出して言葉を交わす事が出来たが、全くもって会話が成り立たないので箱山さんから見てどういう人物なのか? 又、親しい間柄ですか?⇒親しいという事も無いですが、知らない事も無い等・・・ (ひよこつり)の件は自分では無く通報があったと言うが、違うでしょ? 太地町の帰りに自身が公園に寄って撮影し、確認も取らずに拡散したのでしょう? と言うと無言でしたので、肯定したも同然です。 と言いますと、誰かから通報があったのかも知れないと言いますので、仮に通報があったとしてもピヨカンへ何の確認もせずに拡散した事実は変わらないが謝る事はしなかったですね、と伝える。
そこで、箱山さんは目黒氏の法人立ち上げの前の、2つのクラウドファンディングに資金を出されてますよね? 目黒氏のファンディング参加者2件に対し、333名4,009,000円に付いて、何か返礼品を受け取りましたか?⇒届いていたかもしれないが覚えていない。 法人設立時点で残金が残っていたら、立ち上げ時に資金を入れなければなりませんが、その形跡が見られない。 ところで資金を使い切ったと言う決算書はウエブ上からでも受け取りましたか?⇒来ていたかも知れないがたくさんメールが届くので見落としていたかもとの事。 https://readyfor.jp/users/276841
そこでピヨカン森下の元職を伝えると共に、目黒氏のfacebookに書かれた箱山さんの書き込みに付いて、箱山さんは目黒氏のfacebookにピヨカンへこの内容でメールを送ったと言う書き込みと、その後私と話した内容も早速記載されてましたが、多くの賛同者以外に、(松村ゆう)さんから、【ピヨピヨカンパニーの催しは違法でしょうか?逆にそれを阻止しようとするのは威力業務妨害にあたります。】と言う書き込みに対して箱山さんが、<威力を使っていませんので大丈夫です。>と書かれたその後ろに、私が書き込んだ文言とピヨカンへの御誘いURL等が削除されたのですよ。 と言いましたが、書き込んだとは言わない⇒無言。 又、職業である≪弁護士≫と言う名称は書かない方が良いですよ、私だから良かったものの、一般人には圧がかかりますよと苦言を呈しておきました。 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3915488418494685&id=1555945557782328&anchor_composer=false
ソフトバンクからの通信明細は、3月20日迄ですので、この分の通話記録は次回5月初旬に到着しますので今しばらくお待ち下さいませ。【4月7日AM9:50記載・森下】 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 はい、お待たせ致しました。 5月1日作成の請求書が届きましたので、掲載致しますね。 3月21日PM4:51:09〜話し始め、31分53秒02話しておりますね。 尚、個人の携帯電話で世間には広く知られてない模様ですので、末尾の2ケタは伏せて掲載致します。【2021年5月10日PM3:02記載・森下】
============================================================ ↓↓↓ Lawyer: Conversation with Hakoyama Yumiko.
[Note]: Piyokan Morishita Kazuyo, Meguro Minehito, and Hakoyama Yumiko are all public figures.
Now, I called Hakoyama directly on February 23rd at 2:00 PM after receiving his email, and then on March 21st at 4:49 PM, the 26th day after.
In February, it was unclear what position Hakoyama held.
However, I learned that he was close to Meguro, so I asked him a question.
Did you see my post from March 1st? ⇒No.
Meguro has been avoiding contact with us since then, and on the 19th I finally called him from Jasmine Cafe and we were able to talk, but we couldn't have a conversation at all, so what kind of person is he in Hakoyama's eyes?
Also, are you close friends? ⇒I'm not that close, but I'm not unfamiliar with him, etc...
You say that you didn't do it with the (chick fishing) incident, but someone reported it, but that's not true, is it?
You stopped by the park on your way back from Taiji, took the photo, and then spread it without checking, right?
When I asked that, you were silent, so I basically confirmed it.
I replied that maybe someone reported it, so even if someone had reported it, it doesn't change the fact that you spread it without checking with Piyokan, but you didn't apologize.
So, Hakoyama-san, you provided funding to two crowdfunding campaigns before Meguro started his company, right?
Did you receive any gifts in return for the 4,009,000 yen that 333 people donated to Meguro's two funding campaigns? ⇒I might have received some, but I don't remember.
If there was any money left at the time the company was established, you would have had to put in money when it was launched, but there's no sign of that.
By the way, did you receive the financial statement that says the funds were used up, even from the web? ⇒It may have arrived, but he said he may have missed it because he receives so many emails. https://readyfor.jp/users/276841
So, in addition to telling me about Piyokan Morishita's former job, Hakoyama wrote on Meguro's Facebook that he had sent an email to Piyokan with this content, and also immediately posted about the conversation he had with me afterwards. In addition to the many supporters, (Matsumura Yu) wrote in response to a post asking, "Are Piyopiyo Company's events illegal? On the other hand, trying to stop them would be considered obstruction of business by force." Hakoyama wrote, "It's okay because we didn't use force." After that, the words I wrote and the URL of the invitation to Piyokan were deleted. I said this, but he didn't say that he wrote it ⇒ He said nothing. I also criticized him, saying that it would be better not to write the title "lawyer" which is his occupation. It was fine because it was me, but it would put pressure on ordinary people. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3915488418494685&id=1555945557782328&anchor_composer=false
Softbank's communication statement will be available until March 20th, so the next call records for this period will arrive in early May, so please wait a little longer. [Written on April 7th at 9:50 AM by Morishita]
〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 Sorry for the wait. The invoice created on May 1st has arrived, so I will post it here. The call started at 1:09 PM on March 21st at 4:5, and lasted 31 minutes, 53 seconds, and 2 minutes. In addition, since this is a personal cell phone number and is not widely known, the last two digits will be hidden. [Written on May 10, 2021 at 3:02 PM by Morishita]
鶏の通常の掲示板より転記。 | 2021/04/01(木曜) |
Re: もりちゃんご苦労様、、、 ジャック - 2021/03/22(Mon) 14:35 No.25573
掲示板、見ていたのでご心痛お察しします。大変でしたね。本当。 ご苦労様でした。今の世の中、自分のなを広げたいが為に、ネットを使っての卑怯、卑劣な不届き者は本当に多く、情けない。。。。そう思っています。 以前、私ども、ネット上店舗情報だけでなく、GOOGLE-MAPさえ書き換えられるネット犯罪に悩まされました。 テレビ放映後のツイッターでの嫌がらせも。 警察に被害届け出しましたが、**正々堂々と名乗ってこい!**と言ってやりたい!!。。。
森ちゃん、不完全燃焼でさっぱり♫、、、とはいかないですが、どうぞこれからも頑張ってください。 遠くから応援しています。
御清聴ありがとうございます(笑�... もりちゃん。 - 2021/03/23(Tue) 10:30 No.25575
ところで、【目黒峰人ひよこつり】と検索してもらいますと以下の様に表示されます。 @・上段にピヨカンHP内で掲載した画像と、目黒氏の掲載した画像。
見比べてもらうと彼の詭弁が露呈しており笑えます。 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
1・何故確認もしないで拡散させたのか。⇒即答できず1呼吸〜2呼吸おいて、・・・ようやっと、通報があったと言う。 通報って、和歌山県太地町のイルカの視察帰りに、和歌山城公園に寄って、自分が撮影し裏取りもせずに拡散させたのでしょう?⇒無言(肯定)
今般の件では先鋒を勤めさせた皆様方に梯子を登らせたは良いが、ピヨカンがつまびらかにした目黒氏のピヨカンに対する態度を見るにつけ、梯子を外された感は否めない事でしょう。 義憤に駆られてピヨカンへメールをお送り頂いた全ての方々に対し、全く申し開きのしようも無い無責任な所業であったという事は明白です。
かろうじて彼の口から出た言葉は【行政に言って下さい】⇒どこの?和歌山の⇒どういう事? 今回の件で迷惑を被ったのが和歌山の各・行政であるのに、何故ピヨカンが何かを言う必要が???意味不明です。
PS. カフェの外観とか内装とかの画像も是非このピヨカン掲示板へ掲載して下さいね。
掲示板をご覧の皆様方へ。 もりちゃん。 - 2021/03/29(Mon) 20:56 No.25580
さて、2月23日から始まりました、今回の件ですが、別途【荒らし警告板】を作って頂きましたので、4月1日【木】に総括としての私の意見及び、時系列に沿ってのまとめ掲載を致します。 でないと、どんどん過去ログへ流れて行ってしまいますので。
その時点で、【フリマ:猫:花】掲示板への掲載はそのままで、他の3つの掲示板からは、サクッと削除して、通常通りに戻す事と致します。 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
尚、3月26日【金】のPM1:50頃の事。 23日にお墓参りに行って3日間お天気が良かったので、きっとお花の水もカラカラであろうと思い、御線香セットだけを持って赤いバイクで和歌山県庁前を通った所、道を挟んだ向かい側にある県民文化会館の塀部分にイルカのパネルをたくさん立てかけて、女性が拡声器で県庁に向かってガンガン!主張を述べている。 その傍らで男性がスマホでその様子を撮影しているのか、何だか気になりましたのでバイクを寄せてその男性に声をかけました。
どちらの団体ですか?⇒団体では無く個人だとの事。 和歌山県の方ですか?⇒私は大阪で、彼女は東京からです。 道路使用許可証はお持ちですか?⇒もう一人居てその者が持っていると言いますので、現場にいる人が持っていなければ、提示を求められた時にはアウトですよ、ここでしたら和歌山西署管轄ですが、今日は何時から何時迄申請してますか?と問いますと、AM8:00〜PM5:00との事。 でもPM5:00までは居ないと言う。 私は今から行く所があるので、また後から来るつもりですが、その頃には許可証をお持ちの方は戻って来られてますよね?という事で、一旦立ち去ろうとしますと、お名前を聞かせて欲しいと言われますので、森下です。 ところでイルカと言えば目黒峰人さんをご存知ですか?と問いますと、どうやら知っている模様でしたので、和歌山の森下からの電話に出て下さい、自分のしでかした事で当方が迷惑を被りましたのに、着信拒否はしないようにとお伝え下さいと伝言をお願いしました。
4月3日【土】ソフトバンクより、通信明細が届きましたので掲載致します。 ご覧頂いております様に、3月19日PM6:11・35〜8分34秒9間、通話しております。<4月7日AM9:50記載・森下>
=========================================================== ↓↓↓ Re: Thank you for your hard work, Mori-chan... Jack - 2021/03/22 (Mon) 14:35 No. 25573
I saw the message board, so I can imagine how much you must have suffered. It must have been difficult. Really.
Thank you for your hard work. In today's world, there are so many cowardly and despicable scoundrels who use the internet to spread their word, and it's pathetic. . . . That's what I think.
In the past, we were plagued by internet crimes where not only online store information but even GOOGLE-MAP was rewritten.
We also received harassment on Twitter after the TV broadcast.
We reported the damage to the police, but I want to say, **Come and tell me your name honestly! **!! . . .
Mori-chan, I'm not saying that you're completely satisfied with your efforts, but please continue to do your best.
I'm rooting for you from afar.
Thank you for listening (laughs)... Mori-chan. - 2021/03/23(Tue) 10:30 No.25575
There hasn't been much bulletin board vandalism lately, so I enjoyed this event for the first time in a while.
By the way... I don't think I'm completely done with it yet.
I'll expose those guys who are using the money they cleverly received from others to feed themselves and do other annoying things ``Are they trying to make more money?'' on the bulletin board on the Piyokan website for the time being.
By the way, if you search for [Meguro Minato Hiyokotsuri], the following will be displayed.
@・The top row shows the image posted on the Piyokan website and the image posted by Mr. Meguro.
A・First, Piyo Piyo Company
B・Second, I was able to save a chick + regular contact + Clubhouse
When you compare them, his sophistry is exposed and it's funny. 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
Furthermore, I will give you a detailed account of the phone conversation between Meguro and Piyokan Morishita at Jasmine Cafe on Friday, March 19th.
1・Why did he spread the information without checking? ⇒He couldn't answer right away, so he took a breath or two... and finally said that someone had reported it. Reporting is like a poem. On the way back from inspecting the dolphins in Taiji, Yamagata, you stopped by Wakayama Castle Park, took a photo yourself, and spread it without verifying it, right? ⇒ Silence (affirmative)
2. After reading the text that was spread based on Meguro's assumptions and arbitrary interpretation of the word "chick fishing," 37 emails were sent to us, which was a real nuisance, so have you not apologized for that? ⇒ Silence
3. Why did you delete the two articles that we wrote? ⇒ Silence
4. Why are you blocking our calls? ⇒ In a weak voice, he said that he had no intention of answering.
[He asked me to listen to him at this point, so I said, "Yes, how about it?" Even when I gave in and said "I'll give it to you!", he couldn't find the answer, and finally all he said was "please ask the local government." 】
5. Why didn't you reply to the email I sent? ⇒ No response
6. What was your response to the seven questions I asked publicly? ⇒ No obligation to answer... His voice was quiet and hard to hear, but that's what he meant.
[Problem] First, he tried to get away with the issue he called out for this time by saying that it wasn't him - that someone else had reported it.
Even if we were to give in and say that it was someone else who reported it, it's only natural that he would check it out himself (at least check with the Wakayama prefectural government!) before spreading it around, so he spread it around and let others take the lead, while he just stands there watching from a distance, not getting caught up in the flames?
In this case, it was fine to let the people who acted as the vanguard climb the ladder, but when you see Meguro's attitude towards Piyokan that Piyokan revealed, it is undeniable that the ladder has been pulled out from under them.
It is clear that this was an irresponsible act for which there is no justification to all the people who sent emails to Piyokan out of righteous indignation.
As proof of this, most of the people I spoke to directly could not hide their surprise that Piyokan had not received any contact from Meguro.
The words he barely managed to get out of his mouth were [Tell the authorities] ⇒ Where? In Wakayama ⇒ What does that mean?
It is the various Wakayama governments that have been inconvenienced by this incident, so why should Piyokan have to say anything??? It makes no sense.
Well, it's impossible to know someone's character just from the words of Meguro on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Piyokan Morishita is an analogue person, but in his previous job he negotiated a lot over the phone, and in his current job at Piyokan, he often talks directly to customers, especially since it's about living things, so I think he's a little better than others when it comes to getting to know the other person's character.
With that in mind, Meguro didn't expect to receive a direct call from Morishita, whose calls he has blocked, from the main phone number of Jasmine Cafe, but he couldn't even respond properly to the mistake he made, so I thought, "Does he have zero human skills?"
So, it seems that there are some people on Jack's side who are jealous and causing trouble, but let's kick each other out and go our own way.
PS. Please post pictures of the exterior and interior of the cafe on this Piyokan bulletin board.
To everyone viewing the bulletin board. Mori-chan. - 2021/03/29 (Mon) 20:56 No.25580
Now, regarding this matter that started on February 23rd, a separate [troll warning board] has been created, so on April 1st [Thursday] I will post my general opinion and a summary in chronological order.
Otherwise, it will just keep flowing into the archives.
At that point, I will leave the posting on the [Flea Market: Cats: Flowers] bulletin board as it is, but I will quickly delete it from the other three bulletin boards and return to normal.
This happened around 1:50 PM on March 26th [Friday]. I went to visit the grave on the 23rd, and the weather had been good for three days, so I thought the flowers would be dry, so I took only an incense stick set and passed in front of the Wakayama Prefectural Office on my red motorcycle. I saw a woman yelling at the prefectural office with a loudspeaker, leaning a bunch of dolphin panels against the wall of the Prefectural Cultural Hall across the street. I was curious as to whether a man was taking pictures of them with his smartphone, so I pulled over and called out to him.
Which group are you from? ⇒ He said he was not a group, but an individual. Are you from Wakayama Prefecture? ⇒ I'm from Osaka, and she's from Tokyo. Do you have a road use permit? ⇒ He said that there was another person who had one, so if the person at the site didn't have one, you're out when they ask you to show it. This place is under the jurisdiction of Wakayama Nishi Police Station, but what time are you applying today? I asked, and he said 8AM to 5PM. But he said he wouldn't be there until 5PM. I have to go somewhere now, so I'll come back later, but the person with the permit will be back by then, right? So, as I was about to leave, he asked me to tell him my name, and I said it was Morishita. By the way, speaking of dolphins, do you know Meguro Minato? I asked, and it seemed like he did, so I asked him to answer the phone call from Morishita in Wakayama, and to tell him not to block my calls, even though I had caused him trouble because of what I did.
(I also expressed my opinion on whaling, both the country and myself, at the scene.)
[Piyo Piyo Company, Director: Morishita Kazuyo]
I received a communication statement from Softbank on Saturday, April 3rd, so I will post it here. As you can see, the call took place on March 19th from 6:11:35 PM to 8 minutes 34 seconds 9 minutes.
【フリマ:猫:花】掲示板より、関連書き込み記事を転記。 | 2021/04/01(木曜) |
無題 投稿者:シゲちゃん 投稿日:2021/03/27(Sat) 11:54 No.79
Twitterを見ました 目黒氏って自分の都合の良いことしか書いてねぇけど 土佐闘犬は?競馬は?闘鶏は? これらには意見言えないんですよね? これらに対してのご意見を彼に聞いてみては?
シゲちゃんさん、いらっしゃいませ... もりちゃんでっす! - 2021/04/01(Thu) 04:12 No.81
ツイッター見れるのねぇ〜。 かくいう私も3月28日だったか? パソコンからアカウントちゅ〜の?一応作っては見ましたが、まだ機能させてません。 と言うか、よくわかりませんので!(爆)
いやぁ〜、さすがに【土佐闘犬は?競馬は?闘鶏は?】この3種の関係の方々には意見の(い)の字も出来ないでしょう? と言うよりも、ピヨカンのこの森下にも直電話やメールすら送って来ない方ですから!<激爆!>
================================================================ ↓↓↓ Untitled Posted by: Shige-chan Posted on: 2021/03/27(Sat) 11:54 No.79
I saw Twitter Meguro-san only writes what is convenient for him What about Tosa fighting dogs? Horse racing? Cockfighting? You can't say anything about these, right? Why don't you ask him what he thinks about these?
Welcome, Shige-chan... It's Mori-chan! - 2021/04/01(Thu) 04:12 No.81
You can see Twitter. I think it was March 28th for me too. Do you have an account from your computer? I made one, but I haven't made it work yet. I mean, I don't really understand it! (LOL)
Well, surely people involved in these three things [What about Tosa fighting dogs? Horse racing? Cock fighting?] can't even give a damn.
I mean, they don't even call or email Piyokan's Morishita directly! |
さて、ご覧の皆様方へ。 | 2021/04/07(水曜) |
しかし事実は当社への直電話は無くメールも無い状況であり、それは現在も進行中です。 それでも目黒氏が拡散に踏み切った理由とは一体何なのでしょうか? 御自身のユーチューブやインスタグラム&SNS・ツイッターをご覧になられている多くの皆様方への何らかのアピールなのでしょうか?
これが出来ない以上、今後の資金集めなんぞ!もってのほかです。 <この口が何を言う〜〜>と、口元をヒネきってあげて下さいませ。
============================================================ ↓↓↓ Now, to everyone watching.
Regarding the recent nuisance caused to our company by Meguro Minehito, we would like to make a suggestion to those who followed his lead and sent emails, phoned us directly, and posted on the message board.
Since Meguro claims that he was not the one who initiated the incident, but that someone reported him, surely he should have at least checked with our company, PiyoPiyo Company, before posting it on the three places where he spread it: SNS, Twitter, and Instagram, right?
However, the fact is that he has not called us directly or sent us emails, and this is still ongoing. So what is Mr. Meguro's reason for spreading it in spite of this? Could it be some kind of appeal to the many people who watch his YouTube, Instagram, SNS, and Twitter accounts?
Also, if he called us to confirm before spreading it, as we posted on April 7th, he should have obtained a telephone bill from his contracted mobile phone company and written the following statement: ``I called PiyoPiyo Company directly to thoroughly verify the facts. > and prove his innocence.
If he can't do this, there's no way he'll be able to raise funds in the future!
Please just twist your jaw and say, "What the hell is this guy saying?"